1,009 research outputs found

    Ultra-fast escape maneuver of an octopus-inspired robot

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    We design and test an octopus-inspired flexible hull robot that demonstrates outstanding fast-starting performance. The robot is hyper-inflated with water, and then rapidly deflates to expel the fluid so as to power the escape maneuver. Using this robot we verify for the first time in laboratory testing that rapid size-change can substantially reduce separation in bluff bodies traveling several body lengths, and recover fluid energy which can be employed to improve the propulsive performance. The robot is found to experience speeds over ten body lengths per second, exceeding that of a similarly propelled optimally streamlined rigid rocket. The peak net thrust force on the robot is more than 2.6 times that on an optimal rigid body performing the same maneuver, experimentally demonstrating large energy recovery and enabling acceleration greater than 14 body lengths per second squared. Finally, over 53% of the available energy is converted into payload kinetic energy, a performance that exceeds the estimated energy conversion efficiency of fast-starting fish. The Reynolds number based on final speed and robot length is Re≈700,000Re \approx 700,000. We use the experimental data to establish a fundamental deflation scaling parameter σ∗\sigma^* which characterizes the mechanisms of flow control via shape change. Based on this scaling parameter, we find that the fast-starting performance improves with increasing size.Comment: Submitted July 10th to Bioinspiration & Biomimetic

    Efficiency of Fish Propulsion

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    It is shown that the system efficiency of a self-propelled flexible body is ill-defined unless one considers the concept of quasi-propulsive efficiency, defined as the ratio of the power needed to tow a body in rigid-straight condition over the power it needs for self-propulsion, both measured for the same speed. Through examples we show that the quasi-propulsive efficiency is the only rational non-dimensional metric of the propulsive fitness of fish and fish-like mechanisms. Using two-dimensional viscous simulations and the concept of quasi-propulsive efficiency, we discuss the efficiency two-dimensional undulating foils. We show that low efficiencies, due to adverse body-propulsor hydrodynamic interactions, cannot be accounted for by the increase in friction drag

    A digital platform for the design of patient-centric supply chains

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    Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T cell therapies have received increasing attention, showing promising results in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and aggressive B cell lymphoma. Unlike typical cancer treatments, autologous CAR T cell therapies are patient-specific; this makes them a unique therapeutic to manufacture and distribute. In this work, we focus on the development of a computer modelling tool to assist the design and assessment of supply chain structures that can reliably and cost-efficiently deliver autologous CAR T cell therapies. We focus on four demand scales (200, 500, 1000 and 2000 patients annually) and we assess the tool’s capabilities with respect to the design of responsive supply chain candidate solutions while minimising cost

    Coupled Inline-Cross Flow VIV Hydrodynamic Coefficients Database

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    Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV) cause major fatigue damage to long slender bodies and have been extensively studied in the past decades. While most of the past research focused on the cross flow direction, it was recently shown that the inline motion in the direction of the flow has a major impact on the fatigue life damage due to its higher frequency (second harmonic) and more importantly, its coupling with the crossflow motion, which triggers a third harmonic stress component in the cross flow direction. In this paper, the coupled inline-crossflow VIV problem is addressed from semiempirical modeling of fluid forces. Extensive fine grid forced inline-crossflow VIV experiments were designed and carried out in the MIT towing tank. An inline-crossflow VIV hydrodynamics coefficients database was newly constructed using the experimental results and it is expected to be useful for other semi empirical programs predicting coupled inlinecrossflow VIV in the field. Several key hydrodynamic coefficients in the database, including lift force coefficients, drag force coefficients and added mass coefficients, were systematically analyzed. The coefficients in the crossflow and the inline directions were found to have strong dependency on the phase between the inline and crossflow motions.BP-MIT Major Program

    Kill Line Model Cross Flow Inline Coupled Vortex-Induced Vibration

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    Currents and waves cause flow-structure interaction problems in systems installed in the ocean. Particularly for bluff bodies, vortices form in the body wake, which can cause strong structural vibrations (Vortex-Induced Vibrations, VIV). The magnitude and frequency content of VIV is determined by the shape, material properties, and size of the bluff body, and the nature and velocity of the oncoming flow. Riser systems are extensively used in the ocean to drill for oil wells, or produce oil and gas from the bottom of the ocean. Risers of ten consist of a central pipe, surrounded by several smaller cylinders, including the kill and choke lines. We present a series of experiments involving forced in-line and cross flow motions of short rigid sections of a riser containing 6 symmetrically arranged kill and choke lines. The experiments were carried out at the MIT Towing Tank. We present a systematic database of the hydrodynamic coefficients, consisting of the forces in phase with velocity and the added mass coefficients that are also suitable to be used with semi-empirical VIV predicting codes

