51 research outputs found

    Higher spin gravity

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    Diese Dissertation ist den Quantenaspekten von Gravitationen höherer Spins (GRAHSs) und den ihnen zugrundeliegenden algebraischen Strukturen gewidmet. Theorien höherer Spins enthalten unendlichdimensionale Symmetrien, die mächtig genug sein sollten, um keine relevanten Gegenterme zuzulassen. Aus diesem Grund wird seit langem erwartet, dass GRAHSs endlich, oder zumindest renormierbar sind. Sobald gezeigt ist, dass diese Eigenschaft tatsächlich realisiert wird, macht sie Theorien höherer Spins zu interessanten Quantengravitationsmodellen. Wenn das keine-Gegenterme-Argument funktioniert, reduziert sich das Problem, eine quantenkonsistente Theorie höherer Spins zu konstruieren, bemerkenswerterweise auf das Problem, ein konsistentes klassisches Modell von GRAHS zu finden. Eine der interessantesten Klassen von GRAHSs ist die chirale GRAHS, die sowohl in der Minkowski- als auch in der AdS-Raumzeit existiert. Sie ist momentan die einzige Theorie mit propagierenden Feldern höherer Spins und einer recht einfachen Wirkung. Die Theorie ist auf perturbativer Ebene lokal. Die Wirkung der chiralen GRAHS ist in der Lichtkegel-Eichung bekannt und vermeidet alle Theoreme, welche die Existenz einer Theorie höherer Spins im flachen Raum verbieten. Wir studieren die Struktur der Quantenkorrekturen in der chiralen GRAHS im Minkowskiraum im Detail. Wir zeigen, dass aufgrund einer nichttrivialen Kürzung unter den Feynmandiagrammen dank einer spezifischen Form der Wechselwirkungen (dem Kopplungs-Verschwörungs-Mechanismus), alle Baumniveau-Amplituden verschwinden; wir analysieren im Detail zwei-, drei- und vier-Punkt Einschleifenamplituden und zeigen, dass diese UV-konvergent sind. Mit Hilfe von Unitaritätsschnitten berechnen wir die komplette n-Punkt Einschleifenamplitude und zeigen, dass sie aus drei Faktoren besteht: (i) der Einschleifenamplitude in QCD oder SDYM mit allen Helizitäten plus; (ii) einem bestimmten kinematischen Verzierungsfaktor für höhere Spins; (iii) einem rein numerischen Faktor der Gesamtanzahl der Freiheitsgrade. Im Kontext von AdS/KFT wird vermutet, dass GRAHSs dual zu recht einfachen konformen Feldtheorien (KFTs) sind: zu freien und kritischen Vektormodellen (Typ-A), freien Fermionen und Gross–Neveu-Modellen (Typ-B) und, allgemeiner, zu Chern–Simons-Materie- Theorien. Wir studieren im Detail die Vakuum-Einschleifenkorrekturen in verschiedenen Theorien höherer Spins in der anti-de Sitter (AdS) Raumzeit. Für die Typ-A-Theorie in AdSd+1 beweisen wir die Vermutung, dass die freie Energie für alle ganzzahligen Spins verschwindet und der freien Energie einer Kugel eines freien Skalarfeldes für alle geraden Spins gleicht. Wir erweitern dieses Resultat auf alle nicht-ganzzahligen Dimensionen und reproduzieren insbesondere die freie-Energie-Korrektur zur 4 − ε Wilson–Fisher KFT als einen Einschleifeneffekt in der Typ-A-Theorie auf AdS5−ε. Wir berechnen ebenfalls die Beiträge fermionischer Felder höherer Spins, die für supersymmetrische GRAHS relevant sind. Es wird gezeigt, dass diese exakt mit der Vorhersage der KFT übereinstimmen. Der Beitrag bestimmter Felder gemischter Symmetrie, die in Typ-B GRAHS vorkommen, wird ebenfalls berechnet. Der letztere Beitrag führt (in geraden Raumzeitdimensionen) auf eine Frage, die zu beantworten bleibt. Freie KFTs haben unendlichdimensionale globale Symmetrien, die in Algebras höherer Spins manifestiert sind. Die holographisch dualen GRAHSs sollten im Prinzip komplett durch diese Symmetrie bestimmt sein. Deshalb ist die einzige Information, die wir benötigen, um eine Theorie höherer Spins in AdS zu konstruieren, eine