199 research outputs found

    Multi-quark baryons and color screening at finite temperature

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    We study baryons in SU(N) gauge theories at finite temperature according to the gauge/string correspondence based on IIB string theory. The baryon is constructed out of D5 brane and NN fundamental strings to form a color singlet NN-quark bound state. At finite temperature and in the deconfining phase, we could find k(<N)k(<N)-quark ``baryons''. Thermal properties of such kk-quark baryons and also of the NN-quark baryon are examined. We study the temperature dependence of color screening distance and Debye length of the baryon of kk-quark and NN-quark. We also estimate the melting temperature, where the baryons decay into quarks and gluons completely.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Whole-exome sequencing of fibroblast and its iPS cell lines derived from a patient diagnosed with xeroderma pigmentosum

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    AbstractCells from a patient with a DNA repair-deficiency disorder are anticipated to bear a large number of somatic mutations. Because such mutations occur independently in each cell, there is a high degree of mosaicism in patients' tissues. While major mutations that have been expanded in many cognate cells are readily detected by sequencing, minor ones are overlaid with a large depth of non-mutated alleles and are not detected. However, cell cloning enables us to observe such cryptic mutations as well as major mutations. In the present study, we focused on a fibroblastic cell line that is derived from a patient diagnosed with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), which is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a deficiency in nucleotide excision repair. By making a list of somatic mutations, we can expect to see a characteristic pattern of mutations caused by the hereditary disorder. We cloned a cell by generating an iPS cell line and performed a whole-exome sequencing analysis of the progenitor and its iPS cell lines. Unexpectedly, we failed to find causal mutations in the XP-related genes, but we identified many other mutations including homozygous deletion of GSTM1 and GSTT1. In addition, we found that the long arm of chromosome 9 formed uniparental disomy in the iPS cell line, which was also confirmed by a structural mutation analysis using a SNP array. Type and number of somatic mutations were different from those observed in XP patients. Taken together, we conclude that the patient might be affected by a different type of the disorder and that some of the mutations that we identified here may be responsible for exhibiting the phenotype. Sequencing and SNP-array data have been submitted to SRA and GEO under accession numbers SRP059858 and GSE55520, respectively

    Logical Operation Based Literature Association with Genes and its application, PosMed.

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    PosMed prioritizes candidate genes for positional cloning by employing our original database search engine GRASE, which uses an inferential process similar to an artificial neural network comprising documental neurons (or &#x27;documentrons&#x27;) that represent each document contained in databases such as MEDLINE and OMIM (Yoshida, _et al_. 2009, Makita, _et al_. 2009). PosMed immediately ranks the candidate genes by connecting phenotypic keywords to the genes through connections representing gene&#x2013;gene interactions other biological relationships, such as metabolite&#x2013;gene, mutant mouse&#x2013;gene, drug&#x2013;gene, disease&#x2013;gene, and protein&#x2013;protein interactions, ortholog data, and gene&#x2013;literature connections.&#xd;&#xa;&#xd;&#xa;To make proper relationships between genes and literature, we manually curate queries, which are defined by logical operation rules, against MEDLINE. For example, to detect a set of MEDLINE documents for the AT1G03880 gene in _A. thaliana_, we applied the following logical query: (&#x2018;AT1G03880&#x2019; OR &#x2018;CRU2&#x2019; OR &#x2018;CRB&#x2019; OR &#x2018;CRUCIFERIN 2&#x27; OR &#x2018;CRUCIFERIN B&#x2019;) AND (&#x2018;Arabidopsis&#x2019;) NOT (&#x2018;chloroplast RNA binding&#x2019;). Curators refined these queries in mouse, rice and _A. thaliana_. For human and rat genes, we use mouse curation results via ortholog genes in PosMed.&#xd;&#xa;&#xd;&#xa;PosMed is available at &#x22;http://omicspace.riken.jp/PosMed&#x22;:http://omicspace.riken.jp/PosMed&#xd;&#xa;&#xd;&#xa;References:&#xd;&#xa;Yoshida Y, et al. _Nucleic Acids Res_. 37(Web Server issue):W147-52. 2009. &#xd;&#xa;Makita Y, et al. _Plant Cell Physiol_. 2009 Jul;50(7):1249-59.&#xd;&#xa

    Providing Advanced Explanation Capability in ITS for Object Understanding Support: Explanation Structure Model: EXSEL

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    本論文では,人間によって設計された電気回路などの対象の理解支援を取り上げ,ITSにおける説明による教育的支援の高度化について検討する.一般に,一つの対象はさまざまに説明することができる.その対象の理解を説明によって教育的に支援する場合,対象領域内で設定されるいくつかの支援目的に応じてさまざまな説明を使い分ける機能が,支援の高度化に重要である.このような機能を有するITSを設計・開発するためには,(1)支援目的に基づく説明の整理,(2)整理した説明を可能とする説明機能の開発,を行うことが必要である.本論文では,電気回路のように構造,振舞い,機能(目的)の三つのレベルでとらえることができる対象を題材として,対象モデルおよび視点の概念を導入し,支援目的である対象理解を定式化することによって対象に関する説明を整理する.また,整理した説明を可能とする説明機能のためのモデル,EXSEL(EXplanation Structure modEL)を提案する.EXSELは,説明の資源となる説明構造を生成するモデルであり,ITSに用いることを前提として設計されている.EXSELに対して学生の理解状態などを考慮した運用機構を付与することによって,説明による高度な教育的支援を可能とするITSを構築することができる

    Load-Oriented Tutoring to Enhance Student's Explanation Understanding: An Explanation Planner and a Self-explanation Envitonment

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    This paper discusses the design of an ITS to realize a load-oriented tutoring to enhance the student's explanation understanding. In the explanation understanding, it is to be hoped that a student not only memorizes the new information from an explanation, but also relates the acquired information with his/her own knowledge to recognize what it means. This relating process can be viewed as the one in which the student structures his/her knowledge with the explanation. In our ITS, we regard the knowledge-structuring activities as the explanation understanding. In this paper, we propose an explanation, called a load-oriented explanation, with the intention of applying a load to the student's knowledge-structuring activities purposefully. If the proper load is applied, the explanation can induce the student to think by himself/herself. Therefore he/she will have a chance of gaining the deeper understanding. The important point toward the load-oriented explanation generation is to control the load heaviness appropriately, which a student will bear in understanding the explanation. This requires to estimate how an explanation promotes the understanding activities and how much the load is applied to the activities. In order to provide ITS with the estimation, we have built an Explanation Effect Model, EEM for short. Our ITS consists of an explanation planner and a self-explanation environment. The planner generates the load-oriented explanation based on EEM. The system also makes a student explain the explanation understanding process to himself/herself. Such self-explanation is useful to let the student be conscious of the necessity of structuring his/her knowledge with the explanation. The self-explanation environment supports the student's self-explanation. Furthermore, if the student reaches an impasse in self-explaining, the planner can generate the supporting explanation for the impasse.This research is supported in part by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research No. 05780163 from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan

    A Tutoring for Behavior-Based Recursive Programming

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    Development of Support Facilities for Exercising Arithmetical Word Problems in ITS

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