4 research outputs found

    Annali storici di Principato Citra, A. 6, n. 2.2 (2008)

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    A. 6, n. 2.2 (2008): G. Guardia, Editoriale, P. 3 ; A. Trezza, Il Cilento in semiotica del paesaggio: testo della cultura e testo paesaggistico, P. 5 ; M.L. Mautone, Un cofanetto nuziale della bottega degli Embrachi al Museo Diocesano di Vallo della Lucania, P. 35 ; E. Granito, Lotte operaie nel Salernitano dall’Unità all’Età Giolittiana. Menechella la scapricciata e i suoi compagni, P. 48 ; A. Gargano, Affreschi oligarchici: lettere anonime, ricorsi e inchieste prefettizie nella vita socio-amministrativa di Pagani nel tardo Ottocento, P. 69 ; E. Bianco, L’incastellamento medievale nel Cilento interno: il borgo murato di Stio (XI-XVI sec.). Prime indagini, P. 96 ; E. Frescani, L’arte di imparare. Note sull’apprendistato nella valle dell’Irno nel XVII secolo, P. 109 ; E. Catone, I marchesi Forcella a Buccino. Brevi note genealogiche, P. 114 ; G. Pepe, Francesco Durelli: uno storico ignorato, P. 124 ; A. La Greca, “In diem Christi conscientiam onerantes”. L’atto di rifondazione della confraternita del SS. Rosario di Montecorice e del suo trasferimento dalla cappella di S. Sofia alla nuova chiesa parrocchiale di S. Biagio (6 febbraio 1589), P. 139 ; A. Capano, Note di toponomastica in margine al Catasto provvisorio di San Giovanni a Piro (1815) e di Bosco sua frazione (20 sett. 1828), P. 146 ; Nota di Redazione, Pioppi: « culla » della Dieta Mediterranea. Celebrati i 25 anni di “Cronache Cilentane” e la XVIII Edizione degli “Incontri Mediterranei”, P. 180 ; M. Serra, Un’avvincente iniziativa editoriale del Centro di Promozione Culturale per il Cilento, P. 183 ; G. De Vita, “Oltre la torre d’avorio”. Un libro degli allievi per i sessant’anni del prof. Luigi Rossi, P. 188

    Resti che ritornano testi: il ruolo della memoria in una possibile risemantizzazione di luoghi.

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    Nowadays, after decades of countryside and agricultural soils abandonment, we are facing more and more some "re-functionalizing" choices. But they too often anticipate a radical loss of sense not followed by a recovery of memory and local identities.In other words, rural architecture and landscape texts are systematically replaced by paralyzing "museifications", accompanied with an idea of "preservation" (with more or less "locked" parks and natural reserves); or by service/industrial aims, or, finally, by tourist based re-interpretations with mass consumerism intentions. Does a 'fourth way' exist which is able to offer a new possibility of meaning to these kinds of territorial texts, without mortifying their memory nor relegating them to a silent role or to "outdated" attitude? In this perspective of a new kind of possible recuperation, the role of Semiotics could consist in finding out emotional and cognitive valorizations of spatial articulation of sense, as well as vectorial concretions; where policy and architecture could be reciprocally involved towards planning and managing of the territory. In this way the memory of what is left as a mark on the territory of a pre-existent order (already disappeared or disappearing) could offer suggestions to political debates about planning. In this manner a radical change of the study perspective could be achieved; for instance, manufactures should be assumed not merely as precipitates of ideologies and political strategies but in fact as expressive, material and concrete rests (concretions...) able to activate semiotic processes of recognizing identities and possibilities along with the opening of new meanings

    Il viaggio come discorso. Etnosemiotiche degli spazi

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    Can the travel experience, to the eyes of a semiotician, make him reflect on the alleged capability of verbal language to give everything a form, and on the crucial role that, on the contrary, spatial languages often play, as possible pass keys for any traveller who, not sharing the local language, finds himself plunged into a meaningful space to be explored? A meaningful space is also, and above all, thick with a sense inscribed in itself by the semiotic practices that establish it such as it is, and that, in their turn, deliver it to the traveller who is able to read it and wants to interpret it by raising the game of sense which originally brought it into the world

    Controtendenza del retail nella crisi del nuovo millennio.

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