Algebra höherer Spins, die aus ihrer dualen freien KFT extrahiert werden kann. In dieser Dissertation rekonstruieren wir die Typ-A GRAHS in AdS5 auf der Ebene der formal konsistenten klassischen Bewegungsgleichungen (formale GRAHS).This dissertation is dedicated to the quantum aspects of higher spin gravities (HSGRAs) and to their underlining algebraic structures. Higher-spin theories are governed by infinite-dimensional symmetries called higher-spin symmetries. Higher-spin symmetry should be powerful enough to leave no room for any relevant counterterms. Therefore, higher spin gravities have long been expected to be finite or at least renormalizable. This feature, once shown to be realized, makes higher-spin theories interesting toy models of Quantum Gravity. Remarkably, if the no-counterterm argument works, the problem of constructing a quantum consistent higher-spin theory downgrades to a problem of finding a consistent classical model of higher-spin gravity. One of the most interesting classes of HSGRAs is chiral HSGRA, which exists both in Minkowski and AdS spacetime. It is the only theory at present with propagating massless higher spin fields and a rather simple action. The theory is perturbatively local. The action of the chiral theory is known in the light-cone gauge and and avoids all No-Go theorems that forbid the existence of higher-spin theories in flat space. We study in detail the structure of quantum corrections in the Minkowski Chiral HSGRA. We show that all tree-level amplitudes vanish, which is due to a nontrivial cancellation among all Feynman diagrams thanks to the specific form of the interactions (coupling conspiracy mechanism); we analyze in detail two-, three- and four-point one-loop amplitudes and show that they are UV-convergent. Using unitarity cuts we compute the complete one-loop n-point amplitude and show that it consists of three factors: (i) all-plus helicity one-loop amplitude in QCD or SDYM; (ii) a certain kinematical higher spin dressing factor; (iii) a purely numerical factor of the total number of degrees of freedom. In the context of AdS/CFT, HSGRAs are conjectured to be dual to rather simple conformal field theories (CFT): free and critical vector models (Type-A), free fermion and Gross-Neveu models (Type-B) and, more generally, to Chern-Simons Matter theories. We study in detail vacuum one-loop corrections in various higher-spin theories in anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime. For the Type-A theory in AdSd+1 we prove the conjecture that the free energy vanishes for all integer spins and is equal to the sphere free energy of one free scalar field for all even spins. We extend this result to non-integer dimension and, in particular, reproduce the free energy correction to the 4 − ε Wilson-Fisher CFT as a one-loop effect in the Type- A theory on AdS5−ε. We also compute the contribution of fermionic higher spin fields that are relevant for supersymmetric HSGRA. These are shown to match precisely with the prediction of the CFT. The contribution of certain mixed-symmetry fields that appear in Type-B HSGRA is also computed. The latter leads to a puzzle (in even spacetime dimension) that remains to be resolved. Free CFTs have infinite-dimensional global symmetries manifested in higher spin algebras. The holographic dual HSGRAs should, in principle, be completely determined by this higher spin symmetry. Therefore, to construct a higher-spin theory in AdS, the only initial data we need is a higher spin algebra extracted from its free CFT dual. In this thesis, we reconstructed the Type-A HSGRA in AdS5 at the level of formally consistent classical equations of motion (Formal HSGRA)

