11 research outputs found

    Per-collection analysis for <i>PLCE1</i> rs3740360.

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    <p>Number: Number of cases</p><p>MAF cases: minor allele frequency in dengue cases</p><p>MAF controls: minor allele frequency in controls</p><p>OR: per-allele odds ratio.</p><p>SE: Standard error of the OR</p><p>Weight: study-specific weight when meta-analyzed, not calculated for infants and DSS collections, which were not meta-analyzed.</p><p><i>P</i>: <i>P</i>-value for association with disease (unadjusted).</p

    Per-collection analysis for <i>MICB</i> rs3132468.

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    <p>Number: Number of cases</p><p>MAF cases: minor allele frequency in dengue cases</p><p>MAF controls: minor allele frequency in controls</p><p>OR: per-allele odds ratio.</p><p>SE: Standard error of the OR</p><p>Weight: study-specific weight when meta-analyzed, not calculated for infants and DSS collections, which were not meta-analyzed.</p><p><i>P</i>: <i>P</i>-value for association with disease (unadjusted).</p

    Forest plot illustrating the association between <i>PLCE1</i> rs3740360 and susceptibility to dengue.

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    <p>06DX, DR, FG and MD were cohort studies of children. and 09DX, D001 and FL were cohort studies of adults. The oblongs represent point estimates (referring to the per-allele odds ratio, expressed on the horizontal axis), with the height of the oblongs inversely proportional to the standard error of the point estimates. Horizontal lines indicate the 95% confidence interval for each point estimate. Meta-analysis of children, adults, as well as children and adults with uncomplicated dengue are reflected by blue diamonds. Data from our previously reported GWAS on DSS is reflected by the purple diamond.<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0059067#pone.0059067-Khor1" target="_blank">[6]</a> The width of the diamonds indicates their 95% confidence intervals. Each meta-analysis is accompanied by a test of heterogeneity between the sample collections summarized by it (expressed as <i>P</i><sub>het</sub>).</p

    Diagnostic performance of NS1 rapid test in enrolment plasma samples and odds of NS1 detection in relation to plasma viremia.

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    <p><sup>a</sup> Viremia measurement in the enrolment plasma sample (the same sample was also used for NS1 testing).</p><p>PPV: positive predictive value; NPV: negative predictive value; DENV: dengue virus; OR: odds ratios for detecting NS1 for each 10-fold higher DENV RNA concentration. There were 77 dengue cases where the infecting serotype was unknown.</p><p>Diagnostic performance of NS1 rapid test in enrolment plasma samples and odds of NS1 detection in relation to plasma viremia.</p

    Nomogram of the Early Dengue Classifier (EDC) to predict the risk of dengue.

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    <p>A horizontal line from a predictor value to the “Points” axis assigns points to the 3 required variables age, platelet count (PLT), and white blood cell count (WBC). The sum of these points (total points) can then be translated to the corresponding predicted risk of dengue. As an example, a 9-year-old patient with a PLT of 100x10<sup>3</sup>/mm<sup>3</sup>, and a WBC of 5x10<sup>3</sup>/mm<sup>3</sup> has a score of 15+32+84 = 131, and the corresponding risk of dengue is about 70%. Note: As <1% of patients had platelet (PLT) count >500x10<sup>3</sup>/mm<sup>3</sup> or white blood cell (WBC) count >30x10<sup>3</sup>/mm<sup>3</sup>, for better visualization, PLT and WBC counts were truncated at 500x10<sup>3</sup>/mm<sup>3</sup> and 30x10<sup>3</sup>/mm<sup>3</sup> respectively.</p

    Univariate and multivariate analysis of candidate predictors of laboratory-confirmed dengue.

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    <p>BMI: body mass index; WBC: white blood cell count; PLT: platelet count; HCT: hematocrit; ALB: albumin; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; CK: creatine kinase</p><p>Univariate and multivariate analysis of candidate predictors of laboratory-confirmed dengue.</p

    Performance of the Early Dengue Classifier (EDC) in all subjects.

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    <p>Figure A displays possible sensitivity/specificity trade-offs for different cut-off values and the distance from the corresponding points on the ROC curve to the upper left corner (perfect model). Figure B displays the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Figure C is a calibration plot. It displays a scatterplot-smoother of predicted versus observed risks (dotted line), predicted versus observed risks for ten patient strata of equal size grouped according to predicted risks (triangles) and the ideal identity line (dashed line). The rugs at the bottom of the graphs characterize the distribution of predicted risks in true dengue and non-dengue cases, respectively.</p

    Association analysis between <i>ABCC5</i> rs1401999 and primary angle closure glaucoma in all chip-typed sample collections (top panel), de-novo genotyped sample collections (middle panel), and PACG cases and clinically certified controls with open angles (bottom panel).

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    <p>MAF case: Minor allele frequency in PACG cases.</p><p>MAF control: Minor allele frequency in controls.</p><p>OR: Odds ratio.</p><p><i>P</i>: <i>P</i>-value for association with PACG.</p><p>I<sup>2</sup>: I-squared index for between-collection heterogeneity.</p><p>* Results here are presented based on raw minor allele frequency counts without further adjustment.</p>†<p>PACG patients were recruited from the Beijing Tongren Hospital and controls were recruited from the Handan Eye Study (HES), a population-based study of eye disease in rural Chinese aged 30 years and over.</p

    Association analysis between <i>ABCC5</i> rs1401999 and susceptibility to primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG).

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    <p>The PACG sample collections have been described elsewhere <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004089#pgen.1004089-Vithana1" target="_blank">[6]</a>. The vertical line represents a per-allele odds ratio of 1.00. The oblongs represent point estimates (referring to the per-allele odds ratio), with the height of the oblongs inversely proportional to the standard error of the point estimates. Horizontal lines indicate the 95% confidence interval for each point estimate. Meta-analyses of samples are reflected by blue diamonds. The width of the diamonds indicates their 95% confidence intervals. All point estimates in Stage 1 have been adjusted for the top axes of genetic stratification using logistic regression.</p