    Shape of retracting foils that model morphing bodies controls shed energy and wake structure

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    The flow mechanisms of shape-changing moving bodies are investigated through the simple model of a foil that is rapidly retracted over a spanwise distance as it is towed at constant angle of attack. It is shown experimentally and through simulation that by altering the shape of the tip of the retracting foil, different shape-changing conditions may be reproduced, corresponding to: (i) a vanishing body, (ii) a deflating body and (iii) a melting body. A sharp-edge, ‘vanishing-like’ foil manifests strong energy release to the fluid; however, it is accompanied by an additional release of energy, resulting in the formation of a strong ring vortex at the sharp tip edges of the foil during the retracting motion. This additional energy release introduces complex and quickly evolving vortex structures. By contrast, a streamlined, ‘shrinking-like’ foil avoids generating the ring vortex, leaving a structurally simpler wake. The ‘shrinking’ foil also recovers a large part of the initial energy from the fluid, resulting in much weaker wake structures. Finally, a sharp edged but hollow, ‘melting-like’ foil provides an energetic wake while avoiding the generation of a vortex ring. As a result, a melting-like body forms a simple and highly energetic and stable wake, that entrains all of the original added mass fluid energy. The three conditions studied correspond to different modes of flow control employed by aquatic animals and birds, and encountered in disappearing bodies, such as rising bubbles undergoing phase change to fluid

    From Biological Cilia to Artificial Flow Sensors: Biomimetic Soft Polymer Nanosensors with High Sensing Performance.

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    We report the development of a new class of miniature all-polymer flow sensors that closely mimic the intricate morphology of the mechanosensory ciliary bundles in biological hair cells. An artificial ciliary bundle is achieved by fabricating bundled polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) micro-pillars with graded heights and electrospinning polyvinylidenefluoride (PVDF) piezoelectric nanofiber tip links. The piezoelectric nature of a single nanofiber tip link is confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Rheology and nanoindentation experiments are used to ensure that the viscous properties of the hyaluronic acid (HA)-based hydrogel are close to the biological cupula. A dome-shaped HA hydrogel cupula that encapsulates the artificial hair cell bundle is formed through precision drop-casting and swelling processes. Fluid drag force actuates the hydrogel cupula and deflects the micro-pillar bundle, stretching the nanofibers and generating electric charges. Functioning with principles analogous to the hair bundles, the sensors achieve a sensitivity and threshold detection limit of 300 mV/(m/s) and 8 μm/s, respectively. These self-powered, sensitive, flexible, biocompatibale and miniaturized sensors can find extensive applications in navigation and maneuvering of underwater robots, artificial hearing systems, biomedical and microfluidic devices

    Hydrogel-CNT Biomimetic Cilia for Flow Sensing

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    Imaging groundwater infiltration dynamics in the karst vadose zone with long-term ERT monitoring

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    Water infiltration and recharge processes in karst systems are complex and difficult to measure with conventional hydrological methods. In particular, temporarily saturated groundwater reservoirs hosted in the vadose zone can play a buffering role in water infiltration. This results from the pronounced porosity and permeability contrasts created by local karstification processes of carbonate rocks. Analyses of time-lapse 2-D geoelectrical imaging over a period of 3 years at the Rochefort Cave Laboratory (RCL) site in south Belgium highlight variable hydrodynamics in a karst vadose zone. This represents the first long-term and permanently installed electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) monitoring in a karst landscape. The collected data were compared to conventional hydrological measurements (drip discharge monitoring, soil moisture and water conductivity data sets) and a detailed structural analysis of the local geological structures providing a thorough understanding of the groundwater infiltration. Seasonal changes affect all the imaged areas leading to increases in resistivity in spring and summer attributed to enhanced evapotranspiration, whereas winter is characterised by a general decrease in resistivity associated with a groundwater recharge of the vadose zone. Three types of hydrological dynamics, corresponding to areas with distinct lithological and structural features, could be identified via changes in resistivity: (D1) upper conductive layers, associated with clay-rich soil and epikarst, showing the highest variability related to weather conditions; (D2) deeper and more resistive limestone areas, characterised by variable degrees of porosity and clay contents, hence showing more diffuse seasonal variations; and (D3) a conductive fractured zone associated with damped seasonal dynamics, while showing a great variability similar to that of the upper layers in response to rainfall events. This study provides detailed images of the sources of drip discharge spots traditionally monitored in caves and aims to support modelling approaches of karst hydrological processes
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