9 research outputs found

    Selected patient and tumor characteristics according to breast cancer subtypes defined by immunohistochemistry.

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    *<p>BCP  = 75.9% of TNBC.</p><p>BCP, basal core phenotype; HT, hormonal therapy; MRM, modified radical mastectomy; N, number; RT, radiotherapy; TNBC, triple-negative breast cancer.</p>1<p>p = 0.004, <sup>2</sup>p = 0.013, <sup>3</sup>p<0.001, <sup>4</sup>p<0.001,<sup> 5</sup>p = 0.030, <sup>6</sup>p = 0.031,<sup> 7</sup>p<0.001, <sup>8</sup>p<0.001, <sup>9</sup>p<0.001/</p><p>Patients were classified as: luminal A (ER<i>-positive</i> and/or PgR-positive, <i>HER2-negative, Ki67<sup>low</sup></i>); luminal B (ER<i>-positive</i> and/or PgR-positive, <i>HER2-negative, Ki67<sup>high</sup></i>); luminal-HER2 (ER<i>-positive</i> and/or PgR-positive, HER2-positive); HER2-enriched (ER-negative, PgR-negative, HER2-positive); triple-negative (TNBC) (ER-negative, PgR-negative, HER2-negative); and basal core phenotype (BCP) (TNBC, CK5-positive and/or EGFR-positive).</p

    Proteins, source and dilution of antibodies, staining procedures and patterns and interpretation analysis.

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    <p>DAB: 3,3′-Diaminobenzidine; C: Cytoplasmic; EGFR: epidermal growth factor receptor; ENZ: Proteolytic enzyme; ER1: Citric acid, pH 6.0;</p><p>ER2: ethylenediaminetetraacetate, pH 8.8; HP: Hot plate; HRP: Horseradish peroxidase; M: Membranous; N: Nuclear; SQ: semi-quantitative.</p><p>(1): Leica Biosystems, Newcastle, UK; (2): Dako, Glostrup, Denmark; (3): Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA.</p>1<p>Scores 1+, 2+ and 3+ were considered to be positive; <sup>2</sup>Score 3+ in >30% of tumor cells was considered to be positive.</p>*<p>Double IHC was performed for the following antibodies: CK5/p53, CK14/Ki67 and CK17/Vimentin in the TMAs of the HE10/97 trial.</p