192 research outputs found

    Characterizing the early vocabulary profiles of preverbal and minimally verbal children with autism spectrum disorder

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    Abstract Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often have significant language delays. But do they learn language differently than neurotypical toddlers? We compared the lexical skills of 64 preverbal and minimally verbal children with ASD, to 461 vocabulary-size-matched typically developing (TD) toddlers. We also examined social features of verb knowledge using a novel collection of social ratings. Children with ASD produced proportionally more verbs than TD toddlers. Children with ASD produced proportionally more action and food words, while TD toddlers produced proportionally more animal, people words, and animal sounds and sound effects. Children with ASD also produced “mommy” and “daddy” at lower rates. We discuss how these differences may reflect an association between lexical development and weaknesses in social communication. Lay abstract Although preverbal and minimally verbal (PV-MV) children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) represent a significant portion of the ASD population, we have a limited understanding of and characterization of them. Though it is a given that their lexical profiles contain fewer words, it is important to determine whether: a) the words PV-MV children with ASD produce are similar to the first words typically developing (TD) children produce, or b) there are unique features of the limited words that PV-MV children with ASD produce. The current study compared the early word profiles of PV-MV children with ASD to vocabulary-matched TD toddlers. Children with ASD produced proportionally more verbs than TD toddlers. Also, children with ASD produced proportionally more action and food words, while TD toddlers produced proportionally more animal words, animal sounds and sound effects, and people words. Children with ASD also produced “mommy” and “daddy” at lower rates. Our findings identified several areas of overlap in early word learning; however, our findings also point to differences that may be connected to core weaknesses in social communication (i.e., people words). The findings highlight words and categories that could serve as useful targets for communication intervention with PV-MV children with ASD

    Reply to Rouder (2014) : good frequentist properties raise confidence

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    Established psychological results have been called into question by demonstrations that statistical significance is easy to achieve, even in the absence of an effect. One often-warned-against practice, choosing when to stop the experiment on the basis of the results, is guaranteed to produce significant results. In response to these demonstrations, Bayes factors have been proposed as an antidote to this practice, because they are invariant with respect to how an experiment was stopped. Should researchers only care about the resulting Bayes factor, without concern for how it was produced? Yu, Sprenger, Thomas, and Dougherty (2014) and Sanborn and Hills (2014) demonstrated that Bayes factors are sometimes strongly influenced by the stopping rules used. However, Rouder (2014) has provided a compelling demonstration that despite this influence, the evidence supplied by Bayes factors remains correct. Here we address why the ability to influence Bayes factors should still matter to researchers, despite the correctness of the evidence. We argue that good frequentist properties mean that results will more often agree with researchers’ statistical intuitions, and good frequentist properties control the number of studies that will later be refuted. Both help raise confidence in psychological results

    From multiple perspectives to shared understanding

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    The aim of this study was to explore how learners operating in a small group reach shared understanding as they work out joint research questions and build a theoretical framework and to identify the resources and tools they used in the process. The learners’ own interpretations of their group activities and learning were also taken into account. The data, consisting of group discussions and the documents produced by the group, were subjected to a qualitative content analysis. The group members employed a variety of resources and tools to exchange their individual perspectives and achieve shared understanding. Summaries of relevant literature laid a foundation for the group’s theoretical discussions. Reflective comparisons between their book knowledge and their personal experiences of online interaction and collaboration were frequent, suggesting that such juxtapositions may have enhanced their learning by intertwining the content to be mastered and the activities entailed by this particular content

    Positive Youth Development Interventions Impacting the Sexual Health of Young Minority Adolescents: A Systematic Review

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    A systematic literature review was conducted to assess the utility of Positive Youth Development (PYD) concepts in promoting positive sexual health behaviors in young minority adolescents (n = 12 studies). Interventions reported significant associations between PYD-focused interventions and ever having sex, sexual partners in the last 30 days, using protection at the last sexual encounter, and decreased pregnancy rates. Outcomes were reviewed by age, gender, PYD constructs, cultural tailoring of interventions, and retention rates. Few interventions focused exclusively on young minority adolescents. PYD can be an effective tool in promoting sexual health in younger minority adolescents, but additional research is needed to determine beneficial strategies for this age group and timing of interventions. Recommendations for future studies include additional guidance on operationalization of PYD concepts, effective cultural tailoring methods, dosage of intervention components, and de-linking minority status from socioeconomic status (SES) and high-risk behaviors.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Development of surrogate correlation models to predict trace organic contaminant oxidation and microbial inactivation during ozonation

