25,012 research outputs found

    Ground state fluctuations in finite Fermi and Bose systems

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    We consider a small and fixed number of fermions (bosons) in a trap. The ground state of the system is defined at T=0. For a given excitation energy, there are several ways of exciting the particles from this ground state. We formulate a method for calculating the number fluctuation in the ground state using microcanonical counting, and implement it for small systems of noninteracting fermions as well as bosons in harmonic confinement. This exact calculation for fluctuation, when compared with canonical ensemble averaging, gives considerably different results, specially for fermions. This difference is expected to persist at low excitation even when the fermion number in the trap is large.Comment: 20 pages (including 1 appendix), 3 postscript figures. An error was found in one section of the paper. The corrected version is updated on Sep/05/200

    Immunity of intersubband polaritons to inhomogeneous broadening

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    We demonstrate that intersubband (ISB) polaritons are robust to inhomogeneous effects originating from the presence of multiple quantum wells (MQWs). In a series of samples that exhibit mid-infrared ISB absorption transitions with broadenings varying by a factor of 5 (from 4 meV to 20meV), we have observed polariton linewidths always lying in the 4 - 7 meV range only. We have experimentally verified the dominantly inhomogeneous origin of the broadening of the ISB transition, and that the linewidth reduction effect of the polariton modes persists up to room-temperature. This immunity to inhomogeneous broadening is a direct consequence of the coupling of the large number of ISB oscillators to a single photonic mode. It is a precious tool to gauge the natural linewidth of the ISB plasmon , that is otherwise masked in such MQWs system , and is also beneficial in view of perspective applications such as intersubband polariton lasers

    Red blood cells and other non-spherical capsules in shear flow: oscillatory dynamics and the tank-treading-to-tumbling transition

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    We consider the motion of red blood cells and other non-spherical microcapsules dilutely suspended in a simple shear flow. Our analysis indicates that depending on the viscosity, membrane elasticity, geometry and shear rate, the particle exhibits either tumbling, tank-treading of the membrane about the viscous interior with periodic oscillations of the orientation angle, or intermittent behavior in which the two modes occur alternately. For red blood cells, we compute the complete phase diagram and identify a novel tank-treading-to-tumbling transition at low shear rates. Observations of such motions coupled with our theoretical framework may provide a sensitive means of assessing capsule properties.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Large-scale albuminuria screen for nephropathy models in chemically induced mouse mutants

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    Background/Aim: Phenotype-driven screening of a great pool of randomly mutant mice and subsequent selection of animals showing symptoms equivalent to human kidney diseases may result in the generation of novel suitable models for the study of the pathomechanisms and the identification of genes involved in kidney dysfunction. Methods: We carried out a large-scale analysis of ethylnitrosourea (ENU)-induced mouse mutants for albuminuria by using qualitative SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Results: The primary albuminuria screen preceded the comprehensive phenotypic mutation analysis in a part of the mice of the Munich ENU project to avoid loss of mutant animals as a consequence of prolonged suffering from severe nephropathy. The primary screen detected six confirmed phenotypic variants in 2,011 G1 animals screened for dominant mutations and no variant in 48 G3 pedigrees screened for recessive mutations. Further breeding experiments resulted in two lines showing a low phenotypic penetrance of albuminuria. The secondary albuminuria screen was carried out in mutant lines which were established in the Munich ENU project without preceding primary albuminuria analysis. Two lines showing increased plasma urea levels were chosen to clarify if severe kidney lesions are involved in the abnormal phenotype. This analysis revealed severe albuminuria in mice which are affected by a recessive mutation leading to increased plasma urea and cholesterol levels. Conclusion: Thus, the phenotypic selection of ENU-induced mutants according to the parameter proteinuria in principle demonstrates the feasibility to identify nephropathy phenotypes in ENU-mutagenized mice. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Resolved Spectroscopy of the Narrow-Line Region in NGC 1068. I. The Nature of the Continuum Emission

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    We present the first long-slit spectra of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 obtained by the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS); the spectra cover the wavelength range 1150 - 10,270 Angstroms at a spatial resolution of 0.05 - 0.1 arcsec and a spectral resolving power of 1000. In this first paper, we concentrate on the far-UV to near-IR continuum emission from the continuum ``hot spot'' and surrounding regions extending out to +/- 6 arcsec (+/-432 pc) at a position angle of 202 degrees In addition to the broad emission lines detected by spectropolarimetry, the hot spot shows the ``little blue bump'' in the 2000 - 4000 Ang. range, which is due to Fe II and Balmer continuum emission. The continuum shape of the hot spot is indistinguishable from that of NGC 4151 and other Seyfert 1 galaxies. Thus, the hot spot is reflected emission from the hidden nucleus, due to electron scattering (as opposed to wavelength-dependent dust scattering). The hot spot is ~0.3 arcsec in extent and accounts for 20% of the scattered light in the inner 500 pc. We are able to deconvolve the extended continuum emission in this region into two components: electron-scattered light from the hidden nucleus (which dominates in the UV) and stellar light (which dominates in the optical and near-IR). The scattered light is heavily concentrated towards the hot spot, is stronger in the northeast, and is enhanced in regions of strong narrow-line emission. The stellar component is more extended, concentrated southwest of the hot spot, dominated by an old (> 2 x 10 Gyr) stellar population, and includes a nuclear stellar cluster which is ~200 pc in extent.Comment: 32 pages, Latex, includes 11 figures (postscript), to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Relationships between lower-body muscle structure and, lower-body strength, explosiveness and eccentric leg stiffness in adolescent athletes

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    The purpose of the present study was to determine whether any relationships were present between lower-body muscle structure and, lower-body strength, variables measured during a counter-movement jump (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ), and eccentric leg stiffness, in adolescent athletes. Thirty junior male (n = 23) and female (n = 7) surfing athletes (14.8 ± 1.7 y; 1.63 ± 0.09 m; 54.8 ± 12.1 kg) undertook lower-body muscle structure assessment with ultrasonography and performed a; CMJ, SJ and an isomet-ric mid-thigh pull (IMTP). In addition, eccentric leg stiffness was calculated from variables of the CMJ and IMTP. Moderate to very large relationships (r = 0.46-0.73) were identified be-tween the thickness of the vastus lateralis (VL) and lateral gas-trocnemius (LG) muscles, and VL pennation angle and; peak force (PF) in the CMJ, SJ and IMTP. Additionally, moderate to large relationships (r = 0.37-0.59) were found between eccentric leg stiffness and; VL and LG thickness, VL pennation angle, and LG fascicle length, with a large relationship (r = 0.59) also present with IMTP PF. These results suggest that greater thick-ness of the VL and LG were related to improved maximal dy-namic and isometric strength, likely due to increased hypertro-phy of the extensor muscles. Furthermore, this increased thickness was related to greater eccentric leg stiffness, as the associated enhanced lower-body strength likely allowed for greater neuromuscular activation, and hence less compliance, during a stretch-shortening cycle