32 research outputs found


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    The article focuses on comparing policies and legislation, that affect social-work professionals in implementing childrenā€™s rights of Latvia and Sri Lanka. It attempts to disclose legal framework of the two countries in different socio-cultural, economic and geographical contexts (European and South-Asian) on implementing childrenā€™s rights, with base of United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). This study analyses local policies, laws, institutional structure and its implementation processes. Policy review has been made by a content analysis, empirical research conducted doing expert interviews (n = 10) focusing on implementation process. Similarities and differences are discussed between two contexts with the standpoint of global perspective of Social work as a global profession. Research results reveal that both countries have sufficient level of policies and legislation to adapt UNCRC, and established specific government bodies for ensuring childrenā€™s rights. At the same time differences are identified in application of Foster Families, Engagement of children in employments, Children employed as domestic servants, Corporal Punishment to children, in Policy implementation process in Latvia and Sri Lanka.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Transition trajectories from youth institutional care to adulthood

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    The main trajectories of transitions have essential importance for a child and youth living in child long-term institutional care ā€“ moving from family care to institutional care, life in institution(s), and the second trajectory ā€“ transition from institution to independent adult life. In this article trajectories of child and youth transitions from institutional care are discussed. The study is based on the qualitative methodology. Methods used ā€“ 20 interviews with staff of the institutions and youth leaving the institutions. The trajectories of the transitions are analysed on the basis of the assessment of existing practice

    Social orphanhood in Latvia

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    The reform processes and the developments of social policy to solve the major social problems of the socially vulnerable population, among them, children in particular, take place in Latvia during the last 20 years. Protection of children rights is declared one of the strategic priorities of the state social policy. At the same time the problem of child neglect and child abandonment in Latvia has not yet been sufficiently conceptualized. Already since 1990-ies Latvian society has clearly faced with an objective necessity of solving problems of child abandonment in connection with an increasing number of social orphans. The situation was complicated by the fact that the formation of a fundamentally new system of social policy, social support and assistance to risk children had to be developed and implemented in conditions of economic transition to market economy relations, increasing social tensions, and sharp increase in social inequality and social discrimination. Among the enourmous number of economical and social problems in the developing democratic state, the issue of child abandonment as an important social problem has been addressed rather fragmentary. The term ā€œsocial orphanhoodā€ does not appear in the social policy vocabulary of the Latvian social policy doscourse