    Higher spin gravity

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    Diese Dissertation ist den Quantenaspekten von Gravitationen höherer Spins (GRAHSs) und den ihnen zugrundeliegenden algebraischen Strukturen gewidmet. Theorien höherer Spins enthalten unendlichdimensionale Symmetrien, die mächtig genug sein sollten, um keine relevanten Gegenterme zuzulassen. Aus diesem Grund wird seit langem erwartet, dass GRAHSs endlich, oder zumindest renormierbar sind. Sobald gezeigt ist, dass diese Eigenschaft tatsächlich realisiert wird, macht sie Theorien höherer Spins zu interessanten Quantengravitationsmodellen. Wenn das keine-Gegenterme-Argument funktioniert, reduziert sich das Problem, eine quantenkonsistente Theorie höherer Spins zu konstruieren, bemerkenswerterweise auf das Problem, ein konsistentes klassisches Modell von GRAHS zu finden. Eine der interessantesten Klassen von GRAHSs ist die chirale GRAHS, die sowohl in der Minkowski- als auch in der AdS-Raumzeit existiert. Sie ist momentan die einzige Theorie mit propagierenden Feldern höherer Spins und einer recht einfachen Wirkung. Die Theorie ist auf perturbativer Ebene lokal. Die Wirkung der chiralen GRAHS ist in der Lichtkegel-Eichung bekannt und vermeidet alle Theoreme, welche die Existenz einer Theorie höherer Spins im flachen Raum verbieten. Wir studieren die Struktur der Quantenkorrekturen in der chiralen GRAHS im Minkowskiraum im Detail. Wir zeigen, dass aufgrund einer nichttrivialen Kürzung unter den Feynmandiagrammen dank einer spezifischen Form der Wechselwirkungen (dem Kopplungs-Verschwörungs-Mechanismus), alle Baumniveau-Amplituden verschwinden; wir analysieren im Detail zwei-, drei- und vier-Punkt Einschleifenamplituden und zeigen, dass diese UV-konvergent sind. Mit Hilfe von Unitaritätsschnitten berechnen wir die komplette n-Punkt Einschleifenamplitude und zeigen, dass sie aus drei Faktoren besteht: (i) der Einschleifenamplitude in QCD oder SDYM mit allen Helizitäten plus; (ii) einem bestimmten kinematischen Verzierungsfaktor für höhere Spins; (iii) einem rein numerischen Faktor der Gesamtanzahl der Freiheitsgrade. Im Kontext von AdS/KFT wird vermutet, dass GRAHSs dual zu recht einfachen konformen Feldtheorien (KFTs) sind: zu freien und kritischen Vektormodellen (Typ-A), freien Fermionen und Gross–Neveu-Modellen (Typ-B) und, allgemeiner, zu Chern–Simons-Materie- Theorien. Wir studieren im Detail die Vakuum-Einschleifenkorrekturen in verschiedenen Theorien höherer Spins in der anti-de Sitter (AdS) Raumzeit. Für die Typ-A-Theorie in AdSd+1 beweisen wir die Vermutung, dass die freie Energie für alle ganzzahligen Spins verschwindet und der freien Energie einer Kugel eines freien Skalarfeldes für alle geraden Spins gleicht. Wir erweitern dieses Resultat auf alle nicht-ganzzahligen Dimensionen und reproduzieren insbesondere die freie-Energie-Korrektur zur 4 − ε Wilson–Fisher KFT als einen Einschleifeneffekt in der Typ-A-Theorie auf AdS5−ε. Wir berechnen ebenfalls die Beiträge fermionischer Felder höherer Spins, die für supersymmetrische GRAHS relevant sind. Es wird gezeigt, dass diese exakt mit der Vorhersage der KFT übereinstimmen. Der Beitrag bestimmter Felder gemischter Symmetrie, die in Typ-B GRAHS vorkommen, wird ebenfalls berechnet. Der letztere Beitrag führt (in geraden Raumzeitdimensionen) auf eine Frage, die zu beantworten bleibt. Freie KFTs haben unendlichdimensionale globale Symmetrien, die in Algebras höherer Spins manifestiert sind. Die holographisch dualen GRAHSs sollten im Prinzip komplett durch diese Symmetrie bestimmt sein. Deshalb ist die einzige Information, die wir benötigen, um eine Theorie höherer Spins in AdS zu konstruieren, eine Algebra