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    The performance of ozonation in wastewater depends on water quality and the ability to form hydroxyl radicals ( OH) to meet disinfection or contaminant transformation objectives. Since there are no on-line methods to assess ozone and OH exposure in wastewater, many agencies are now embracing indicator frameworks and surrogate monitoring for regulatory compliance. Two of the most promising surrogate parameters for ozone-based treatment of secondary and tertiary wastewater effluents are differential UV254 absorbance (ΔUV254) and total fluorescence (ΔTF). In the current study, empirical correlations for ΔUV254 and ΔTF were developed for the oxidation of 18 trace organic contaminants (TOrCs), including 1,4-dioxane, atenolol, atrazine, bisphenol A, carbamazepine, diclofenac, gemfibrozil, ibuprofen, meprobamate, naproxen, N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET), para-chlorobenzoic acid (pCBA), phenytoin, primidone, sulfamethoxazole, triclosan, trimethoprim, and tris-(2-chloroethyl)-phosphate (TCEP) (R2 = 0.50–0.83) and the inactivation of three microbial surrogates, including Escherichia coli, MS2, and Bacillus subtilis spores (R2 = 0.46–0.78). Nine wastewaters were tested in laboratory systems, and eight wastewaters were evaluated at pilot- and full-scale. A predictive model for OH exposure based on ΔUV254 or ΔTF was also proposed

    Abstinence-Only Education and Teen Pregnancy Rates: Why We Need Comprehensive Sex Education in the U.S

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    The United States ranks first among developed nations in rates of both teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. In an effort to reduce these rates, the U.S. government has funded abstinence-only sex education programs for more than a decade. However, a public controversy remains over whether this investment has been successful and whether these programs should be continued. Using the most recent national data (2005) from all U.S. states with information on sex education laws or policies (N = 48), we show that increasing emphasis on abstinence education is positively correlated with teenage pregnancy and birth rates. This trend remains significant after accounting for socioeconomic status, teen educational attainment, ethnic composition of the teen population, and availability of Medicaid waivers for family planning services in each state. These data show clearly that abstinence-only education as a state policy is ineffective in preventing teenage pregnancy and may actually be contributing to the high teenage pregnancy rates in the U.S. In alignment with the new evidence-based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative and the Precaution Adoption Process Model advocated by the National Institutes of Health, we propose the integration of comprehensive sex and STD education into the biology curriculum in middle and high school science classes and a parallel social studies curriculum that addresses risk-aversion behaviors and planning for the future

    Disrupting the Ethical Imperatives of “Junior” Critical Qualitative Scholars in the Era of Conservative Modernization

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    In this article, we wrestle with the core issue of how early career researchers translate central tenets and core concepts of critical theory and critical methodology into their research practice. By way of creative representation, we draw from bell hooks and Cornel West’s (1991) written rendition of their verbal dialogue in Breaking Bread: Insurgent Black Intellectual Life. Their hope was to offer the book in a dialogic format in such a way that mirrored the synergy in their verbal discussions as friends and intellectual colleagues. In a similar vein, we hope to share with readers the synergy and depth of the narratives that have transpired during our ongoing discussions on the important topic of critical praxis as part of a collaborative research group called the Disruptive Dialogue Project (Gildersleeve, Kuntz, Pasque & Carducci, 2010; Kuntz, Pasque, Carducci, & Gildersleeve, 2009).Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Type-specific dendritic integration in mouse retinal ganglion cells

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    Neural computation relies on the integration of synaptic inputs across a neuron’s dendritic arbour. However, it is far from understood how different cell types tune this process to establish cell-type specific computations. Here, using two-photon imaging of dendritic Ca2+ signals, electrical recordings of somatic voltage and biophysical modelling, we demonstrate that four morphologically distinct types of mouse retinal ganglion cells with overlapping excitatory synaptic input (transient Off alpha, transient Off mini, sustained Off, and F-mini Off) exhibit type-specific dendritic integration profiles: in contrast to the other types, dendrites of transient Off alpha cells were spatially independent, with little receptive field overlap. The temporal correlation of dendritic signals varied also extensively, with the highest and lowest correlation in transient Off mini and transient Off alpha cells, respectively. We show that differences between cell types can likely be explained by differences in backpropagation efficiency, arising from the specific combinations of dendritic morphology and ion channel densities

    Evaluation of a novel nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite paste OstimÂź in comparison to Alpha-BSMÂź - more bone ingrowth inside the implanted material with OstimÂź compared to Alpha BSMÂź

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance a newly developed nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite, OSTIM<sup>Âź </sup>following functional implantation in femoral sites in thirty-eight sheep for 1, 2 or 3 months. Ostim<sup>Âź </sup>35 was compared to an established calcium phosphate, Alpha BSM<sup>Âź</sup>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Biomechanical testing, ÎŒ-CT analysis, histological and histomorphological analyses were conducted to compare the treatments including evaluation of bone regeneration level, material degradation, implant biomechanical characteristics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The micro-computed tomography (ÎŒCT) analysis and macroscopic observations showed that Ostim<sup>Âź </sup>seemed to diffuse easily particularly when the defects were created in a cancellous bone area. Alpha BSM<sup>Âź </sup>remained in the defect.</p> <p>The performance of Ostim was good in terms of mechanical properties that were similar to Alpha BSM<sup>Âź </sup>and the histological analysis showed that the bone regeneration was better with Ostim<sup>Âź </sup>than with Alpha BSM<sup>Âź</sup>. The histomorphometric analysis confirmed the qualitative analysis and showed more bone ingrowth inside the implanted material with Ostim<sup>Âź </sup>when compared to Alpha BSM <sup>Âź </sup>at all time points.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The successful bone healing with osseous consolidation verifies the importance of the nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite in the treatment of metaphyseal osseous volume defects in the metaphyseal spongiosa.</p
