60 research outputs found

    Two New Cultivars of Cornus kousa: Melissa’s Mountain Snowfall and Sarah’s Mountain Pixie

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    Molecular Identification of Synanthedonini Members (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) Using Cytochrome Oxidase I

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    Many North American sesiid moths within Synanthodonini have been studied extensively because their feeding activity can cause detrimental economic and esthetic impacts to many commercially important ornamental and native plant species. Recent discoveries of nonnative clearwing moth pest introductions [e.g., Synanthedon myopaeformis (Borkh.)], reinforce the need for reliable and accurate molecular diagnostic tools that can be used by nontaxonomic experts, particularly when juvenile life stages are recovered from infested host-plant tissues. Cytochrome oxidase I (cox I) previously has been used to successfully identify species and resolve species complexes. In this study, the cox I phylogeny inferred from sequences generated from 21 species of sesiid moths classified within Synanthedonini confirms the close evolutionary relationship between sesiid species. As other authors have suggested in previous works, we observed that Synanthedon rileyana H. Edwards appears atypical for the genus, as it paired with Carmenta bassiformis (Walker) one node removed from, but not sister to, a large well-supported Synanthedon-rich clade. Sannina uroceriformis Walker and Podosesia MXöschler were observed nested deeply within the aforementioned well-supported clade (posterior probability [PP] of clade = 100) comprised of all Synanthedon species sampled, except S. rileyana. Placement of these two taxa conflicts with results from previous morphological studies. These placements were immune from repeated attempts to delete perceived nearby long branches within the data set. Despite these few conflicts and overall low statistical support for most interspecific and higher relationships, our data suggest that all species examined possess unique genetic signatures that lend themselves to accurate identification of all life history stages of these clearwing pests

    "Jumping Jack": Genomic Microsatellites Underscore the Distinctiveness of Closely Related Pseudoperonospora cubensis and Pseudoperonospora humuli and Provide New Insights Into Their Evolutionary Past

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    Downy mildews caused by obligate biotrophic oomycetes result in severe crop losses worldwide. Among these pathogens, Pseudoperonospora cubensis and P. humuli, two closely related oomycetes, adversely affect cucurbits and hop, respectively. Discordant hypotheses concerning their taxonomic relationships have been proposed based on host-pathogen interactions and specificity evidence and gene sequences of a few individuals, but population genetics evidence supporting these scenarios is missing. Furthermore, nuclear and mitochondrial regions of both pathogens have been analyzed using microsatellites and phylogenetically informative molecular markers, but extensive comparative population genetics research has not been done. Here, we genotyped 138 current and historical herbarium specimens of those two taxa using microsatellites (SSRs). Our goals were to assess genetic diversity and spatial distribution, to infer the evolutionary history of P. cubensis and P. humuli, and to visualize genome-scale organizational relationship between both pathogens. High genetic diversity, modest gene flow, and presence of population structure, particularly in P. cubensis, were observed. When tested for cross-amplification, 20 out of 27 P. cubensis-derived gSSRs cross-amplified DNA of P. humuli individuals, but few amplified DNA of downy mildew pathogens from related genera. Collectively, our analyses provided a definite argument for the hypothesis that both pathogens are distinct species, and suggested further speciation in the P. cubensis complex

    Plant Development andBiotechnology

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    358 hal,;ill,;21 c

    Foreword to the Special Issue on Cannabis

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    Plant development and biotechnology/ Edit. : Robert N. Trigiano

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    358 hal. : ill.; 29 cm

    In Vitro Propagation of an Endangered Helianthus verticillatus by Axillary Bud Proliferation

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    Helianthus verticillatus (Asteraceae), whorled sunflower, is a perennial species restricted to a few locations in the Southeastern United States. Habitat loss has caused H. verticillatus to become rare, and since 2014, it has been federally listed as an endangered species. As a part of the recovery plan for the restoration and protection of H. verticillatus, an efficient micropropagation protocol based on axillary shoot proliferation was developed. Various concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP; 0 to 4.44 µM) were examined for their morphogenetic potential in the regeneration of six genotypes of H. verticillatus from the nodal explants derived from greenhouse-grown plants. Both the BAP concentration and genotype had significant effects on the regeneration capacity of H. verticillatus. Although the induced buds were observed on ½-strength Murashige and Skoog medium without plant growth regulators, a higher rate of induction and bud development were achieved on media with either 0.88 or 2.22 µM BAP, regardless of the genotype. Successful rooting of the induced shoots was achieved within four weeks after the transfer from the induction medium to the fresh ½-strength MS medium, but the rooting efficiency was dependent on the plant’s genetic background. Regenerated plantlets, with well-developed shoots and roots, were acclimatized successfully to greenhouse conditions with a 97% survival rate. Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) markers were employed to assess the genetic uniformity of the micropropagated plants of H. verticillatus. No extraneous bands were detected between regenerants and their respective donor plants, confirming the genetic fidelity and stability of regenerated plants. To our knowledge, the protocol developed in this study is the first such report for this endangered species

    Propagation Methods for the Conservation and Preservation of the Endangered Whorled Sunflower (Helianthus verticillatus)

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    Helianthus verticillatus Small, the whorled sunflower, is a perennial species only found at a few sites in the southeastern United States and was declared federally (USA) endangered in 2014. The species spreads locally via rhizomes and can produce copious seeds when sexually compatible genotypes are present. Vegetative propagation of the species via cuttings and the optimum conditions for seed germination have not been determined. To investigate asexual propagation via cuttings, stem sections were harvested in late May, June, and July in Knoxville, Tennessee (USA) and trimmed to a minimum of two nodes. The base of the cuttings was treated with either auxin or water, and grown in a Promix BX potting medium with intermittent mist and 50% shade for one month. Seeds were harvested from a population of multiple genotypes in Maryville, Tennessee and used to determine viability and the range of temperatures suitable for germination. A clonal population was developed and used for three years to assess sexual compatibility at three locations in Knoxville, Tennessee. Ninety-five percent of the cuttings from May rooted in two-to-three weeks and formed more than 20 adventitious roots per cutting with auxin and 18 with water treatments. The ability of cuttings to root decreased in June to about 20%, and none rooted in July with either water or auxin pretreatments. Pre-germination tetrazolium tests indicated that about 91% of seeds (achenes) were viable. Subsequent germination tests revealed high germination at varying temperatures (96 to 99% of seeds (achenes) germinated at 22/11, 27/15, and 29/19 °C), whereas germination was significantly inhibited by 33/24 °C. Fifty percent of the seeds germinated at 22/11 °C in 7.5 days, whereas only 2.0 to 2.5 days were required for 50% germination at 27/15, 29/19, and 33/24 °C. Seeds were not produced at any of the clonal planting locations during the three years. Vegetative propagation via rooted cuttings was successful in the mid-spring, seed germination was possible over a wide range of temperatures, and self-incompatibility was evident in this species. The results of this study will permit fast and efficient propagation of multiple and selected genotypes for conservation, commerce, and breeding of elite cultivars with disease resistance or other desirable attributes