4 research outputs found

    Application of some conceptual bases of federalism in legal detemination of competence of the European Union (to statement of a problem)

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    У статті аналізуються проблеми застосування концептуальних основ федералізму для визначення правомочностей ЄС

    The concept of "imperial federalism" in the service of european integration: history and contemporaneity

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    Researching the history of the establishment and development of the European integration process, as well as the legal nature of the European Union, we have seen that in the scientific literature, there is very little information not only on the use of imperial experience in the integration process, but also on the concept of imperial federalism, which used to be rather popular at the end of ХIX and in the early twentieth century in the European empires. If in the English-language literature one can find a lot of literature on the theory and practice of imperial federalism in Great Britain, similar studies concerning the German and Austro-Hungarian empires practically had not been not carried out. Much more often it is possible to find out books about the German or Austrian federalism, but they generally deal with selected current issues or with the functioning of German or Austria federalism overall. In consideration of the importance of Germany in the European Union's development and functioning, it seems clear that the study of the German experience of integration within the framework of the German Empire under the Constitution of 1871 is long overdue. The purpose of the paper is to provide an overview and to close another gap in the literature on the role of the imperial concept of federalism in the development of modern integration process in Europe

    The concept of "imperial federalism" in the service of european integration: history and contemporaneity

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    Researching the history of the establishment and development of the European integration process, as well as the legal nature of the European Union, we have seen that in the scientific literature, there is very little information not only on the use of imperial experience in the integration process, but also on the concept of imperial federalism, which used to be rather popular at the end of ХIX and in the early twentieth century in the European empires. If in the English-language literature one can find a lot of literature on the theory and practice of imperial federalism in Great Britain, similar studies concerning the German and Austro-Hungarian empires practically had not been not carried out. Much more often it is possible to find out books about the German or Austrian federalism, but they generally deal with selected current issues or with the functioning of German or Austria federalism overall. In consideration of the importance of Germany in the European Union's development and functioning, it seems clear that the study of the German experience of integration within the framework of the German Empire under the Constitution of 1871 is long overdue. The purpose of the paper is to provide an overview and to close another gap in the literature on the role of the imperial concept of federalism in the development of modern integration process in Europe

    The State Sovereignty and Sovereign Rights: the Correlation Problem

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    In this paper the question on the content of the sovereign rights and their relation to sovereignty was not enough developed in legal science. These issues are in the focus of present paper. In the traditional legal doctrine sovereignty is the category which expresses the content and scope of competences of the state in the domestic and foreign policy. The appearance of a new state automatically means the presence of its sovereignty. The loss of sovereignty leads to the termination of its existence as a subject of international law. The states are forced to self-restriction of their sovereign rights in international (interstate) communication, but without losing the sovereignty. As the human rights, the sovereign rights of the state in a certain sense can be treated as natural. The sovereign rights associate with the existence of the state and don’t depend on other non-legal factors. Conception of the states’ legal equality results in the identity and equality in sovereign rights that states can use on their own. The meaning of the sovereign rights consist of the determination and guaranteeing and clearly defined boundaries of the freedom of the state. Can sovereign rights change in the process of historical development of the states? What is the “measure” of changes of the sovereign rights volume? This rights are inherent to the state and as long as sovereign stats play the major role in international law, their strength remains ultima ratio.В статті розглядаються питання про зміст суверенних прав та їх співвідношення з державним суверенітетом, які недостатньо досліджені в юридичній науці. У традиційному розумінні суверенітет є категорією, яка виражає зміст і масштаб компетенції держави у внутрішній та зовнішній політиці. Поява нової держави автоматично передбачає наявність у неї суверенітету. Втрата суверенітету призводить до припинення існування держави як суб’єкта міжнародного права. В умовах глобалізації та регіональної інтеграції держави вдаються до самообмеження в реалізації своїх суверенних прав, але при цьому не втрачають свій суверенітет