58 research outputs found

    New Directions in the Development of Population Estimates in the United States?

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    The advent of a continuously updated Master Area File (MAF) following the 2000 census represents an information resource that can be tapped for purposes of developing timely, cost-effective, and precise population estimates for even the smallest of geographical units (e.g., census blocks). We argue that the MAF can be enhanced (EMAF) for these purposes. In support of our argument we describe a set of activities needed to develop EMAF, each of which is well within the current capabilities of the U.S. Census Bureau and discuss various costs and benefits of each. We also describe how EMAF would provide population estimates containing a wide range of demographic (e.g., age, race, and sex) and socio-economic characteristics (e.g., educational attainment, income, and employment). As such, it could largely negate and eliminate the need for many of the traditional demographic methods of population estimation and possibly reduce the number of sample surveys. We identify important challenges that must be surmounted in order to realize EMAF and make suggestions for doing so. We conclude by noting that the idea of the EMAF could be of interest to other countries with MAF files and strong administrative records systems that, like the United States, are facing the challenge of producing good population information in the face of increasing census costs

    Silicon optical modulators

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    Optical technology is poised to revolutionize short-reach interconnects. The leading candidate technology is silicon photonics, and the workhorse of such an interconnect is the optical modulator. Modulators have been improved dramatically in recent years, with a notable increase in bandwidth from the megahertz to the multigigahertz regime in just over half a decade. However, the demands of optical interconnects are significant, and many questions remain unanswered as to whether silicon can meet the required performance metrics. Minimizing metrics such as the device footprint and energy requirement per bit, while also maximizing bandwidth and modulation depth, is non-trivial. All of this must be achieved within an acceptable thermal tolerance and optical spectral width using CMOS-compatible fabrication processes. This Review discusses the techniques that have been (and will continue to be) used to implement silicon optical modulators, as well as providing an outlook for these devices and the candidate solutions of the future

    Well-being across America

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    This paper uses Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data to study life satisfaction and mental health across the geography of the United States. The analysis draws on a sample of 1.3 million citizens. Initially we control for people's personal characteristics (though not income). There is no correlation between states' regression-adjusted well-being and their GDP per capita. States like Louisiana, plus Washington, D.C., have high psychological well-being levels; California and West Virginia have low well-being. When we control for incomes, satisfaction with life is lower in richer states, just as compensating-differentials theory would predict. Nevertheless, some puzzles remain

    Estimating the economic and demographic effects of an air quality management plan: the case of Southern California

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    The 1991 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) for the south coast air basin in California is designed to meet federal and state air quality standards. The direct effects of implementing the plan fall into the following categories: changes in business costs, shifts in the composition and amount of spending, and increases in the quality-of-life amenities. Inputting these effects into an economic and demographic forecasting and simulation model of the basin's economy, that includes business and human migration responses, we predict that up to the year 2000 employment will be increased by the AQMP, whereas real per capita disposable income (as it is traditionally meausred) will decrease. Net increases in employment result because decreases arising from increased costs are offset by net increases from spending changes and the effects of migration arising from amenity benefits derived from improved air quality.

    Conjoining an input - output model and a policy analysis model: a case study of the regional economic effects of expanding a port facility

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    A 484-sector Massachusetts static input - output (MIO) model is conjoined with the Massachusetts Economic Policy Analysis (MEPA) model which includes supply relationships, industrial location responses to changing costs, and a production function allowing substitution among inputs. This makes it possible to draw upon the distinctive features of both models. The technique is demonstrated by a study that analyzes the effect on the Massachusetts economy of the expansion of a container port facility at Boston. The approach presented here has general applicability to policy analysis and planning studies that require both the detailed regional interindustry interactions captured by a disaggregated input - output model and the cost, price, supply, location, and demand interdependencies which are endogenous in the best regional forecasting and policy simulation models.

    Predicting the local economic effects of proposed trip-reduction rules: the case of San Diego

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    The United States 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments set aggressive goals for state-level compliance and mandates for the use of employer trip-reduction (ETR) programs for certain regions. San Diego County, California, has responded to this mandate with its own trip-reduction regulation. The direct effects of the trip-reduction regulation fall into three categories, as follows: changes in spending, changes in costs, and changes in consumer amenities. The total effects on the local economy due to each of these categories are estimated using a Regional Economic Models, Inc. (REMI) forecasting and simulation model for San Diego County. This study is the first to use such a comprehensive methodology for an analysis of an ETR program. The study results show that spending effects on employment were positive, as local transit use replaced automotive-related expenditures and employees received cash incentive payments. The net increase in costs on business were modest with respect to the overall size of San Diego's economy. Consequently, the negative effects on business location due to these direct effects were also modest. There were significant effects from the program due to consumer utility reductions because subsidies and charges distorted consumer choices.