3 research outputs found

    EbolaTracks: an automated SMS system for monitoring persons potentially exposed to Ebola virus disease

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    We report development and implementation of a short message service (SMS)-based system to facilitate active monitoring of persons potentially exposed to Ebola virus disease (EVD), whether returning from EVD-affected countries, or contacts of local cases, should they occur. The system solicits information on symptoms and temperature twice daily. We demonstrated proof-of-concept; however this system would likely be even more useful where there are many local contacts to confirmed EVD cases or travellers from EVD-affected countries

    The impact of parental postpartum pertussis vaccination on infection in infants: A population-based study of cocooning in Western Australia

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    During a pertussis epidemic in 2011–2012 the Western Australian (WA) Department of Health implemented a ‘cocooning’ programme, offering free pertussis-containing vaccine (dTpa) to new parents. We assessed the impact of vaccinating parents with dTpa on the incidence of pertussis infection in newborns. Births in WA during 2011–2012 were linked to a register of parental pertussis vaccinations and to notified reports of laboratory-proven pertussis in children 28 days after the birth, the vaccination date was uncertain, or the child died at birth (n = 42), the final cohort contained 53,149 children, 118 of whom developed pertussis. There was no difference in the incidence of pertussis among infants whose parents were both vaccinated postpartum compared to those with unvaccinated parents (1.9 vs 2.2 infections per 1000 infants; adjusted HR 0.91; 95%CI 0.55–1.53). Similarly, when assessed independently, maternal postpartum vaccination was not protective (adjusted HR 1.19; 95%CI 0.82–1.72). Supplemental sensitivity analyses which varied the time period for parental vaccination and accounted for under-reporting of vaccination status did not significantly alter these findings. In our setting, vaccinating parents with dTpa during the four weeks following delivery did not reduce pertussis diagnoses in infants. WA now provides dTpa vaccine to pregnant women during the third trimester

    Increased recruitment of hematopoietic progenitor cells underlies the ex vivo expansion potential of FLT3 ligand

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    The ligand for flt-3 (FLT3L) exhibits striking structural homology with stem cell factor (SCF ) and monocyte colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF ) and also acts in synergy with a range of other hematopoietic growth factors (HGF ). In this study, we show that FLT3L responsive hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC) are CD34+CD38-, rhodamine 123dull, and hydroperoxycyclophosphamide (4-HC) resistant. To investigate the basis for the capacity of FLT3L to augment the de novo generation of myeloid progenitors from CD34+CD38- cells, single bone marrow CD34+CD38- cells were sorted into Terasaki wells containing serum-free medium supplemented with interleukin-3 (IL-3), IL-6, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF ), SCF (4 HGF ) ± FLT3L. Under these conditions, FLT3L recruited approximately twofold more CD34+CD38- cells into division than 4 HGF alone. The enhanced proliferative response to FLT3L was evident by day 3 and was maintained at all subsequent time points examined. In accord with these findings, we also show that transduction of CD34+CD38- cells with the LAPSN retrovirus is enhanced by FLT3L. The results of these experiments therefore indicate that increased recruitment of primitive HPC into cell cycle underlies the ex vivo expansion potential of FLT3L and also its ability to improve retroviral transduction of HPC.David N. Haylock, Martyn J. Horsfall, Tracey L. Dowse, Hayley S. Ramshaw, Silvana Niutta, Sandra Protopsaltis, Li Peng, Christopher Burrell, Irene Rappold, Hans-Jorg Buhring and Paul J. Simmon