höherer Spins, die aus ihrer dualen freien KFT extrahiert werden kann. In dieser Dissertation rekonstruieren wir die Typ-A GRAHS in AdS5 auf der Ebene der formal konsistenten klassischen Bewegungsgleichungen (formale GRAHS).This dissertation is dedicated to the quantum aspects of higher spin gravities (HSGRAs) and to their underlining algebraic structures. Higher-spin theories are governed by infinite-dimensional symmetries called higher-spin symmetries. Higher-spin symmetry should be powerful enough to leave no room for any relevant counterterms. Therefore, higher spin gravities have long been expected to be finite or at least renormalizable. This feature, once shown to be realized, makes higher-spin theories interesting toy models of Quantum Gravity. Remarkably, if the no-counterterm argument works, the problem of constructing a quantum consistent higher-spin theory downgrades to a problem of finding a consistent classical model of higher-spin gravity. One of the most interesting classes of HSGRAs is chiral HSGRA, which exists both in Minkowski and AdS spacetime. It is the only theory at present with propagating massless higher spin fields and a rather simple action. The theory is perturbatively local. The action of the chiral theory is known in the light-cone gauge and and avoids all No-Go theorems that forbid the existence of higher-spin theories in flat space. We study in detail the structure of quantum corrections in the Minkowski Chiral HSGRA. We show that all tree-level amplitudes vanish, which is due to a nontrivial cancellation among all Feynman diagrams thanks to the specific form of the interactions (coupling conspiracy mechanism); we analyze in detail two-, three- and four-point one-loop amplitudes and show that they are UV-convergent. Using unitarity cuts we compute the complete one-loop n-point amplitude and show that it consists of three factors: (i) all-plus helicity one-loop amplitude in QCD or SDYM; (ii) a certain kinematical higher spin dressing factor; (iii) a purely numerical factor of the total number of degrees of freedom. In the context of AdS/CFT, HSGRAs are conjectured to be dual to rather simple conformal field theories (CFT): free and critical vector models (Type-A), free fermion and Gross-Neveu models (Type-B) and, more generally, to Chern-Simons Matter theories. We study in detail vacuum one-loop corrections in various higher-spin theories in anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime. For the Type-A theory in AdSd+1 we prove the conjecture that the free energy vanishes for all integer spins and is equal to the sphere free energy of one free scalar field for all even spins. We extend this result to non-integer dimension and, in particular, reproduce the free energy correction to the 4 − ε Wilson-Fisher CFT as a one-loop effect in the Type- A theory on AdS5−ε. We also compute the contribution of fermionic higher spin fields that are relevant for supersymmetric HSGRA. These are shown to match precisely with the prediction of the CFT. The contribution of certain mixed-symmetry fields that appear in Type-B HSGRA is also computed. The latter leads to a puzzle (in even spacetime dimension) that remains to be resolved. Free CFTs have infinite-dimensional global symmetries manifested in higher spin algebras. The holographic dual HSGRAs should, in principle, be completely determined by this higher spin symmetry. Therefore, to construct a higher-spin theory in AdS, the only initial data we need is a higher spin algebra extracted from its free CFT dual. In this thesis, we reconstructed the Type-A HSGRA in AdS5 at the level of formally consistent classical equations of motion (Formal HSGRA)

