287 research outputs found

    Palaeontologisch-geognostische Nachträge

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    Im Frühling dieses Jahres machte mich der leider seitdem verstorbene Conducteur Peters hier darauf aufmerksam, dass in einem Muschelkalk-Steinbruche, östlich der sogenannten Quellenburg, Versteinerungen ziemlich häufig vorkämen. Da bekanntlich die Muschelkalkschichten der nächsten Umgebung hiesiger Stadt dem mittleren Muschelkalke (dem Dolomit) angehören und sich durch einen gänzlichen Mangel an Versteinerungen auszeichnen; so war mir die erhaltene Mittheilung äußerst wichtig und versäumte ich nicht, den betreffenden Steinbruch einer näheren Untersuchung zu unterziehen

    Die jurassischen Bildungen der Umgegend von Osnabrück

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    Im vorliegenden Artikel werden die jurassischen Versteinerungen der Umgebung von Osnabrück (Provinz Hannover) untersucht, die bis dahin noch nicht genügend erforscht worden waren

    Die Urfauna des Weser- und Emsgebietes : systematische Zusammenstellung aller bislang in dem Gebiete zwischen Weser und Ems gefundenen fossilen Thierreste

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beabsichtigt, dasjenige, was die palaeontologische Forschung in Bezug auf das Weser- und Emsgebiet bis heute geleistet hat, in übersichtlicher Weise und möglichster Kürze zusammen zu stellen

    Der Kurort Grund am Harze / von W. Trenkner

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    Enteric Intussusception Presenting as a Rapidly Enlarging Mass

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73172/1/j.1572-0241.1986.tb01528.x.pd

    Quantitative analysis of cell types during growth and morphogenesis in Hydra

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    Tissue maceration was used to determine the absolute number and the distribution of cell types in Hydra. It was shown that the total number of cells per animal as well as the distribution of cells vary depending on temperature, feeding conditions, and state of growth. During head and foot regeneration and during budding the first detectable change in the cell distribution is an increase in the number of nerve cells at the site of morphogenesis. These results and the finding that nerve cells are most concentrated in the head region, diminishing in density down the body column, are discussed in relation to tissue polarity

    Social networks and social support in weight loss

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    In the research on weight control, there is currently a move away from use of artificial support groups to use of more naturally occurring support systems such as families and friends. While clients who are attempting to control their weight are often encouraged to seek support from families, friends, and co-workers, there is little information available which describes what kinds of support have been found to be most helpful and who are the best providers of this support. The purpose of this pilot project was to examine and describe the influence of different types of support and sources of support on weight control using a social networks analysis approach. Results of this pilot study suggest that social support is important in weight control with appraisal support, both general and specific to weight control, being most strongly correlated with weight loss. The precise influence of spouses and families needs further clarification. Results of this pilot project showed that over 40% of the sample identified family members as both the most and least helpful in attempts to control weight.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/28536/1/0000334.pd

    Impact of dietary starch on extrahepatic tissue lipid metabolism in farmed European (Dicentrarchus labrax) and Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer)

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    In aquaculture, there is high interest in substituting marine-derived with vegetable-based ingredients as energy source. Farmed carnivorous fish under high carbohydrate diets tend to increase adiposity but it remains unclear if this happens by increased lipid retention/accumulation, promotion of lipogenic pathways, or both. In order to determine the response of extrahepatic tissue to dietary starch, European (Dicentrarchus labrax) and Asian (Lates calcarifer) seabass were fed a control (low starch; LS) or experimental (high starch; HS) diet, for at least 21 days and then transferred for 6 days to saltwater enriched with deuterated water 2H2O. Incorporation of 2H-labelling follows well-defined metabolic steps, and analysis of triacylglycerols (TAG) 2H-enrichment by 2HNMR allowed evaluation of de novo lipogenesis (DNL) in muscle and visceral adipose tissue (VAT). Fractional synthetic rates for TAG-bound fatty acids and glycerol were quantified separately providing a detailed lipogenic profile. The FA profile differed substantially between muscle and VAT in both species, but their lipogenic fluxes revealed even greater differences. In European seabass, HS promoted DNL of TAG-bound FA, in muscle and VAT. High 2H-enrichment also found in muscle TAG-bound glycerol was indicative of its role on lipid cycling. In Asian seabass, HS had no effect on muscle FA composition and lipogenic flux, with no 2H-enriched TAG being detected. VAT on the other hand revealed a strong enhancement of DNL in HS-fed fish along with high TAG-bound glycerol cycling. This study consolidated the use of 2H2O as tracer for fish lipid metabolism in different tissues, under different dietary conditions and suitable to use in different fish models

