22 research outputs found

    Ebola Virus RNA Editing Depends on the Primary Editing Site Sequence and an Upstream Secondary Structure

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    <div><p>Ebolavirus (EBOV), the causative agent of a severe hemorrhagic fever and a biosafety level 4 pathogen, increases its genome coding capacity by producing multiple transcripts encoding for structural and nonstructural glycoproteins from a single gene. This is achieved through RNA editing, during which non-template adenosine residues are incorporated into the EBOV mRNAs at an editing site encoding for 7 adenosine residues. However, the mechanism of EBOV RNA editing is currently not understood. In this study, we report for the first time that minigenomes containing the glycoprotein gene editing site can undergo RNA editing, thereby eliminating the requirement for a biosafety level 4 laboratory to study EBOV RNA editing. Using a newly developed dual-reporter minigenome, we have characterized the mechanism of EBOV RNA editing, and have identified cis-acting sequences that are required for editing, located between 9 nt upstream and 9 nt downstream of the editing site. Moreover, we show that a secondary structure in the upstream cis-acting sequence plays an important role in RNA editing. EBOV RNA editing is glycoprotein gene-specific, as a stretch encoding for 7 adenosine residues located in the viral polymerase gene did not serve as an editing site, most likely due to an absence of the necessary cis-acting sequences. Finally, the EBOV protein VP30 was identified as a trans-acting factor for RNA editing, constituting a novel function for this protein. Overall, our results provide novel insights into the RNA editing mechanism of EBOV, further understanding of which might result in novel intervention strategies against this viral pathogen.</p></div

    The hepta-uridine stretch in the editing site is necessary but not sufficient for RNA editing.

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    <p>Dual-reporter minigenome (45 nt-7A-58 nt) assays were performed in the presence (with L) or absence (without L; negative control) of the viral polymerase. The minigenomes contained either an unaltered 110 nt stretch from the GP translated region flanking the editing site, or variants with point mutations or deletions as shown in <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1003677#ppat-1003677-g002" target="_blank">Figure 2B</a>. Cells were analyzed for eGFP expression (from unedited and edited mRNA) and mCherry expression by fluorescence microscopy (from edited mRNA only).</p

    Model for EBOV RNA editing.

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    <p>The EBOV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (L) transcribes vRNA into mRNA. A stem-loop structure in the mRNA directly upstream of the primary editing site causes the polymerase to pause, and enables insertion of non-templated adenosine residues due to stuttering. VP30 then resolves the stem loop, and allows continued faithful transcription.</p

    The secondary structure of the cis-acting sequence upstream of the editing site is important for RNA editing.

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    <p>(A) Predicted stem-loops in the 45 nt upstream of the editing site. The Mfold RNA secondary structure prediction webserver was used for secondary structure analysis of the region upstream of the editing site within the nascent mRNA. Bases that were mutated to destabilize secondary structures are marked with an asterisk. (B) The editing site proximal, but not the editing site distal stem-loop is required for editing. Mutations were introduced into the minigenome to destabilize the predicted first (45 nt-7A-58 nt (C3U, A18C and G24A)) or second (45 nt-7A-58 nt (G38A and G39A) or 45 nt-7A-58 nt (G39A and C44U)) stem-loop. Dual-reporter minigenome assays were performed using these minigenomes, and the mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) of eGFP (expressed from unedited and edited mRNA) and mCherry (expressed from edited mRNA only) in eGFP-positive cells was measured by flow cytometry. The intensity of each reporter in context of an unaltered minigenome was defined as 100%. Mean and standard deviation from three independent experiments are shown.</p

    Mutations and deletions in the dual-reporter minigenome.

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    <p>(A) Dual reporter minigenome. A cartoon showing the structure of the minigenome, along with unedited and edited mRNA transcripts as well as the resulting reporter protein (eGFP and mCherry) expression. (B) Mutated minigenomes. Overview of the deletions and point mutations in the dual-reporter minigenome. Shown is the minigenome region corresponding to the GP translated region. Point mutations are indicated in red.</p

    VP30 is required for RNA editing.

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    <p>(A) Influence of VP30 on editing as measured by reporter gene expression. Dual-reporter minigenome (45 nt-7A-58 nt) assays were performed in the presence (with VP30) or absence (without VP30) of VP30, using minigenomes containing an unaltered 110 nt stretch from the GP translated region flanking the editing site. The mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) of eGFP (expressed from unedited and edited mRNA) and mCherry (expressed from edited mRNA only) in eGFP-positive cells was measured by flow cytometry, and the intensity of each reporter in context of an unaltered minigenome (45 nt-7A-58 nt) was defined as 100%. (B) Influence of VP30 on editing as measured by transcript analysis. Minigenome assays were performed as described in panel A, and the ratio of unedited (i.e. 7A) vs. edited (i.e. 8A) transcripts was determined by RTQA. Mean and standard deviation from three independent experiments are shown.</p

    Genomic organization of the HPV_SD2 virus.

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    <p>Open reading frames (L2, L1, E6, E7, E1, E2, E4) and a 530 bp non-coding long control region (LCR) are shown. B. Details of the LCR region showing the TATA box (TATAAA, positions 3735–3740), a polyadenylated site (AATAAA, positions 3336–3341), 3 palindrome sites (ACCG-N<sub>4</sub>-CGGT; positions 3483–3494, 3650–3661, 3720–3731) and 1 degenerate palindrome (ACC-N<sub>6</sub>-GGT, positions 3524–3535). C. Metal-binding domains in deduced E6 and E7 proteins.</p

    Taxonomical assignment of sequence reads convenient respiratory waste samples.

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    <p>A. Overall proportions of sequences with homolog in Genbank (the known, 7.8%) compared to sequences with no homolog in Genbank (Unknown, 92.2%). Unknown/Divergent indicates the proportion of highly divergent and/or novel sequences with no homology to NCBI. B. Proportion of sequences classified as eukaryotes, bacteria and viruses. Sequences were classified using BLASTn search against all non-redundant nucleotide sequences in the NCBI nt database with an E-value cutoff of 10<sup>−5</sup>.</p

    Maximum likelihood tree showing the clustering of HPV_SD2 with previously documented full-length genomes of human papillomaviruses.

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    <p>The tree was visualized with the Interactive Tree of Life (iTOL) <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0058404#pone.0058404-Letunic1" target="_blank">[32]</a>. Bootstrap values with at least 50%, 75% or 100% (100 re-samplings) are indicated. Note, another HPV_SD1 from this study was added in this analysis clustered with reference HPV_49.</p