47 research outputs found

    Uporedno ispitivanje koncentracije pojedinih frakcija serumskih proteina i imunoglobulina klase G u krvnom serumu kobila i novorođene ždrebadi jugoslovenskog kasača

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    The comparison of some serum protein concentrations was performed on 12 Yugoslav Trotter mares and their newborn foals. The mares included in the evaluation were divided into two groups of 6 each. The mares in the first group were vaccinated against equine herpes virus 1 and 4, in the 5th, 7th and 9th month of pregnancy, while mares in the second group were not vaccinated at all. Pregnant mares were clinically observed during the last stage of pregnancy and blood for biochemical evaluations was sampled immediately after foaling. Foals were clinically observed for seven days after birth and blood samples were collected immediately after foaling (before nursing), and 24, 48, 72 and 168 hours after birth. Foals included in the evaluation were divided into two groups according to the group allocation of the respective mares. All mares gave birth to normal foals in expected terms. Biochemical examination revealed slightly lower total gammaglobulin and IgG values in tested mares compared to the values obtained in other horse breeds. The antibody titres against equine herpes virus-1 reached the level that provides sufficient protection in vaccinated mares. Gammaglobulin and traces of IgG were present in the blood serum of foals tested immediately after birth and before nursing. A significant increase of IgG and gammaglobulin concentration was revealed in all foals after the first 24 hours of life. The observed first day increase of concentration was followed by stagnation of gammaglobulin and IgG levels in all foals. Total protein values showed a significant increase 24 hours after the first intake of colostrum in all foals. Immunoglobulin G concentration established by semiquantitative test was considered low positive in 16.67% and in 33.34% of foals from vaccinated and unvaccinated mares, respectively. Turbidimetric analyses of the same samples revealed sufficient Ig transfer, i.e. Ig concentration over 8 g/L. Comparison of the results obtained by the two methods indicates that semi-quantitative field test results were clinically valid. There were no antibodies against EHV 1 in foals immediately after birth and before the first colostrum intake, and a highly significant increase of serum antibody level was recordered 24 hours after the onset of nursing in foals born from vaccinated mothers.Ispitivanja su sprovedena na 12 kobila rase jugoslovenski kasač i njihovih 12 ždrebadi. Prva grupa od šest kobila je trokratno vakcinisana protiv EHV-1/4 tokom graviditeta, dok je druga grupa bila nevakcinisana. Od svih kobila su neposredno posle ždrebljenja uzeti uzorci krvi za biohemijski pregled. Novorođ ena ždrebad su klinički opservirana tokom prvih 7 dana života, uz uzimanje uzoraka krvi pre uzimanja kolostruma, zatim nakon 24, 48, 72 i 168 časova. Kod svih kobila su utvrđene nešto niže vrednosti gama globulina i IgG od vrednosti koje su zabeležene kod drugih rasa, pri čemu su vrednosti titra antitela na EHV-1 kod vakcinisanih kobila bile na nivou koji pruža zadovoljavajuću zaštitu, za razliku od nevakcinisanih kobila koje su bile ili seronegativne ili imale minimalan titar anti EHV-1 antitela. Kod većine ždrebadi je neposredno posle rođenja a pre prvog napoja u krvnom serumu ustanovljeno prisustvo gama globulina i IgG u tragovima, pri čemu je statistički značajno povećanje i gama globulina i IgG ustanovljeno posle prvih 24 časa. Primenom semikvantitativnog testa za određivanje IgG kod 25% ždrebadi utvrđene su niže vrednosti IgG (slabo pozitivne - što ukazuje na vrednosti od 5-8 g/L), iako je koncentracija IgG utvrđena imunoturbidimetrijom i kod njih bila veća od 8 g/L. Pre prvog unosa kolostruma u serumu ždrebadi nema antitela protiv EHV-1

