95 research outputs found

    Recursive Combination Has Adaptability in Diversifiability of Production and Material Culture

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    It has been suggested that hierarchically structured symbols, a remarkable feature of human language, are produced via the operation of recursive combination. Recursive combination is frequently observed in human behavior, not only in language but also in action sequences, mind-reading, technology, etc. in contrast, it is rarely observed in animals. Why is it that only humans use this operation? What is the adaptability of recursive combination? We aim (1) to identify the environmental feature(s) in which recursive combination is effective for survival and reproduction, and that has facilitated the evolution of this ability, and (2) to demonstrate the possible evolutionary processes of recursive combination. To achieve this, we constructed an evolutionary simulation of agents that generated products using recursive combination and used the results to explore the types of fitness functions (that reflect the kinds of adaptive environments) that give rise to this ability. We identified two types of adaptability of the recursive combination: (1) diversifiability of production and (2) diversifiability of products. Through the former, recursive combination promotes robustness against failure of production caused by inaccurate manipulations or irreversible changes. In an environment in which diversified products are preferable, sharing a portion of the production process for these products entails producing multiple products in which recursive combination plays a key role. We suppose that recursive combination works as a driving force of material culture. Finally, we discuss the possible evolutionary scenarios of recursive combination that is later generalized to encompass many aspects of human cognition, including human language


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    学位の種別:課程博士University of Tokyo(東京大学

    We conducted experiments using a Solar-Sea-Oasis (SSO) and a microbubble generator (MB) to\nimprove hypoxic condition at mooring place in Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. We looked into\neffects of these apparatuses by computational fluid dynamics (CFD). When we operated SSO, the effect of dissolved\noxygen (DO) supply was only confirmed near the water outlet. This was suggested by computational fluid dynamics\nthat water that came out from water outlet rising upward without staying in the bottom was the causes. Then, we\nconducted experiments using a MB to aerate bottom of the sea more directly. Vertical distributions of DO showed\noxygen was supplied horizontally, but DO concentration increased about 0.24 mg L-1 that was lower than SSO\nexperiment. This was suggested by CFD that water came out from MB generator spread horizontally without staying\nnear the MB generator was the cause. Therefore, it is necessary to improve of making the MB water staying more\nnear the MB generator.

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    東京海洋大学品川キャンパス係船場にてソーラーシーオアシス (SSO) 並びに,マイクロバブル発生装置による貧酸素水塊改善実験を行い,流体シミュレーションにより効果を検証した。現場観測からSSO の効果が放出部付近でのみ確認されたことは,流体シミュレーションにより放出部から出た水が海底付近に留まらずに鉛直上向きに上昇してしまうことが原因だと示唆された。そこで,より直接海底付近に酸素を供給するためにマイクロバブル発生装置を用いた実験を行った。現場観測では水平方向に酸素が供給されている分布を示したが,DO 増加量が0.24 mg L-1 とSSO よりも低い値となった。これは放出した水が,その場に滞留することはなく水平方向に広がっていることが原因と流体シミュレーションによりわかった。このため今後はより海底付近に滞留させる方法を考える必要がある。東京海洋大学大学院海洋科学技術研究科東京海洋大学海洋科学部海洋環境学科東東京海洋大学海洋工学部海洋電子機械工学

    Genetic association of glutathione peroxidase-1 with coronary artery calcification in type 2 diabetes: a case control study with multi-slice computed tomography

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although oxidative stress by accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in diabetes has become evident, it remains unclear what genes, involved in redox balance, would determine susceptibility for development of atherosclerosis in diabetes. This study evaluated the effect of genetic polymorphism of enzymes producing or responsible for reducing ROS on coronary artery calcification in type 2 diabetes (T2D).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An index for coronary-arteriosclerosis, coronary artery calcium score (CACS) was evaluated in 91 T2D patients using a multi-slice computed tomography. Patients were genotyped for ROS-scavenging enzymes, <it>Glutathione peroxidase-1 (GPx-1)</it>, <it>Catalase, Mn-SOD</it>, <it>Cu/Zn-SOD</it>, as well as SNPs of <it>NADPH oxidase </it>as ROS-promoting elements, genes related to onset of T2D (<it>CAPN10, ADRB3, PPAR gamma, FATP4</it>). Age, blood pressure, BMI, HbA<sub>1c</sub>, lipid and duration of diabetes were evaluated for a multivariate regression analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CACS with Pro/Leu genotype of the <it>GPx-1 </it>gene was significantly higher than in those with Pro/Pro (744 ± 1,291 vs. 245 ± 399, respectively, <it>p </it>= 0.006). In addition, genotype frequency of Pro/Leu in those with CACS ≥ 1000 was significantly higher than in those with CACS < 1000 (45.5% vs. 18.8%; <it>OR </it>= 3.61, <it>CI </it>= 0.97–13.42; <it>p </it>= 0.045) when tested for deviation from Hardy-Weinberg's equilibrium. Multivariate regression analyses revealed that CACS significantly correlated with <it>GPx-1 </it>genotypes and age.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The presence of Pro197Leu substitution of the <it>GPx-1 </it>gene may play a crucial role in determining genetic susceptibility to coronary-arteriosclerosis in T2D. The mechanism may be associated with a decreased ability to scavenge ROS with the variant <it>GPx-1</it>.</p

