9 research outputs found

    Agricultural producer groups as a form of team entrepreneurship

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    W artykule omówiono grupy producentów rolnych, stanowiących jedną z form przedsiębiorczości zespołowej rolników, oraz zakres przyznawanej pomocy finansowej wspomagającej rozwój tej przedsiębiorczości, a także możliwość wsparcia finansowego dotyczącą tworzenia grup i organizacji producentów do 2020 roku. Integracja producentów rolnych będzie miała w najbliższej przyszłości decydujące znaczenie dla konkurencyjności naszego rolnictwa na jednolitym rynku europejskim. W Polsce funkcjonowało, według stanu na 10 grudnia 2015 roku, 1314 grup producentów rolnych. Najwięcej (31%) grup prowadziło działalność na terenie województwa wielkopolskiego. W ramach Programu Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich grupy producentów rolnych otrzymały na prowadzenie działalności administracyjnej i inwestycyjnej wsparcie w wysokości 782,7 mln zł. Zgodnie ze znowelizowaną we wrześniu 2015 roku ustawą o grupach producentów rolnych i ich związkach zadania związane z funkcjonowaniem grup producentów rolnych i ich związków powierzono Agencji Rynku Rolnego.The study analyzes agricultural producer groups as a form of team entrepreneurship, discussing, among others, the range of the financial aid granted – supporting the development of the entrepreneurship, and the possibilities of delivering financial assistance to the establishment of producer groups and organisations until 2020. Integration of agricultural producers in the nearest future will become a decisive factor having the influence on the competitiveness of our agriculture on the single European market. The conducted analysis reveals that there are 1,314 agricultural producer groups functioning in Poland, as of 10th December 2015. The most of them (over 30%) are functioning on the territory of the Wielkopolskie voivodship. Under Rural Development Programme the groups have been granted financial assistance in the amount of PLN 782.7 mln. Pursuant to the amended act on agricultural producer groups and their associations, the Agricultural Market Agency has been granted tasks relating to the functioning of agricultural producer groups and their associations in Poland

    Promotion and information campaigns on the meat market co-financed in scope of the Common Agricultural Policy

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    Po przystąpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej organizacje branżowe, które były reprezentatywne dla danej branży rolnej, mogły ubiegać się o współfinansowanie kampanii promocyjno- informacyjnych w ramach unijnego mechanizmu „Wsparcie działań promocyjnych i informacyjnych na rynkach wybranych produktów rolnych”. Celem dofinansowania było m.in. zwiększenie popytu na określone wspólnotowe artykuły żywnościowe i uświadomienie konsumentom, że produkty te gwarantują wysoką jakość. Promocja produktów rolnych możliwa była zarówno na wewnętrznym rynku unijnym, jak i na rynkach poza UE. W artykule przybliżono kampanie realizowane na rynku mięsa. Komisja Europejska do końca 2014 roku przyznała organizacjom branżowym w Polsce, realizującym kampanie na rynku mięsa, 33,6 mln euro. Działania w ramach kampanii obejmowały m.in.: public relations, udział w targach, a także produkcję i emisję reklam telewizyjnych.After Poland’s accession to the European Union, branch organizations representative for the agricultural branch could apply for co-financing promotion and information campaigns within the EU scheme “Support for promotion and information activities of selected agricultural products”. Aim of the co-financing was inter alias to increase demand for certain Community food products and to make the consumers aware that those products guarantee high quality. Promotion of agricultural products was possible on the internal union market as well as on the markets beyond the EU. The article presents the campaigns carried out in the meat market. The European Commission granted branch organization implementing campaigns on the meat market EUR 33.6 million. In framework of the campaign public relations activities, participation in fairs as well as production and TV advertisements were carried out

    Agri-food commodity exchange between Poland and Lithuania

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    W artykule omówiono wymianę handlową towarami rolno-spożywczymi Polski z Litwą. Mimo zróżnicowania rozmiarów i struktury rynków, kraje te są dla siebie ważnymi partnerami handlowymi. Eksport produktów rolno-spożywczych z Polski na Litwę sukcesywnie rośnie. W latach 2009–2015 odnotowano wzrost wartości eksportu o 75%. W 2015 r. eksport osiągnął 537 mln euro wobec 307 mln euro w 2009 r., a import – 264 mln euro wobec 83 mln euro w 2009 r. Polska uzyskuje dodatnie saldo w handlu produktami rolno-spożywczymi z Litwą. W 2015 r. wyniosło ono 273 mln euro i było o 22% większe niż w 2009 r. Dodatnie saldo utrzymuje się dzięki przewadze eksportu nad importem zwłaszcza mięsa czerwonego i mięsa drobiowego wraz z przetworami, a także owoców i warzyw (łącznie z przetworami), kawy oraz przetworów zbożowo-mącznych. Stały defi cyt występuje w handlu rybami i ich przetworami, skrobią, a także produktami mleczarskimi i żywymi zwierzętami (poza żywcem drobiowym).In the following paper the trade exchange in agri-food commodities between Poland and Lithuania was presented. Despite the differences in market size and market structure, both countries remain important trade partners for each other. Export of agri-food commodities from Poland to Lithuania successively increases. Between 2009 and 2015 export value increased by 75%. In 2015 export value reached 537 mln EUR in comparison to 307 mln EUR noted in 2009, while import increased from 86 mln EUR in 2009 to 264 mln EUR in 2015. Poland gathers trade surplus in the agri-food commodity exchange with Lithuania. In 2015 trade surplus of Poland amounted to 273 mln EUR and was 22% higher than in 2009. The surplus retains mainly due to the superiority of export over import of red meat and poultry (including red meat and poultry products) as well as fruit and vegetables (including their products), coffee, cereal and milling products. The continuous imbalance is noted for fish and its products, starch, milk products and live animals (poultry livestock excluded)