    Genetska varijabilnost proteina krvi kod Cigaje u Jugoslaviji

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    The Tsigai sheep is an autochthonous breed traditionally reared in Vojvodina. With the aim to describe some electrophoretic variants of genetic markers in the blood of Tsigai sheep the biochemical variations of eight protein systems: hemoglobin (Hb), X- protein (X), purine nucleoside phosphorylase (NP), carbonic anhydrase (CA), NADH-diaphorase (Dia), transferrin (Tf), arylesterase, (EsA) and albumin (Alb) were evaluated. The characteristic gene frequencies of the tested systems were established as follows: HbA and HbB (0.08 and 0.921X+ and X- (0.98 and 0.02); NP4 and NP1- (0.51 and 0.491 CAS and CAF (0.98 and 0.02), DiaF and Dias (0.66 and 0.34); TfA, TfB, TfC, TfD and TfE (0.19, 0.14, 0.20, 0.40 and 0.07); EsA and EsA- (0.38 and 0.62), respectively. Only one type of albumin was revealed in the tested population of Tsigai.Cigaja je domaća rasa ovaca koja se tradicionalno uzgaja u Vojvodini. U ovom radu je opisana genetska varijabilnost osam polimorfnih markera u krvi: hemoglobina (Hb), X proteina (X), purin nukleozid fosforilaze (NP), karboan-hidraze (CA), NADH-diaforaze (Dia), transferina (Tf), arilesteraze (EsA) i albumina. Karakteristična frekvenca gena hemoglobina je iznosila HbA: 0.08 i HbB: 0.92, a X proteina X+: 0.98, X-:0.02. U okviru NP sistema, utvrđena su dva gena: NPH i NPL sa frekvencom 0.51 i 0.49, po redosledu; a dva gena CAS i CAF , frekvence 0.98 i 0.02. Kod cigaje je NADH diaforaza pod kontrolom dva alelna gena: Dia : 0.66 i Dia :0.34, a u okviru transferinskog sistema se distribuira pet gena TfA TfB, Tfc, TfD i TfE , sa frekvencom 0.19, 0.14, 0.20, 0.40 i 0.07, po redosledu. U sistemu esteraze su utvrđena dva alela EsA+ (0.38) i EsA- (0.62). Kod ispitane populacije ustanovljen je samo jedan tip albumina. Genetska karakterizacija cigaje u Jugoslaviji pokazuje veliku sličnost sa populacijama u susednim zemljama

    Variability of albumin in blood serum as a possible reflection of evolutional influence of diluvial horses on population of native mountain horse in Serbia

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    Native mountain horse is an autochthonous ungulata with a domicile extending to the whole mountaneous region of Serbia, south of the Sava and Danube rivers. Along with native horses of other Balkan countries it is classified as Mediterranean pony, but unlike Balkan horses such as Skiros, Pinea, Pindos, Karakachan, Bosnian mountineous horse etc., mountineous horses in Serbia neither have been morphologically described nor were of concern to the scientific community till the end of the twentieth century. Investigations of albumin polymorphism in blood serum of native mountain horse were taken within a comprehensive reserch on morphologic, physiologic and genetic structure of this autochtonous ungulata breed. On the basis of the results obtained by electrophoretic separation of albumine types in native mountaneous horse blood serum, there were determined four albumine phenotypes: AA, AB, BB and BI which are inherited by three autosomal alleles AlA, Alb, All . The appearance of All allele in native mountaneous horse population points out to diluvial forest horse impact on process of microevolution of autochtonous native mountaneous horse. Occidental- specific albumin isoforms presence indicate the necessity of thorough study of evolution position and historic influence of different ancestors, and especially occidental horses on native mountain horse population in Serbia

    Pojava stres sindroma (PSS) i mutacije na genu za rijanodin receptor (RYR1) kod evropske divlje svinje Sus scrota ferus

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    Expression of the stress syndrome (PSS) in European wild pig was evaluated by Halothane test and tested animals were typed by PCR/RFLP test for C/T mutation at nt 1843 in RYR1 gene. A total of 56 animals, at the age of 5 months, weighing 20 kg average, were tested. Hal+ (MHS - malignant hyperthermia susceptible) phenotype was revealed in 6 pigs, 47 animals expressed Hal- (MHN - malignant hypedhermia resistant) phenotype, while 3 animals showed no response to administration of 3% halothane after 5 minutes and they were marked as Hair (halothane resistant) phenotypes. Genotyping of 56 wild pigs revealed that the tested population was homozygous for the normal C/C allele at RYR1 locus. The results obtained by halothane test show that expression of the PSS in wild pigs is modulated and influenced by factors other then RYR1 genotype.Pojava stres sindroma kod evropske divlje svinje ispitivana je primenom halotan testa i izvršena je genotipizacija na poziciji nukleotida 1843 u genu za rijanodin receptor (RYR1) korišćenjem PCR/restriktivnog endonukleaza testa. Testirano je ukupno 56 životinja, starosti 5 meseci i prosečne telesne mase od 20 kg. Od ukupno 56 jedinki 6 životinja je pokazalo Hal+ (MHS) fenotip, 47 jedinki je imalo Hal+ (MHN) fenotip, a tri jedinke nisu uopšte reagovale na 3% halotan ni posle 5 minuta uvođenja u narkozu i one su označene kao Hair fenotip. Genotipizacija na poziciji nukleotida 1843 u genu za rijanodin receptor pokazala je da su sve ispitivane jedinke, bez obzira na halotan status imale normalan RYR1 C/C genotip. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se stres sindrom javlja i kod divljih svinja, mada postoji značajna modulacija pune ekspresije sindroma drugim faktorima

