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158 research outputs found
Effects of xylem water transport on CO2 efflux of woody tissue in a tropical tree, Amazonas State, Brazil
Chambers J.Q.
Edwards N.T.
+17 more
Edwards N.T.
Gansert D.
Gansert D.
Granier A.
Granier A.
Kaipiainen L.K.
Kunert N.
Levy P.E.
McGuire M.A.
Negisi K.
Negisi K.
Saveyn A.
Saveyn A.
Saveyn A.
Stockfors J.
Tranquillini W.
Zhu L.W.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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No reduction in genetic diversity of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) in Tatra Mountains despite high fragmentation and small population size
A Caballero
A Caballero
+56 more
A Lewandowski
Alain Valadon
Alexandru Lucian Curtu
AM Montalvo
Artur Dzialuk
AS Watt
B Holle Von
C Carcaillet
CS Echt
D Hartl
DJ Balding
DM Cairns
DV Politov
EP Farrell
F Gugerli
F Gugerli
F Rousset
FT Ledig
G Wieser
Heino Konrad
I Dupanloup
Igor Chybicki
IJ Chybicki
IJ Chybicki
J Doyle
J Reynolds
J Wang
J Švajda
JM Cornuet
K Salzer
K Salzer
KM Hufford
L Excoffier
M Höhn
M Saura
MD Loveless
ME Montgomery
MM Belokon
Nicolae Sofletea
O Jones
OP Rajora
PD Delgado
Peter Fleischer
PG Meirmans
R Motta
R Peakall
Roman Gout
RS Waples
S Kato
S Myczkowski
SAM Pierson
ST Kalinowski
T Zwijacz-Kozica
Tomasz Mączka
W Tranquillini
WC Funk
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
Recovery of Photosynthesis from Winter Stress in Intact Plants and Detached Needles of Pinus Cembra
A Pisek
C Ottander
+7 more
H Bauer
H Bauer
NPA Huner
W Larcher
W Larcher
W Schwarz
W Tranquillini
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Causes of Alpine Timberline: A Review of the Hypotheses
A Sakai
A Sakai
+23 more
E Beck
ED Schulze
GTS Baylis
H Turner
IJ Mccracken
J. Grace
JL Hadley
M Moser
M Ohsawa
MN Baig
O. Yanagimachi
P Marchand
P Wardle
P Wardle
P Wardle
P Wardle
P. Boysen-Jensen
TD Perkins
U Benecke
VD Zotov
W Tranquillini
W Tranquillini
W Tranquillini
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Monitoring of Eastern and Southern Swiss Alpine Timberline Ecotones
A Bauerochse
A Binz
+53 more
A Däniker
B Eblin
C Körner
CA Burga
CA Burga
E Furrer
E Furrer
E Imhof
E Schär
F Kienast
F Kral
F-K Holtmeier
F-K Holtmeier
F-K Holtmeier
F-K Holtmeier
F-K Holtmeier
G Lang
H Aulitzky
H Aulitzky
H Ellenberg
H Holzhauser
HJ Zumbühl
HM Schiechtl
J-P Theurillat
JL Innes
JN Köstler
KA Mayer
M Welten
M Öchslin
MN Baig
MN Baig
O Yanagimachi
P Cherubini
P Cherubini
P Michaelis
P Michaelis
P Ozenda
P Wardle
R Kuoch
R Pott
R Schwarz
U Walder
W Bircher
W Larcher
W Larcher
W Lingg
W Nägeli
W Tinner
W Tranquillini
W Tranquillini
W Tranquillini
W Tranquillini
W Tranquillini
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The carbon budget of an adult Pinus cembra tree at the alpine timberline in the Central Austrian Alps
A Pisek
Ch Körner
+35 more
DG Sprugel
DM Cairns
DM Cairns
E Cartellieri
E Troeng
E Troeng
E-D Schulze
E.-D Schulze
FB Thompson
G Stecher
G Wieser
G Wieser
G Wieser
G Wieser
GC Stevens
Gerhard Wieser
H Oswald
Hans Pausch
M Bernoulli
M KimuraM. Monotiani
MB Rayment
R Häsler
R Häsler
R Matyssek
S Hättenschwiler
S Linder
ST Gower
Thomas Gigele
W Larcher
W Tranquillini
W Tranquillini
W Tranquillini
W Tranquillini
WM Havranek
WM Havranek
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Lessons from the timberline ecotone in the Central Tyrolean Alps: a review
Anfodillo T
Aulitzky H.