    ‘The painting can be fake, but not the feeling’: an overview of the Vietnamese market through the lens of fake, forgery and copy paintings

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    A work of Vietnamese art crossed a million-dollar mark in the international art market in early 2017. The event was reluctantly seen as a sign of maturity from the Vietnamese art amidst the many existing problems. Even though the Vietnamese media has discussed the issues enthusiastically, there is a lack of literature from the Vietnamese academics examining the subject, and even rarer in from the market perspective. This paper aims to contribute an insightful perspective on the Vietnamese art market, and hesitantly the Vietnamese art as well, through the lens of fake, forgery and copy artworks. 35 cases of fake, forgery and copy paintings were found on the news and from the experts' wisdom. Through the examples, we argue that the Vietnamese art market is a temporary reaction to the immaturely rising of the Vietnamese art and the economy. Therefore, the art market is unable to function healthily unless the Vietnamese art and the economy developed

    Policy Response, Social Media and Science Journalism for the Sustainability of the Public Health System Amid the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Vietnam Lessons

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    Vietnam, with a geographical proximity and a high volume of trade with China, was the first country to record an outbreak of the new Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 or SARS-CoV-2. While the country was expected to have a high risk of transmission, as of April 4, 2020—in comparison to attempts to contain the disease around the world—responses from Vietnam are being seen as prompt and effective in protecting the interests of its citizens, with 239 confirmed cases and no fatalities. This study analyzes the situation in terms of Vietnam’s policy response, social media and science journalism. A self-made web crawl engine was used to scan and collect official media news related to COVID-19 between the beginning of January and April 4, yielding a comprehensive dataset of 14,952 news items. The findings shed light on how Vietnam—despite being under-resourced—has demonstrated political readiness to combat the emerging pandemic since the earliest days. Timely communication on any developments of the outbreak from the government and the media, combined with up-to-date research on the new virus by the Vietnamese science community, have altogether provided reliable sources of information. By emphasizing the need for immediate and genuine cooperation between government, civil society and private individuals, the case study offers valuable lessons for other nations concerning not only the concurrent fight against the COVID-19 pandemic but also the overall responses to a public health crisis

    On how religions could accidentally incite lies and violence: folktales as a cultural transmitter

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    Folklore has a critical role as a cultural transmitter, all the while being a socially accepted medium for the expressions of culturally contradicting wishes and conducts. In this study of Vietnamese folktales, through the use of Bayesian multilevel modeling and the Markov chain Monte Carlo technique, we offer empirical evidence for how the interplay between religious teachings (Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism) and deviant behaviors (lying and violence) could affect a folktale’s outcome. The findings indicate that characters who lie and/or commit violent acts tend to have bad endings, as intuition would dictate, but when they are associated with any of the above Three Teachings, the final endings may vary. Positive outcomes are seen in cases where characters associated with Confucianism lie and characters associated with Buddhism act violently. The results supplement the worldwide literature on discrepancies between folklore and real-life conduct, as well as on the contradictory human behaviors vis-à-vis religious teachings. Overall, the study highlights the complexity of human decision-making, especially beyond the folklore realm


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    Este trabajo presenta el establecimiento de las condiciones operativas del Laboratorio de Biotecnología Vegetal in vitro, para la propagación del helecho Platycerium bifurcatum, con el objetivo de realizar los protocolos necesarios para la recepción del material vegetal, desinfección del mismo, desinfectación del sitio e instrumental, preparación y almacenamiento de medios, siembra y transferencia de dicho helecho; siendo un referente teórico para futuras investigaciones por parte de los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ingeniería, Programa de Ingeniería Agroindustrial. Este helecho reviste importancia ya que es un referente paisajista de Colombia, y por ello, el presente trabajo gira en torno a su masificación basada en la biotecnología in vitro como soporte

    A Simplified Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction by the Three-Inside Technique With Two Suspension Buttons and One Interference Screw

