13 research outputs found

    Uber den Einfluss der Phrenicusexairese auf die Magenfunktion. II. Mitteilung : Experimentelle Studien an Hunden mit Hilfe des Rontgenverfahren

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    Was den Einfluss der Phrenicusexairese auf die Magenfunktion, besonders Magenfunktionsveranderung direkt nach Phrenicusexairese mit Hilfe des Magenkurvenverfahrens anbelangt, hat Verfasser schon in der vorigen Mitteilung berichtet. Er hat weiternoch uber ihre Dauerresultate geforscht. Zur Untersuchung hat er das Rontgenverfahren angewandt, womit er die Bewegungs- und Passagezustande des Inhaltes beobachten konnte. Als Versuchstier hat er erwachsene kleine Hunde gebraucht. Die Resultate sind folgendermassen:- 1. Der Magen verandert seine Form durch den Hochstand infolge gelahmten Zwerchfells, d. h. bei der rechtseitigen Phrenicusexairese wird Pylorus nach oben gezogen und bei der linksseitigen nach links unten. 2. Der Magentonus sinkt deutlich bald nach der Operation ab und zeigt den Zustand von Dilatation und Atonie. Und er stellt sich allmahlich wieder her bis zur Norm und zwar bei einseitiger Exairese nach einigen Wochen, bei beiderseitiger nach einigen Monaten. 3. Die Entleerung des Mageninhalts wird gestort und es verzogert sich der Initialzeitpunkt, in dem der Inhalt den Pylorus passiert, und auch die vollige Entleerungszeit. Diese Storungen zeigen eine allmahliche Wiederherstellung und sie kommen mit der Peristaltik zum normalen erst nach einigen Wochen zuruck. 4. Auch zeigt das Duodenum die Herabsetzung des Tonus und Dilatatation und der Dunndarm zeigt schnelle Passage und schmale Rontgenbilder. (Autoreferat.

    Showing the significant interaction between positive and negative affect on depression.

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    <p>High positive affect and low negative affect lead to lower levels of depression compared to low positive affect and high negative affect.</p

    Moderation model showing all main effects and significant moderator effects on depression.

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    <p>Moderation model showing all main effects and significant moderator effects on depression.</p

    The Relationship between the JobMatchTalent Test and the NEO PI-R: Construct Validation of an Instrument Designed for Recruitment of Personnel

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Personality measures in recruitment situations need to (1) cover the Big-Five model of personality and (2) focus on interpersonal requirements of jobs. We investigated the relationship between the JobMatchTalent test and the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO PI-R). The JobMatchTalent consists of three areas (i.e., Stability Patterns, Action Patterns, and Relation Patterns) divided in 10 main scales providing a deeper picture of the employee (e.g., Work Structure, Tolerance).</p><p>Method</p><p>The participants (<i>N</i> = 390) were recruited from the professional network LinkedIn and completed online versions of both instruments. We used correlation analysis to investigate the construct validity of the JobMatchTalent test by identifying significant correlation coefficients no lower than ±.30 (i.e., convergent validity) and those with nonsignificant correlations (i.e., discriminant validity). Regression analyses were used to investigate the variance of the NEO PI-R dimensions that was explained by the JobMatchTalent test.</p><p>Results</p><p>Four of the NEO PI-R dimensions showed considerable overlap with the following JobMatchTalent main scales: (1) Work structure and Decision Characteristics, which both are measures of thoughtfulness, planning, and order (i.e., Conscientiousness); (2) Inner drive, Activity, Drive, Acting, and Communication, which represent different aspects of being outgoing and extrovert (i.e., Extraversion); (3) Tolerance and Social interest, which measure a person's interest and ability to create social relations (i.e., Agreeableness); and (4) Stress Index, a measure of emotional stability (i.e., the opposite of Neuroticism). All 5 NEO PI-R dimensions overlapped with the JobMatchTalent sub-scales.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>The study suggests that 4 of the NEO PI-R dimensions are logically categorized along the JobMatchTalent main scales: (1) Order and Thoughtfulness, (2) Energy and Extraversion, (3) Social Adaptation and Interest, and (4) Emotion Control. Hence, it suggests substantial overlap between the instruments, but also that the two instruments cannot be considered as equivalent to assess individual differences in recruitment situations.</p></div

    Description of the 10 main scales in the JobMatchTalent test and the name of the sub-scales for each main scale.

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    <p>Description of the 10 main scales in the JobMatchTalent test and the name of the sub-scales for each main scale.</p

    Correlations between the JobMatchTalent sub-scales and the NEO PI-R domain Scales.

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    <p>Note: *<i>p</i><.05, **<i>p</i><.01.</p>○<p>Convergent correlations (<i>r</i> = ±.30),</p>▪<p>Discriminant correlations (non-significant).</p

    Illustration of the convergence validity results between the JobMatchTalent test and the NEO PI-R dimensions.

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    <p>Illustration of the convergence validity results between the JobMatchTalent test and the NEO PI-R dimensions.</p