+102 more
Aulitzky H.
Aulitzky H.
Baig MN
Baumgartner A.
Benecke U
Caldwell MM.
Cartellieri E.
Cernusca A.
Ch Körner
Christmann A
Ellenberg H.
Fliri F.
Framba L.
Friedel H.
Fromme G.
Gansert D
Gerhard Wieser
Gross M.
Gruber A
Guggenberger H.
Gunsch J.
Haselwandter K.
Haselwandter K.
Havranek WM
Havranek WM
Havranek WM.
Havranek WM.
Havranek WM.
Havranek WM.
Holtmeier F-K.
Holtmeier F-K.
Holzer K
Kronfuss H
Kronfuss H
Kronfuss H.
Kronfuss H.
Kronfuss H.
Kronfuss H.
Kronfuss H.
Larcher W.
Larcher W.
Larcher W.
Lauscher F.
Leidlmair A.
Loris K
Loris K.
Luzian R
Mayr S
Mayr S.
Moser M.
Moser M.
Neuwinger I
Neuwinger I.
Neuwinger I.
Neuwinger I.
Neuwinger-Raschendorfer I.
Nägeli W.
Oberhuber W.
Oswald H.
Patzelt G.
Pisek A
Pisek A
Pisek A
Platter W.
Pruzer E.
Schmidt L.
Schröter C.
Sharkey TD
Steinhauser F
Stöhr D.
Tausz M.
Tollmann A.
Tranquillini W
Tranquillini W.
Tranquillini W.
Tranquillini W.
Tranquillini W.
Tranquillini W.
Tranquillini W.
Tranquillini W.
Tranquillini W.
Tranquillini W.
Turner H
Turner H
Turner H
Turner H.
Turner H.
Turner H.
Turner H.
Turner H.
Walder LM.
Walther G-R
Waring RH.
Wieser G
Wieser G
Wieser G
Wieser G.
Wieser G.
Wieser G.
Wieser G.
Winkler E
Zwerger P
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Limits in Water Relations
A Badalotti
A Christmann
+68 more
C Katz
C Li
Ch Körner
Ch Körner
Ch Körner
G Wieser
GH Goldstein
H Aulitzky
H Bauer
H Cochard
H Mattes
H Turner
J Martinez-Vilalta
JB Sowell
JH Lindsay
JH Richards
JL Hadley
JL Hadley
JL Hadley
JL Hadley
JP Sparks
JP Sparks
JS Sperry
JS Sperry
JS Sperry
K Holzer
KL Kavanagh
L Christersson
M Groß
MH Zimmermann
MH Zimmermann
MN Baig
MN Baig
MS Günthardt
MT Tyree
P Gradingen Van
P Michaelis
P Michaelis
P Wardle
R Häsler
R Zweifel
RL Boyce
RL Boyce
S Mayr
S Mayr
S Mayr
S Mayr
S Mayr
S Mayr
T Anfodillo
T Anfodillo
T Giger
T Kuuluvainen
U Benecke
UG Hacke
UG Hacke
W Gindl
W Larcher
W Larcher
W Larcher
W Tranquillini
W Tranquillini
W Tranquillini
W Tranquillini
W Tranquillini
W Tranquillini
WK Smith
WM Havranek
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Deschamps A. M.
Deschamps A. M.
+5 more
Duncan D. W.
Shortle W. C
Sreenath H. K.
Tiedemann G.
Tranquillini W.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Climate/growth relationships in a Pinus cembra high-elevation network in the Southern French Alps
A Menzel
C Körner
+35 more
C Urbinati
Christophe Corona
D Frank
E Martin
ER Cook
ER Cook
ER Cook
F Biondi
F Serre-Bachet
Frédéric Guibal
G Wieser
G Wieser
I Auer
IT Jolliffe
J Guiot
Jean-Louis Edouard
L Tessier
M Carrer
M Carrer
M Carrer
Mélanie Saulnier
P Fourchy
R Motta
S Mayr
T Anfodillo
TM Wigley
V Petitcolas
W Baltensweiler
W Havranek
W Oberhuber
W Oberhuber
W Tranquillini
W Tranquillini
W Tranquillini
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
International audienc