    Fenotipska varijabilnost i povezanost osnovnih pokazatelja telesne razvijenosti podmlatka balkanskog magarca

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    Balkan donkey is native breed of donkeys evolutively adapted to modest breeding conditions and different climatic systems including harsh and severe climate of Serbian mountains. Unfortunately, the purposes for breeding small donkeys have been lost during the 20th century so the population is regressing. There has been no selective breeding of the autochthonous donkeys in Serbia therefore the data on breed characteristics are recent and few. The monitoring of morphological characteristics of autochthonous Balkan donkey population in Serbia have been performed in aim to characterize the population and to define the importance of autochthonous donkeys as national genetic resource . The morphometric parameters evaluated i.e. height at withers (HWi) body length (BLe), thorax girth (TGi), cannon perimeter (CPe) and body weight (BW) in young Balkan donkeys bred in traditional conditions were used for establishment of the following body indexes: Index of Body Frame (IBF), Index of Body Compactness (BCI), Index of Conformation (CoI) and Dactyl-costal Index (DCI) reflecting body development and conformational relations in Balkan donkey population in Serbia.Balkanski magarac je autohtona rasa koja je evolutivno adaptirana na skromne uslove držanja i različita klimatska područja uključujući i surovu planinsku klimu Srbije. Kako su magarci izgubili namenu tokom dvadesetog veka, populacija ovih životinja u Srbiji se smanjuje. Kako autohtoni magarci do skora nisu bili podvrgnuti planskom selekcijskom postupku, podaci o osobinama ovih životinja su oskudni. U želji da se opišu osobine populacije balkanskog magarca u Srbiji, te da se definiše značaj ove rase za očuvanje nacionalnih genetičkih resursa, u poslednjih nekoliko godina se sakupljaju podaci o osnovnim morfološkim odlikama ove rase. U radu je prikazana varijabilnost osnovnih morfometrijskih parametara: visina u grebenu, dužina tela, obim grudi, obim prednje cevanice i telesna masa mladih magaraca oba pola. Utvrđene morfometrijske karakteristike su korišćene za izračunavanje indeksa formata, indeksa zbijenosti trupa, indeksa masivnosti i indeksa koščatosti koji odslikavaju telesni razvoj i morfološke odnose u populaciji balkanskog magarca u Srbiji

    Proučavanje procesa domestikacije u Srbiji - domestikacija goveda u neolitu

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    The neolithic settlement Belovode, situated between the two important centres of prehistoric culture: Vinča and Rudna Glava has been only partly investigated. In this study, the Belovode zoological collection was examined with the aim of providing data concerning the character of domesticated and transitional animals and wild ancestral forms inhabiting the Central Balkans during neolithic times. A total of 3487 animal bone fragments have been excavated at the site, so far. It was established that the bone remnants chronologically belong to the period of about 5500 - 4800 years B.C. by radiocarbon dating. Morphological comparison showed that almost 42% of the bone remnants were of bovine origin. In order to define the character of the domesticated or wild ancestors of cattle in East Serbia at that time, the bovine collection was further examined in detail. The total of 18 horns/horn bases allowed morphological comparison and morphometric analysis. The data obtained showed that two different ancestors of domesticated cattle were exploited in Belovode: Bos primigenius and Bos brachyceros. Among the archaeological findings were zoomorphic figurines including ox sculptures the shape and details of wich also indicated cattle farming activity in neolithic Belovode.Neolitsko naselje Belovode, koje se nalazi između dva značajna preistorijska kulturna centra: Vinče i Rudne Glave je do sada samo delimično istraženo. Ispitivanje paleozoološke kolekcije dobijene dosadašnjim iskopavanjem Belovoda je sprovedeno sa ciljem da se utvrdi status domestikacije tokom neolita u Srbiji i Centralnom Balkanu i opišu odomaćeni i/ili divlji preci domaćih životinja. Do sada je na nalazištu iskopano ukupno 3487 ostataka kostiju životinja. Procenjeno je da osteološki artefakti potiču iz perioda između 5 500 i 4 800 godina pre nove ere. Morfološkom analizom je utvrđeno da 42% ostataka kostiju potiče od goveda. U cilju boljeg poznavanja neolitskih predaka goveda na staništima istočne Srbije, preduzeto je istraživanje ostataka goveda metodom morfološke komparacije. Nalaz 18 rogova i baza rogova je omogućio veoma informativnu komparaciju i morfometrijske analizu. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da su u Belovodu bila zastupljena dva pretka domaćih goveda: Bos primigenius i Bos brachyceros. Arheološki nalaz zoomorfnih figurina, pre svega goveda, relnih oblika i izvajanih detalja takođe ukazuju na razvijeni uzgoj goveda u naselju Belovode