    Finansowe wsparcie procesów integracyjnych w rolnictwie

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    The article elaborates on the process of farmers organizing themselves into groups in the period of 2004-2016, the regional diversity of the integration of agricultural producer groups, as well as of fruit and vegetable producer groups/organizations. The analysis has been conducted of the financial support provided in 2004-2015; furthermore, the possibility of receiving financial support until 2020 within the scope of producer integration has been explained in detail. After Poland’s accession to the European Union, the opportunity to receive financial support as a part of the Common Agricultural Policy has been one of key factors of the processes of integration in agriculture. The development and success of producer groups/organizations will highly depend on the scope of financial support from national and European funds, as well as on the proper national policy to support big business entities able to compete on global markets. It will also be important to highlight the success of groups already existing on the market, to undertake actions aimed at building trust for other entities, as well as to shape and promote appropriate attitudes of the leaders


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    Activities connected with a development of integration are ranked as the most essential in the strategy of development of Poland’s agriculture. The article presents regional diversification of producers’ integration in the fruit and vegetables sector, scope of financial support granted in the years 2004-2015 as well as the availability of financial aid till the year 2020. The results of the analysis conducted have showed that initially recognized groups of producers of fruit and vegetables received PLN 7.2 billion from the EU budget, 76 % of which were funds for covering part of qualified costs of investments included in the accepted plan for reaching the recognition. Recognized producers organizations received PLN 17.6 million for funding partially the operational fund. In accordance with common organization of markets of agricultural products, in the financial prospect till the year 2020, the aid in the sector of fruit and vegetables may be carried out only for recognized producers organizations for funding partially the operational fund

    System of EU agricultural markets organization and instrument used in Poland by the Agricultural Market Agency

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    In this paper the authors present functioning of agricultural market organization system on the example of Agricultural Market Agency’s (AMA). They discuss various policy tools supporting agriculture with particular attention given to activities of AMA, which is an institution supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Finance within the scope of the Common Agricultural Policy and related tasks. Since 2004, the agency is an accredited EU Paying Agency distributing financial support and performing controls of manufacturing of agricultural products under the Common Agricultural Policy. The paper presents also the regulation regarding public intervention in the agricultural markets, quotas and aid schemes, marketing, production standards and trade with third countries

    Support for the Beekeeping Sector in Poland and the European Union

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    The aim of the work was to present a support mechanism for bee products market implemented after Poland's accession to the European Union, including within the framework of national beekeeping support programs. The elaboration included information contained in legal acts of the European Commission, MRiRW and KOWR. Support for the beekeeping sector in Poland and the EU is related to the policy of sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. The amount of funds addressed to individual beneficiaries depends on the size of the sector in a given Member State. Spain, France, Greece, Romania and Italy, and Poland received the highest amounts of support under the EU budget

    Tendencje zmian na rynku mleka i możliwości współdziałania rolników w grupach producentów

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    The article explains trends in changes on milk market, state of farmers groups’ organization and indicates prospects for their development and financial support under RDP 2014-2020. The results of conducted analysis indicate that groups of milk producers constitute 7.5% of all registered groups of agricultural producers. Most of the milk producers groups conduct their activity in Wielkopolskie province. It should be noted that in Poland nearly 73% of produced milk is purchased by milk cooperatives. The number of milk suppliers is systematically decreasing while the average quantity of wholesale deliveries per supplier is increasing. Progressive concentration of milk production is mainly observed in middle-east regions of Poland which concentrate 2/3 of national headage of milk cows and milk production because of tradition as well as natural and agricultural conditions

    Poland’s competitiveness in foreign trade in apples

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    Poland is one of the largest global producers and particularly exporters of apples. The export is of great importance to domestic producers of these fruits. The objective of the article was to assess Poland’s competitiveness in world trade in apples in the years 2003–2013. In connection with that, in an innovative way ten mutually complementary indices of ex-post competitiveness have been calculated for Poland and analysed. The study presents ranges in which the values of particular indices of competitiveness may be comprised. It also explains the impact which re-export may have on the levels of some of these indices, making it difficult for their correct interpretation. The studies have demonstrated that in the analysed period, Poland was characterised by high and growing competitiveness in foreign trade in apples, particularly in the years 2012–2013