21 research outputs found

    Qualitative Impact Study for PNPM Generasi and Pkh on the Provision and the Utilization of Maternal and Child Health Services and Basic Education Services in the Provinces of West Java and East Nusa Tenggara

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    This study aimed to examine the impact of pnpm generasi and pkh on the provision and the utilization of maternal and child health (mch) services and basic education services. the study was conducted in 24 villages in two provinces, West Java and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), which were divided into treatment and control areas. the qualitative panel method was used by comparing the results of the impact study with the baseline study conducted in 2007. overall, the study found an increase in the provision and utilization in the sample areas, especially in pnpm generasi treatment areas. pnpm generasi contributed to the provision of services via building physical and supporting facilities of mch and basic education as well as incentives for service providers. contributions to improvement of utilization took the form of direct aid to households, including aid to cover childbirth expenses, supplementary feeding, scholarships, transport and dormitory allowances, and school equipment. on the other hand, pkh contribution to the improvement in service utilization was evident only in NTT province. improvements were indicated by the increase in mothers' attendance at posyandu (integrated health service posts)i and of students attendance in class. these increases were encouraged by the role of pkh facilitators in motivating the beneficiaries, the possible consequences of pkh fund deduction or fund withdrawal, and the relatively large proportion of beneficiaries in each village. however, a number of problems regarding the provision and the utilization of mch and basic education services were still evident, especially in NTT. the problems included geographical and economic barriers, unavailability of service providers (of village midwives and teachers), and the villagers' beliefs in traditional customs. ___________ ia posyandu or an integrated health service post is a medium for a village/kelurahan/rw community to provide basic health services for its own members. the main objective is to help reduce under-five and maternal mortality rates. the services, provided by local cadres assisted by a puskesmas medical staff member, include immunization, weight measuring, and general health checks for children under the age of five as well as general health checks for mothers and the elderly

    A Baseline Study of Decentralization/Regional Autonomy: a Survey of Processes and Performance Indicators Across Twelve Kabupaten/kota

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    The central government of Indonesia is trying to accommodate demands for greater autonomy from the regions. As a result, provincial and kabupaten/kota level governments will soon have to cope with political, fiscal and administrative decentralization. Article 8 of Law 22/1999 states that decentralization must be accompanied with the hand-over and transfer of financing, facilities and infrastructure as well as resources in accordance with the authority delegated to a region. SMERU has outlined a four to five year study to monitor the process of decentralization and to test the impact of decentralization on the structure of the government and on the government\u27s ability to deliver services in 12 kabupaten/kota. From April 2000 to April 2001 SMERU proposes to monitor preparations and expectations in provincial, kabupaten/kota, kecamatan and village level administrations as well as prepare a survey instrument for evaluating decentralization in the future. The study will investigate how the sub-national governments are coping with the processes related to their new functions. In the second year of the study, starting may 2001, the affect of decentralization on the performance of kabupaten/kota governments in service delivery will be measured. In this study a different methodology will be needed to test performance because it will involve a broad household survey, a census of service delivery points and expert interviews at the local level. As previously stated, SMERU plans to develop the survey instruments for this 2001 study using input and key indicators generated from this year\u27s study. Twelve kabupaten/kota will be surveyed with two villages covered in each kabupaten. Government, universities, NGOs, print media and village level representatives will be surveyed. Reports will be produced on one kabupaten/kota per month for 12 months with working papers comparing results across kabupaten/kota being published in November 2000 and again in May 2001

    Teacher Absenteeism and Remote Area Allowance Baseline Survey

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    Tim peneliti koordinator penelitian: nina toyamah peneliti inti dan koordinator lapangan: nina toyamah, bambang sulaksono, meuthia rosfadhila, silvia devina, sirojuddin arif, stella aleida hutagalung, lisna sulinar sari, andriani, upik sabainingrum, nur aini peneliti lokal: bandung dan sukabumi, Jawa Barat ruhmaniyati dan dudi lesmanasurakarta, Jawa Tengah pratidina rupajati dan dwi bambang s.tuban, Jawa Timur rico feryanto dan devy pharma christianpekanbaru, Riau susy edwina dan evy maharanilahat, sumatra selatan diana handayani dan endy setiawan lombok tengah, Nusa Tenggara Barat eri hidayati dan nurul hidayatigowa, Sulawesi Selatan awaluddin dan titi nuriatinunukan, Kalimantan Timur masruni dan merry tobingkolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara abdi dan nurjana penanggung jawab dan penasihat penelitian: asep suryahadi editor valentina yulita dyah utari abstrak survei baseline kehadiran guru 2008 bertujuan untuk memperoleh perkiraan terbaru tingkat absensi guru di sekolah dasar (sd), mengetahui Perubahannya dalam lima tahun terakhir sejak diadakannya survei pertama pada 2003, dan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian program bantuan kesejahteraan untuk guru di daerah terpencil (bankes) terhadap tingkat absensi guru di Indonesia. selain itu, survei ini juga menggali informasi tentang tingkat absensi murid sd dan kemampuan murid kelas iv dalam pelajaran matematika dan bahasa Indonesia. survei dilaksanakan di lima kabupaten penerima bankes dan lima kabupaten/kota nonpenerima bankes yang tersebar di sembilan provinsi di Indonesia. jumlah total sdn sampel adalah 39 sdn penerima bankes dan 131 sdn nonpenerima bankes. survei menunjukkan bahwa meskipun tingkat absensi guru di Indonesia selama lima tahun terakhir cenderung menurun, variasi tingkat absensi guru antardaerah sampel yang sama meningkat. survei 2008 ini juga memperlihatkan bahwa keterpencilan wilayah sangat memengaruhi tingkat absensi guru. tingkat absensi guru di daerah-daerah yang relatif lebih maju atau perkotaan lebih rendah daripada tingkat absensi guru di perdesaan/kabupaten. selain itu, tingkat absensi guru di kabupaten/kota di wilayah barat Indonesia lebih rendah daripada tingkat absensi guru di wilayah tengah/timur Indonesia. pola yang sama tampak pada tingkat absensi murid dan hasil tes matematika dan bahasa Indonesia para murid. tingkat absensi guru dan murid berkorelasi negatif terhadap hasil tes matematika dan bahasa Indonesia murid kelas iv. berkaitan dengan program bankes, pemberian dana bankes bagi para guru di daerah terpencil–yang antara lain bertujuan menurunkan tingkat absensi guru di sekolah–belum menunjukkan dampak nyata. secara umum tingkat absensi guru di wilayah penerima bankes masih lebih tinggi daripada tingkat absensi guru di wilayah nonpenerima bankes. indikasi dampak pemberian bankes terhadap tingkat absensi guru hanya terlihat di kabupaten sukabumi dan kabupaten lahat. kata kunci: absensi, bantuan kesejahteraan (bankes), daerah terpencil, gur