14 research outputs found

    Multi-level support for physical activity and healthy eating

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    Aim. This paper reports a study evaluating the relationship between social and community level supports and physical activity and dietary behaviours among a low-income Latino population with multiple chronic conditions

    Propagação in vitro de Baptistonia pubes (Lindl.) Chiron & V.P. Castro (Oncidium pubes Lindl.) (Orchidaceae) Propagation in vitro of Baptistonia pubes (Lindl.) Chiron & V.P. Castro (Oncidium pubes Lindl. - Orchidaceae)

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    Baptistonia pubes Ă© uma epĂ­fita que ocorre na Floresta AtlĂąntica do Brasil, no Paraguai e norte da Argentina. É considerada espĂ©cie vulnerĂĄvel e ameaçada de extinção. Nossos objetivos foram avaliar a eficĂĄcia da germinação de suas sementes e o crescimento em dois pHs utilizando-se dois meios de cultura: Murashige-Skoog (modificado - (MS)) e meio nutritivo Ă  base de banana nanica acrescido de NPK 20-20-20 (Plant ProodÂź) (BAN) variando-se as concentraçÔes de nutrientes e pH para a germinação e para o crescimento inicial das plĂąntulas. As sementes germinaram em mĂ©dia 15 dias apĂłs a inoculação, em todas as condiçÔes. A porcentagem de germinação variou entre 2,6 a 11,6%, sendo que a maior porcentagem ocorreu no pH=5,2 BAN e a menor no pH=6,2 MS/2. O meio BAN foi mais eficiente na germinação. Os pHs, em cada meio, alteraram significativamente as mĂ©dias das sementes germinadas. As plĂąntulas cresceram mais no meio nutritivo Ă  base de banana nanica no pH = 5,2.<br>Baptistonia pubes is an epiphyte that grows in Brazilian Atlantic Forest, in Paraguay and northern Argentina. It is considered vulnerable and threatened with extinction. Our aim was to verify seed germination efficiency and growth at two pHs, using two culture mediums: Murashige-Skoog (modified - (MS)) and banana pulp with added NPK 20-20-20 (Plant ProodÂź) (BAN), with varied nutrient and pH concentrations for germination and for growth. The seeds germinated on average 15 days after the inoculation, at all conditions. The percentage of germination varied between 2.6 and 11.6 %. The highest percentage was at pH=5.2 BAN and the lowest at pH=6.2 MS/2. The banana pulp was most efficient for germination. The pHs, in each environment, altered significantly the averages of the germinated seeds. Seedling growth showed better results in the banana medium, pH = 5.

    Engagement of men in group treatment programs

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    The goal of this paper is to arrive at a better understanding of the process of men’s engagement in treatment groups. Given the low perseverance rate of men in such groups, engagement is crucial to program continuance and results. A number of treatment factors and strategies that can influence engagement in group therapy programs are drawn from a review of the literature. To gain a better understanding of the factors and how they interrelate, the literature was reviewed from the perspective of Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecological model. The studies reviewed show that engagement is influenced by various factors associated with the characteristics of the participants, their family environment, treatment program, and cultural and social values. Current knowledge is discussed to highlight the main research and practice issues concerning men’s engagement in treatment groups. The review underscores the importance of exploring the influence of male socialization on men’s engagement, given that some traditional norms may curb their involvement and willingness to invest in group programs