198 research outputs found

    Directed enzyme evolution: climbing fitness peaks one amino acid at a time

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    Directed evolution can generate a remarkable range of new enzyme properties. Alternate substrate specificities and reaction selectivities are readily accessible in enzymes from families that are naturally functionally diverse. Activities on new substrates can be obtained by improving variants with broadened specificities or by step-wise evolution through a sequence of more and more challenging substrates. Evolution of highly specific enzymes has been demonstrated, even with positive selection alone. It is apparent that many solutions exist for any given problem, and there are often many paths that lead uphill, one step at a time

    Earth Observation System Flight Dynamics System Covariance Realism

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    This presentation applies a covariance realism technique to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Earth Observation System (EOS) Aqua and Aura spacecraft based on inferential statistics. The technique consists of three parts: collection calculation of definitive state estimates through orbit determination, calculation of covariance realism test statistics at each covariance propagation point, and proper assessment of those test statistics

    Selecting Data from a Star Catalog

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    MCDUMP is a computer program that selects data from the SKYMAP SKY2000 Master Star Catalog a database about 150 MB in size, stored on a computer hard drive. The database describes about 300,000 stars, each by means of a 500-byte entry. MCDUMP reads all 300,000 entries, then generates an output file that comprises a subset of entries selected according to one or more criteria entered by the user. Examples of criteria that could be entered include: location in a selected portion of the sky; constancy or a specified degree of variability of brightness; absence of nearby, bright companion stars; a particular surface temperature; and brightness sufficient to enable detection by a specified astronomical instrument. The output of MCDUMP can be in the form of either a single 520-column file or multiple files that contain fewer columns to facilitate printing. MCDUMP has been configured and tested for use under the HP-UX 10.20 operating system (a Hewlett-Packard version of the UNIX operating system). It should also be possible to adapt MCDUMP to other versions of UNIX

    Earth horizon modeling and application to static Earth sensors on TRMM spacecraft

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    Data from Earth sensor assemblies (ESA's) often are used in the attitude determination (AD) for both spinning and Earth-pointing spacecraft. The ESA's on previous such spacecraft for which the ground-based AD operation was performed by the Flight Dynamics Division (FDD) used the Earth scanning method. AD on such spacecraft requires a model of the shape of the Earth disk as seen from the spacecraft. AD accuracy requirements often are too severe to permit Earth oblateness to be ignored when modeling disk shape. Section 2 of this paper reexamines and extends the methods for Earth disk shape modeling employed in AD work at FDD for the past decade. A new formulation, based on a more convenient Earth flatness parameter, is introduced, and the geometric concepts are examined in detail. It is shown that the Earth disk can be approximated as an ellipse in AD computations. Algorithms for introducing Earth oblateness into the AD process for spacecraft carrying scanning ESA's have been developed at FDD and implemented into the support systems. The Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) will be the first spacecraft with AD operation performed at FDD that uses a different type of ESA - namely, a static one - containing four fixed detectors D(sub i) (i = 1 to 4). Section 3 of this paper considers the effect of Earth oblateness on AD accuracy for TRMM. This effect ideally will not induce AD errors on TRMM when data from all four D(sub i) are present. When data from only two or three D(sub i) are available, however, a spherical Earth approximation can introduce errors of 0.05 to 0.30 deg on TRMM. These oblateness-induced errors are eliminated by a new algorithm that uses the results of Section 2 to model the Earth disk as an ellipse

    Constellation Coordination System (CCS) Status

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    Operational Status update of the Constellation Coordination System (CCS) releases and developmental status of future releases

    Constellation Coordination System (CCS) Status

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    This presentation will discuss the operational status update of the Constellation Coordination System (CCS) Release 7.0 and the development status of CCS Release 7.1

    Aqua and Aura 2015 MLT Prediction Changes

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    Terra Future Maneuver Plans

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    Aqua and Aura Results from Spring 2015 IAM Campaign

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    The presentation captures the results of the 2015 inclination adjust maneuver series for the Aqua and Aura spacecraft. The predictions for the 2016 IAM series are also discussed