19 research outputs found

    La tutela dei diritti umani in Europa tra sovranit\ue0 statale e ordinamenti sovranazionali

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    Il Volume si propone di offrire una visione dei sistemi di tutela dei diritti umani esistenti a livello europeo, pur nella consapevolezza che gli argomenti trattati non permettono di delineare un quadro esaustivo delle diverse problematiche. Nella scelta degli argomenti si \ue8 comunque tenuto conto di alcune delle principali questioni che animano l\u2019attuale dibattito scientifico. Nella redazione dell\u2019opera, a cui hanno partecipato diversi studiosi italiani e stranieri, si \ue8 perseguito l\u2019intento di coniugare il rigore dell\u2019indagine critica ad un\u2019attenzione particolare per le esigenze della didattica, al fine di offrire uno strumento rivolto non solo agli operatori giuridici, ma anche agli studenti universitari. In particolare, allo scopo di agevolare l\u2019uso didattico del Volume, si \ue8 ritenuto opportuno articolare l\u2019opera in cinque parti distinte, impiegabili indipendentemente l\u2019una dall\u2019altra ovvero secondo differenti combinazioni

    Efthymios Papastavridis. The Interception of Vessels on the High Seas, Contemporary Challenges to the Legal Order of the Oceans

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    Efthymios Papastavridis. The Interception of Vessels on the High Seas, Contemporary Challenges to the Legal Order of the Oceans . Oxford: Hart, 2013. Pp. 402. £65. ISBN: 978184946183

    The Role of Private Actors in Offshore Energy: Shifting Models of Participation

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    The role of private actors in the offshore energy industry has expanded with regard to both the law-making processes and the implementation of the relevant legal framework. This article critically examines the role private actors are playing in the offshore energy sector in order to delineate some trends in the ways in which private actors act and interact at the international level. It focuses in particular on instances where there is a delegation of regulatory powers or the implementation duties from the international and supranational level to the private actors. The article ultimately strives to identify which model(s) of participation by private actors the offshore energy sector is developing

    Search and Rescue Operations in the Mediterranean: Factor of Cooperation or Conflict?

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    Product of workshop No. 15 at the 11th MRM 2010This article analyses the practice of Mediterranean States with regard to search and rescue (SAR) operations that has repeatedly given rise to much dispute. Its particular focus is on the existing disagreements concerning the interpretation and implementation of international obligations. Mediterranean States diverge on the modalities for managing SAR zones, and on the obligations of the state in whose SAR zone the rescue operation took place. The article also examines the existing attempts at cooperation and coordination among Mediterranean States and the systems of exchange of information and means created by the European Union (EU). The impact of SAR zones and activities on the relations between Mediterranean States are considered in the light of the analysis of state practice. It finds that SAR operations can be both an opportunity for cooperation as well as a source of conflict.Product of workshop No. 15 at the 11th MRM 201

    Efthymios Papastavridis. The Interception of Vessels on the High Seas, Contemporary Challenges to the Legal Order of the Oceans

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    Efthymios Papastavridis. The Interception of Vessels on the High Seas, Contemporary Challenges to the Legal Order of the Oceans . Oxford: Hart, 2013. Pp. 402. £65. ISBN: 978184946183