    Physical (Morphometric) and Electrocardiographic Parameters in Balkan Donkey in Serbia

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    Balkan donkey is a native donkey breed that lives in Balkan peninsula and traditionally is reared in Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro. Since the population has declined severely and only less than 200 males and females are actively breeding the breed status is endangered and it is included in AnGR preservation/conservation program in Serbia. The organized breeding and development of the breed description has started at the beginning of the 21 century and the breed is not fully described yet. This is the first time that that clinical procedures- ECG, have been evaluated in concern with frame and size of Balkan donkey. Our results show that there is a need to expand our investigation to fulfill gap in understanding Balkan donkey physiology and diagnostics. The evaluation of morphometric and electrocardiographic parameters in endangered Balkan donkey breed in Serbia was performed and individual data important for clinical evaluation and breeding were estimated in aim to provide initial morphometric and electrocardiographic data for the endangered Balkan donkey breed in Serbia and to assess the ECG procedure in relation to specific anatomy and body proportions of the breed

    Indicators of exhaustion and stress markers in endurance horses

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    Prolonged training and physical effort in endurance horses can influence the performance of the endurance horses negatively. The negative impact of the event is especially noticeable if venues are demanding, i.e. bad weather conditions or demanding grounds, high altitude and especially in cases of insufficiently fit horses. One of the most important factors that influence equine performance is abundance of oxygen in the blood, which is directly related to the air oxygen content and changes with atmospheric pressure, so that high altitude and low air pressure demand additional work from horses and accelerate fatigue. The authors goal was to investigate the influence of workload in endurance racing on sport horse organism. A total of 18 trained and competing endurance horses enrolled in a 60 km long endurance race organized on Zlatibor Mountain were included in our survey. Due to the difficult track 8 horses were disqualified due to lameness, and high heart rate and respiration. Only 10 horses completed the race and these animals were submitted to basic physical, clinical and laboratory examinations, in order to evaluate fatigue and stress reaction in endurance horses in Serbia. Results of the clinical and laboratory testing obtained show significant changes in all parameters evaluated which we attributed to physical effort in all 10 horses that finished the race in comparison with the values obtained before the race. In conclusion, 10 horses finished the race and were tested, and they indicated significant alterations in physiological parameters showing stress reaction. The evaluated parameters decreased into physiological interval values during the 5 days following the race. © 2021 Polskie Towarzystwo Nauk Weterynaryjnych. All rights reserved

    In situ programme for the conservation of the autochthonous lipe type of zackel sheep

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    The aim of this study was to emphasize the importance of conservation of the Lipe sheep, as a local endangered type of Zackel breed, and to perform a comprehensive phenotypic characterization in order to ensure a better use and preservation of this genetic resource. In addition, we compared the results of a detailed morphometric characterization of the modern Lipe sheep carried out in the present study with the morphometric parameters of the native form of this breed described in 1935. The comparative analysis revealed the development dynamics of the local Lipe sheep in the traditional habitat, over a period of nearly one century. Throughout this period, different factors affecting Lipe sheep management, such as biogeografic, agro-economic, sociocultural and others, led to significant population erosion, and to the current status of the Lipe sheep as an endangered genetic resource. Although a slight increase has been registered in some body measurements, the major body indexes of the Lipe sheep, such as body format, body compactness, body massiveness, body proportion, pelvic, and head index, remained without significant fluctuations over the last century (p>0.05). Body length of the modern type still exceeds the height at withers, which was also recorded in the native Lipe sheep nearly 100 years ago. A prominent sexual dimorphism is still evident. Therefore, our comparative analysis showed no significant differences between the native and modern form of Lipe sheep in their body format and growth potential. The slight increases in absolute body measurements of the modern Lipe type we recorded could be linked to better housing conditions and improved quality of feed, without application of strategic selection measures over the last 100 years. The importance of conservation of this ovine resource is less economical, but mostly cultural, historical and heritage oriented, and still essential for the survival of the breed