28 research outputs found

    Measuring Central Bank Communication: An Automated Approach with Application to FOMC Statements

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    We present a new automated, objective and intuitive scoring technique to measure the content of central bank communication about future interest rate decisions based on information from the Internet and news sources. We apply the methodology to statements released by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) after its policy meetings starting in 1999. Using intra-day financial quotes, we find that short-term nominal Treasury yields respond to changes in policy rates around policy announcements, whereas longer-dated Treasuries mainly react to changes in policy communication. Using lower frequency data, we find that changes in the content of the statements lead policy rate decisions by more than a year in univariate interest rate forecasting and vector autoregression (VAR) models. When we estimate Treasury yield responses to the shocks identified in the VAR, we find communication to be a more important determinant of Treasury rates than contemporaneous policy rate decisions. These results are consistent with the view that the FOMC releases information about future policy rate actions in its statements and that market participants incorporate this information when pricing longer-dated Treasuries. Finally, we decompose realized policy rate decisions using a forward-looking Taylor rule model. Based on this decomposition, we find that FOMC statements contain significant information regarding both the predicted rule-based interest rate and the Taylor-rule residual component, and that content of the statements leads the residual by a few quarters.

    Bi-allelic genetic variants in the translational GTPases GTPBP1 and GTPBP2 cause a distinct identical neurodevelopmental syndrome

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    The homologous genes GTPBP1 and GTPBP2 encode GTP-binding proteins 1 and 2, which are involved in ribosomal homeostasis. Pathogenic variants in GTPBP2 were recently shown to be an ultra-rare cause of neurodegenerative or neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs). Until now, no human phenotype has been linked to GTPBP1. Here, we describe individuals carrying bi-allelic GTPBP1 variants that display an identical phenotype with GTPBP2 and characterize the overall spectrum of GTP-binding protein (1/2)-related disorders. In this study, 20 individuals from 16 families with distinct NDDs and syndromic facial features were investigated by whole-exome (WES) or whole-genome (WGS) sequencing. To assess the functional impact of the identified genetic variants, semi-quantitative PCR, western blot, and ribosome profiling assays were performed in fibroblasts from affected individuals. We also investigated the effect of reducing expression of CG2017, an ortholog of human GTPBP1/2, in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Individuals with bi-allelic GTPBP1 or GTPBP2 variants presented with microcephaly, profound neurodevelopmental impairment, pathognomonic craniofacial features, and ectodermal defects. Abnormal vision and/or hearing, progressive spasticity, choreoathetoid movements, refractory epilepsy, and brain atrophy were part of the core phenotype of this syndrome. Cell line studies identified a loss-of-function (LoF) impact of the disease-associated variants but no significant abnormalities on ribosome profiling. Reduced expression of CG2017 isoforms was associated with locomotor impairment in Drosophila. In conclusion, bi-allelic GTPBP1 and GTPBP2 LoF variants cause an identical, distinct neurodevelopmental syndrome. Mutant CG2017 knockout flies display motor impairment, highlighting the conserved role for GTP-binding proteins in CNS development across species

    A new panenteric capsule endoscopy-based strategy in patients with melena and a negative upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: A prospective feasibility study

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    Objective patients presenting with melena and nondiagnostic esophagogastroduodenoscopy are usually investigated with colonoscopy and if negative, with small bowel capsule endoscopy. In this pilot study, we tested feasibility and performance of panenteric capsule endoscopy (PCE) in patients presenting with melena and negative esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Methods Between January and December 2018, consecutive patients presenting with melena, clinically significant bleeding and negative esophagogastroduodenoscopy were invited to undergo PCE by swallowing PillCam Colon 2 (Medtronic Inc., Dublin, Ireland). PCE results, further diagnostic or therapeutic examinations, rebleeding rates at 30 days and 12 months were recorded. Results Out of 128 patients with melena, 23 had negative esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Of them, 12 (8 female, mean age 76 years) underwent PCE, which allowed complete small bowel and colonic evaluation in 12 (100%) and 11 (91.7%) patients, respectively. The small bowel and colon cleansing were adequate in 100 and 83.3%, respectively. No PCE-related complications were observed. The PCE diagnostic yield was 83.3%: significant findings were located in the small bowel, colon or both in 5 (41.7%), 4 (33.3%) and 1 (8.3%) patients, respectively. Device-assisted enteroscopy was performed in 6 (50%) patients. Thirty days and 1 year rebleeding rates were 0 and 18.1%, respectively. Conclusions In this proof-of-concept study, PCE was feasible and safe in patients with melena and negative esophagogastroduodenoscopy, identifying the bleeding site in 83% of patients. PCE lead to small bowel therapeutic interventions in 50% of patients, thus avoiding unnecessary standard colonoscopy. Further large prospective randomized studies investigating this strategy are warranted