    Urban Public Space Development Possibilities: Case of Cesis Town

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    MaÄ£istra darba mērÄ·is ir izstrādāt publiskās telpas attÄ«stÄ«bas priekÅ”likumu Cēsu pilsētai. LÄ«dz Å”im publiskā telpas analÄ«zei un plānoÅ”anai pilsētplānoÅ”anas kontekstā tiek pievērsta maza uzmanÄ«ba. KopÅ” Latvijas neatkarÄ«bas atgÅ«Å”anas trÅ«kst publiskās telpas attÄ«stÄ«bas plānoÅ”anas piemēru un risinājumu un arÄ« Cēsu pilsētā nav skaidra viedokļa un risinājuma par publisko telpu, tās struktÅ«ru un attÄ«stÄ«bas nepiecieÅ”amÄ«bu. Ņemot vērā, ka publiskajai telpai pilsētas struktÅ«rā ir ļoti nozÄ«mÄ«ga loma Ŕāda situācija arvien pasliktina dzÄ«ves kvalitāti pilsētā. MaÄ£istra darba pirmajā daļā tiek analizēts, kas ir publiskā telpa, kāda ir tās nozÄ«me pilsētas kopējā struktÅ«rā. Lai realizētu maÄ£istra darbā izvirzÄ«to mērÄ·i, tika analizēta literatÅ«ra un izvērtēta publiskās telpas nozÄ«me un funkcijas mÅ«sdienu pilsētā. Tad tika veikta literatÅ«ras analÄ«ze pētot publiskās telpas analÄ«zes un plānoÅ”anas metodes un piemērus citur pasaulē un tika izvērtēta to pielietoÅ”anas iespējas Latvijā un tieÅ”i Cēsu pilsētā. Darba ietvaros, veicot pilsētas uzbÅ«ves un struktÅ«ras analÄ«zi, tika noteiktas pilsētas apkaimes, kurās tika analizēta publiskā telpa pēc funkcionālā pielietojuma un kvalitatÄ«vajiem rādÄ«tājiem. Ņemot vērā pilsētas daļu struktÅ«ru, publiskās telpas funkcionālo un kvalitatÄ«vo analÄ«zi, tika izstrādāts kompleks Cēsu publiskās telpas struktÅ«ras attÄ«stÄ«bas priekÅ”likums, nosakot publiskās telpas struktÅ«ras elementus. MaÄ£istra darba kopējais apjoms ir 89 lapaspuses. Darbā iekļauti 21 attēls un 13.pielikumi, kas ilsutrē un paskaidro darba saturu. Atslēgas vārdi ā€“ Cēsu pilsēta, publiskā telpa, publiskās telpas funkcijas, publiskās telpas attÄ«stÄ«bas priekÅ”likums.The aim of the master theses is to work out the proposal for Cesis public space development. During the city and town planning process the public space analyses and plaaning is missing. Since Latvia independence in 90-ties there is lack of examples about public space problem solutions and development possibilities and also for Cesis there isnā€™t clear position and understanding about public space structure and development possibilities. Taking in to account the importance of public space in urban structure, lack of pubic space analyses and clear development position is leading to decreasing life quality in to the town. To achieve the aim of the master thesis, literature analyses and evaluation of the public space importance and funkctions in modern town has been done. Afterwards the analyses about diferent public space planning methods and development examples in the world has been desribed. The method for Cesis public space analses has been developed. After analysing Cesis town structure, Cesis town neighbourhoods has been set and the public space has been studied describing its functions and quality. Taking in to account Cesis neighbourhood structure, public space functional and qualitative research, teh proposal for Cesis public space structure development has been worked out, pointing out diferent strucutre elements. Master thesis consist of 89 pages, including 21 pictures and 13 appendixes. Key words ā€“ Cesis town, public space, public space funkcion, public space development proposal

    Greeting and Parting Phrases in Latvian

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    Bakalaura darbā ā€žSasveicināŔanās un atvadÄ«Å”anās frāzes latvieÅ”u valodāā€ tiek pētÄ«tas sasveicināŔanās un atvadÄ«Å”anās frāzes saziņas formālā un neformālā aspektā. Bakalaura darba mērÄ·is ir noskaidrot, kādas sasveicināŔanās un atvadÄ«Å”anās frāzes tiek lietotas formālās un neformālās saziņas situācijās un kāds ir to lietoÅ”anas iemesls. Uzdevumi ā€“ ekscerpēt, bakalaura darbam nepiecieÅ”amos sasveicināŔanās un atvadÄ«Å”anās frāžu piemērus; analizēt ekscerpētos piemērus; apgÅ«t teorētisko literatÅ«ru par sasveicināŔanās un atvadÄ«Å”anās frāzēm, to lietojumu latvieÅ”u valodā, to piederÄ«bu pie diskursa iezÄ«mētājām, un interjekcijām, to piederÄ«bu pie valodas etiÄ·etes formulām. Darbam ir trÄ«s daļas, pirmā daļa par sasveicināŔanās un atvadÄ«Å”anās frāzēm, kā tās ietilpst diskursa iezÄ«mētājās un interjekcijās. Otrajā daļā aprakstÄ«tas sasveicināŔanās un atvadÄ«Å”anās frāzes kā etiÄ·etes formulas. TreÅ”ajā daļā analizēti ekscerpētie sasveicināŔanās un atvadÄ«Å”anās frāžu piemēri. Darba beigās apkopoti secinājumi.Bachelor`s paper theme is ā€žGreeting and Parting Phrases in Latvianā€ are researched greeting and parting phrases in formal and informal form of communication. The aim of bachelor thesis is to find out which greeting and parting phrases are used in situations of formal and unformal communication and what is use of them. Tasks ā€“ to collect examples of greeting and parting phrases; analyze collected examples; acquire teoretical literature about greeting and parting phrases, usage in Latvian language, membership to etiquette formulas of language. Thesis have thee parts, first part is about greeting and parting phrases, how they include into discurse markers and interjections. In the second part there is written about greeting and parting phrases asetiquette formulas. In the third part there are analyzed collected examples of greeting and parting phrases. In the end of thesis conclusions are gathered

    Deformed Family Communication in Case of Euro-Orphan Families

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