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    In comparison with the single-bundle technique, double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction has proven its superiority regarding biomechanical studies and clinical outcomes in both rotational knee stability and anterior translation function. However, the complexity and risk of complications remain a great concern for the orthopaedic surgeon performing double-bundle ACL reconstruction. We present a simplified double-bundle ACL reconstruction by the 3-inside technique with 2 suspension buttons and 1 interference screw. The semitendinosus tendon is tripled to be the anteromedial (AM) bundle, whereas the gracilis is doubled for the posterolateral (PL) bundle. We perform a 3-socket approach with an inside-out femoral tunnel for the AM bundle, an outside-in femoral tunnel for the PL bundle, and a retrograde tibial socket for the tibial bundle. Thus, this technique is, simply, a combination of 2 procedures: one single all-inside method (for the AM bundle) and one outside-in method (for the PL bundle), with which most arthroscopic surgeons are familiar. The AM and PL bundles are fixed at 30° and 45°, respectively, using 2 suspension buttons and 1 interference screw. Our simplified technique could reduce surgical costs and minimize complications while maintaining isometric position and appropriate graft size for each patient

    A Systematic and Critical Review on the Research Landscape of Finance in Vietnam from 2008 to 2020

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    This paper endeavors to understand the research landscape of finance research in Vietnam during the period 2008 to 2020 and predict the key defining future research directions. Using the comprehensive database of Vietnam’s international publications in social sciences and humanities, we extract a dataset of 314 papers on finance topics in Vietnam from 2008 to 2020. Then, we apply a systematic approach to analyze four important themes: Structural issues, Banking system, Firm issues, and Financial psychology and behavior. Overall, there have been three noticeable trends within finance research in Vietnam: (1) assessment of financial policies or financial regulation, (2) deciphering the correlates of firms’ financial performances, and (3) opportunities and challenges in adopting innovations and ideas from foreign financial market systems. Our analysis identifies several fertile areas for future research, including financial market analysis in the post-COVID-19 eras, fintech, and green finance

    Global Burden of Multiple Myeloma ASystematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016

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    Introduction: Multiple myeloma (MM) is a plasma cell neoplasm with substantial morbidity and mortality. A comprehensive description of the global burden of MM is needed to help direct health policy, resource allocation, research, and patient care.Objective: To describe the burden of MM and the availability of effective therapies for 21 world regions and 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2016.Design and Setting: We report incidence, mortality, and disability-adjusted life-year (DALY) estimates from the Global Burden of Disease 2016 study. Data sources include vital registration system, cancer registry, drug availability, and survey data for stem cell transplant rates. We analyzed the contribution of aging, population growth, and changes in incidence rates to the overall change in incident cases from 1990 to 2016 globally, by sociodemographic index (SDI) and by region. We collected data on approval of lenalidomide and bortezomib worldwide.Main Outcomes and Measures: Multiple myeloma mortality; incidence; years lived with disabilities; years of life lost; and DALYs by age, sex, country, and year.Results: Worldwide in 2016 there were 138 509 (95% uncertainty interval [UI], 121 000-155 480) incident cases of MM with an age-standardized incidence rate (ASIR) of 2.1 per 100 000 persons (95% UI, 1.8-2.3). Incident cases from 1990 to 2016 increased by 126% globally and by 106% to 192% for all SDI quintiles. The 3 world regions with the highest ASIR of MM were Australasia, North America, and Western Europe. Multiple myeloma caused 2.1 million (95% UI, 1.9-2.3 million) DALYs globally in 2016. Stem cell transplantation is routinely available in higher-income countries but is lacking in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of the Middle East. In 2016, lenalidomide and bortezomib had been approved in 73 and 103 countries, respectively.Conclusions and Relevance: Incidence of MM is highly variable among countries but has increased uniformly since 1990, with the largest increase in middle and low-middle SDI countries. Access to effective care is very limited in many countries of low socioeconomic development, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Global health policy priorities for MM are to improve diagnostic and treatment capacity in low and middle income countries and to ensure affordability of effective medications for every patient. Research priorities are to elucidate underlying etiological factors explaining the heterogeneity in myeloma incidence
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