    Superficial femoral vein versus extra-anatomic bypass in treatment of vascular prosthesis infection

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    Wstęp. Celem pracy jest ocena wyników leczenia zakażeń protez naczyniowych, w których zastosowano pomost pozaanatomiczny oraz żyłę udową powierzchowną jako pomost naczyniowy w miejsce po usuniętej protezie. Materiał i metody. W latach 2001–2003 na Oddziale Chirurgii Naczyniowej Kliniki Kardiochirurgii AM w Gdańsku przeprowadzono 1580 operacji z zakresu chirurgii naczyniowej. W 14 przypadkach operację wykonano z powodu zakażenia protezy. U 6 chorych w celu odtworzenia krążenia w kończynach zastosowano pomost wykonany z żył udowych powierzchownych, w tym u 4 pacjentów w leczeniu zakażenia pomostu aortalno-dwuudowego, u 1 — aortalno-udowego i u 1 — pachowo-udowego. W ostatnim przypadku dodatkowo wykorzystano udrożnioną tętnicę udową powierzchowną (grupa I). U wszystkich chorych z tej grupy pomost przeprowadzono przez kanał po usuniętej protezie. U 8 chorych zastosowano pomost pozaanatomiczny (grupa II). W 6 przypadkach wykonano pomost pachowo-dwuudowy, a w 2 — pomost pachowopodkolanowy. U wszystkich chorych zabieg odtwarzający krążenie w kończynie poprzedzał częściowe lub całkowite usunięcie protezy, a cała procedura została wykonana jednoczasowo. Grupa I (n = 6) Grupa II (n = 8) Okres obserwacji (miesiące) 4–18 (średnio 11,4) 2–24 (średnio 14,5) Śmiertelność 1 (16,6%) 2 (25%) Amputacje 0 1 Reperacje 2 1 U żadnego z chorych, u których pobrano żyłę udową powierzchowną, nie zaobserwowano dużych obrzęków lub nasilonych objawów niewydolności żylnej kończyn. Wnioski. Leczenie operacyjne zakażeń protez naczyniowych jest wciąż bardzo trudne. Zastosowanie odpowiedniej metody terapii w poszczególnych przypadkach jest podstawą uzyskania dobrego wyniku. Żyła udowa powierzchowna może stanowić doskonały materiał zastępujący zakażoną protezę, zwłaszcza w przypadkach, w których wykonanie pomostu pozaanatomicznego jest niemożliwe.Background. The objective of this paper is to evaluate results of therapy of infected vascular prostheses with replacement of the prosthetic material with autologous superficial femoral vein. Material and methods. Between 2001 and 2003, 1580 vascular surgeries were performed in Department of Vascular Surgery. In 14 cases, indications of infection of the vascular prosthesis were seen. In 6 patients, venous material (superficial femoral vein — SFV) was used to re-establish circulation in the affected leg. SFV was used in the treatment of infections of aorto-bi-femoral bypasses (4 cases), aorto-femoral (1) and axillofemoral (1). In the last case, a desobliterated superficial artery was used (group I). In all the above cases, a new by-pass was run through the tunnel left after the removal of the infected prosthesis. In 8 cases, an extra-anatomical by-pass was inserted (group II). In 6 cases, axillo-bi-femoral by-pass was performed and 2 patients received axillo-popliteal bypasses. In every patient reconstructive procedure, regenerating flow in the affected limb, was preceded by partial or total excision of the infected prosthesis (during the same surgery). Results. Group I (n = 6) Group II (n = 8) Observation (months) 4–18 (average 11,4) 2–24 (average14,5) Mortality 1 (16,6%) 2 (25%) Amputations 0 1 Resurgeries 2 1 None of the patients in whom we performed SFV harvest presented with major edema or venous insufficiency. Conclusion. Treatment of vascular prosthesis infection is still a complicated therapeutic problem. Application of the correct treatment methods for each case is the key to therapeutic success. SVF may be an excellent replacement material, especially in cases where placement of an extra-anatomic bypass is impossible