15 research outputs found

    Substitution of adeno-associated virus Rep protein binding and nicking sites with human Chromosome 19 sequences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV2) preferentially integrates its DNA at a ~2 kb region of human chromosome 19, designated <it>AAVS1 </it>(also known as <it>MBS85</it>). Integration at <it>AAVS1 </it>requires the AAV2 replication (Rep) proteins and a DNA sequence within <it>AAVS1 </it>containing a 16 bp Rep recognition sequence (RRS) and closely spaced Rep nicking site (also referred to as a terminal resolution site, or <it>trs</it>). The AAV2 genome is flanked by inverted terminal repeats (ITRs). Each ITR contains an RRS and closely spaced <it>trs</it>, but the sequences differ from those in <it>AAVS1</it>. These ITR sequences are required for replication and packaging.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study we demonstrate that the <it>AAVS1 </it>RRS and <it>trs </it>can function in AAV2 replication, packaging and integration by replacing a 61 bp region of the AAV2 ITR with a 49 bp segment of <it>AAVS1 </it>DNA. Modifying one or both ITRs did not have a large effect on the overall virus titers. These modifications did not detectably affect integration at <it>AAVS1</it>, as measured by semi-quantitative nested PCR assays. Sequencing of integration junctions shows the joining of the modified ITRs to <it>AAVS1 </it>sequences.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The ability of these <it>AAVS1 </it>sequences to substitute for the AAV2 RRS and <it>trs </it>provides indirect evidence that the stable secondary structure encompassing the <it>trs </it>is part of the AAV2 packaging signal.</p

    Inferring predominant pathways in cellular models of breast cancer using limited sample proteomic profiling

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Molecularly targeted drugs inhibit aberrant signaling within oncogenic pathways. Identifying the predominant pathways at work within a tumor is a key step towards tailoring therapies to the patient. Clinical samples pose significant challenges for proteomic profiling, an attractive approach for identifying predominant pathways. The objective of this study was to determine if information obtained from a limited sample (i.e., a single gel replicate) can provide insight into the predominant pathways in two well-characterized breast cancer models.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A comparative proteomic analysis of total cell lysates was obtained from two cellular models of breast cancer, BT474 (HER2+/ER+) and SKBR3 (HER2+/ER-), using two-dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Protein interaction networks and canonical pathways were extracted from the Ingenuity Pathway Knowledgebase (IPK) based on association with the observed pattern of differentially expressed proteins.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 304 spots that were picked, 167 protein spots were identified. A threshold of 1.5-fold was used to select 62 proteins used in the analysis. IPK analysis suggested that metabolic pathways were highly associated with protein expression in SKBR3 cells while cell motility pathways were highly associated with BT474 cells. Inferred protein networks were confirmed by observing an up-regulation of IGF-1R and profilin in BT474 and up-regulation of Ras and enolase in SKBR3 using western blot.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>When interpreted in the context of prior information, our results suggest that the overall patterns of differential protein expression obtained from limited samples can still aid in clinical decision making by providing an estimate of the predominant pathways that underpin cellular phenotype.</p

    Use of Adeno-Associated Virus as a General Transduction Vector for Mammalian Cells

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