2 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemotongan Akar Dan Umur Bibit Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Jenis Seks Tanaman Pepaya

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    . Triatminingsih. R. 2009. The Effects of Root Cutting and Seedling Age on the Growth and SexType of Papaya. Out crossing the plant produces population segregation with variation of sex types in differentproportion. In plant crossing, identity of variety is the main key. On the other hand, sex identification technique atearly seedling stage is needed in order to accelerate generation cycle and to increase efficiency on crossing assessment.The objective of this research was to determine the influence of root cutting and seedling age on the growth and sextype of papaya. The research was conducted in Probolinggo, East Java, from April to December 2001. The split plotdesign with 4 replications was used in this experiment, where combination of variety and seedling age as the mainplot, and root cutting as the subplot. The results of this experiment showed that root cutting did not significantly affectthe percentage of survival and the flowering plant. Seedling age significantly affected the percentage of floweringplant, but not on the percentage of survival. Root cutting at seedling stage could affect the percentage of femaleflower and hermaphrodite flower. Root cutting on papaya seedling Sarirona variety at 3 weeks after transplantingin the polybag could decrease the percentage of female flower. While Dampit variety transplanted after 3-week inthe polybag without root cutting gave higher percentage of hermaphrodite flower. The percentage of hermaphroditeflower on Dampit variety was significantly different from Sarirona variety

    Perbanyakan Bibit Jeruk Citromelo Dan JC Secara in VI Tro

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah, Solok, Sumatera Barat, pada Februari sampai denganDesember 2002. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan me dia perbanyakan dan protokol teknikperbanyakan tanaman jeruk citromelo dan Japanche citroen secara in vi tro. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acaklengkap dengan sembilan ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa varietas mempunyai respons yangberbeda-beda terhadap me dia perlakuan, namun secara keseluruhan biaya produksi bibit batang bawah jeruk dapatditekan dari penggantian sukrosa dengan gula pasir. Komposisi me dia untuk regenerasi tu nas citromelo yang cocokadalah MT + 0,5 mg/l BAP + 0,02 mg/l NAA + 40 mg/l adenin sulfat + 30 g/l gula pasir dengan kecepatan multiplikasitu nas citromelo mencapai 6,25 tu nas per eksplan. Komposisi me dia pengakaran yang cocok untuk citromelo adalahMS + 1 mg/l NAA + 30 g/l gula pasir. Me dia untuk regenerasi tu nas JC adalah MT+0,5 Mg/l BAP+0,02 mg/l NAA+30g/l gula pasir. Protokol dalam proses produksi bibit batang bawah jeruk JC dan citromelo dimulai dari inisiasi kaluspada me dia B5 yang diperkaya dengan BAP+2,4-D kemudian kalus disubkulturkan ke me dia 0,1-0,5 mg/l BAP+0,02mg/l NAA. Setelah terbentuk tu nas dengan tinggi 2-3 cm dipindahkan ke me dia pengakaran, dan 3-4 minggukemudian plantlet siap diaklimatisasi atau ditransplan ke me dia campuran tanah dalam polibek.Kata kunci: Jeruk; Citromelo; Japanche citroen; Perbanyakan; Me dia; In vi troAB STRACT. Triatminingsih, R. and Karsinah. 2004. In vi tro prop a ga tion of citromelo and JC. This re searchwas con ducted at In do ne sian Fruit Re search In sti tute, Solok, West Sumatera, from Feb ru ary un til De cem ber 2002.The ob jec tive of the re search was to find out tech nol ogy in vi tro re gen er a tion of citromelo and JC. The treat ments werear ranged in RCBD with nine rep li ca tions. Re sults showed that the va ri ety tested have in di cated the same re sponse tothe me dia used and the cost was sig nif i cantly re duced through the re place ment of su crose with sug ar cane. Com po si -tion of me dia for citromelo re gen er a tion is MT + 0,5 mg/l BAP + 0,02 mg/l NAA + 40 mg/l ad e nine sul phate + 30 g/lsugarcane with rate of sprouts pro duc tion at 6.25 plantlets each explant, while for root ing me dia was MS + 1 mg/lNAA + 30 g/l sugar cane. Me dia for JC sprout re gen er a tion was MT+0,5 mg/l BAP+0,02 mg/l NAA+30 mg/lsugarcane. Pro to col for understam seed ling pro duc tion of citromelo and JC was ini ti ated by us ing B5 me dia en richwith BAP+2,4-D for cal lus ini ti a tion and then subcultured to me dia of 0,1-0.5 mg/l BAP+0.02 mg/l NAA. Af ter thesprout reached 2-3 cm height then transfered to root ing me dia. Af ter 3-4 weeks, the plantlets were ac cli ma tized andtransplanted to mix ture soil me dia in a polybag