    Neuroprotective Efficacy of YM872, an ␣-Amino-3-Hydroxy-5- Methylisoxazole-4-Propionic Acid Receptor Antagonist, after Permanent Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Rats

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    ABSTRACT The neuroprotective efficacy of YM872, a novel, highly watersoluble ␣-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid receptor antagonist, was investigated in rats subjected to permanent occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery. The rats were assessed either histologically or neurologically 24 hr or 1 wk after ischemia. YM872 was intravenously infused for either 4 or 24 hr at dose rates of 0 to 20 mg/kg/hr starting 5 min after ischemia to examine the effect of prolonged treatment. YM872 was then infused at 20 mg/kg/hr beginning 0 to 4 hr after ischemia to determine the efficacy time window. Additionally, a 20 mg/kg/hr dose rate of YM872 was infused for 4 hr in single day-or 5-day repetitive-administrations to evaluate long-term benefits of the drug. YM872 significantly reduced infarct volume in both 4-and 24-hr treatment groups measured 24 hr after ischemia. No difference was observed in the degree of protection between length of infusion. Significant neuroprotection was maintained even when drug administration was delayed up to 2 hr after ischemia. A single YM872-administration significantly improved neurological deficit and reduced infarct volume (30%, P Ͻ .01) measured 1 wk after ischemia. YM872 treatment did not induce such adverse effects as physiological changes, serious behavioral abnormalities or nephrotoxicity. These data suggest that the ␣-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid receptor plays a crucial role in the progression of neuronal damage in the early phase of ischemia and that YM872 may be useful in treating acute ischemic stroke

    Adult patients with Ph+ ALL benefit from conditioning regimen of medium‐dose VP16 plus CY/TBI

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    The medium-dose etoposide (VP16) added on cyclophosphamide (CY)/total body irradiation (TBI) is one of the intensified myeloablative conditioning regimens used in allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). However, the patient subgroups who can actually benefit from VP16/CY/TBI compared to CY/TBI have not been precisely defined. Therefore, we conducted a multi-center retrospective study using the Japanese nationwide registry database to elucidate the efficacy of VP16/CY/TBI on post-transplant prognosis. Biological and clinical distinct subtypes (i.e., Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) and -negative (Ph−) ALL) were evaluated separately, which included 820 Ph+ and 1463 patients with Ph− ALL, respectively. Compared with the CY/TBI group, the VP16/CY/TBI group showed superior progression-free survival (PFS) in patients with Ph+ ALL (65% vs. 57% at 3 years after HSCT; adjusted hazard ratio (HR), 0.73; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.55–0.98; p = 0.03), along with significantly reduced incidence of relapse (adjusted HR, 0.58; 95% CI, 0.37–0.90; p = 0.02) without the increase of non-relapse mortality (NRM). By contrast, in patients with Ph− ALL, VP16/CY/TBI did not improve PFS nor incidence of relapse; addition of VP16 reduced relapse (HR, 0.65; p = 0.06) in patients with Ph− ALL transplanted at CR1, while improved PFS was not observed (HR, 0.90; p = 0.52) due to increased NRM. This study demonstrated that VP16/CY/TBI is a more effective and well-tolerated regimen in comparison with CY/TBI in patients with myeloablative allo-HSCT for adult Ph+ ALL. Our findings can provide a novel algorithm for conditioning regimen selection in patients with adult ALL

    Approaches in improving hypoxia and environmental capability at a mooring place in Shinagawa campus of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

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    貧酸素水塊改善を目的として本学品川キャンパス係船場にてソーラーシーオアシス並びにマイクロバブルによる貧酸素改善実験を行った。また,実験を行う以前から係船場の環境特性を把握するため,水質の調査も行った。係船場の環境は東京湾と比べ水温が高く,塩分が低い。これは周辺にある芝浦水再生センターや品川,大井火力発電所の放流水の影響であることが示唆された。また,年間を通じて成層しており,底層の貧酸素状態は2006年5月-11 月,2007年6月-11 月に起きていた。ソーラーシーオアシスの実験では,装置内外のDO 差は平均で0.91 mg L-1高い値が示された。この差の変化は,取水口部分のDO とよく対応していた。マイクロバブルの実験では,空気流量が1.0 L min-1の場合には,径の大きな気泡が発生しその周囲のみDO が高くなったが,それと連動して底層の海水が上昇し海底付近では効果が見られなかった。空気流量が0.2 L min-1の場合には海水の上昇は確認されず,等密度面に添って緩やかに酸素を供給した。しかし,その量は貧酸素状態を解消するに至らず今後さらなる改良が望まれる。We conducted experiments using a Solar-Sea-Oasis (SSO) and a microbubble generator (MB) to improve hypoxic condition at mooring place in Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. Prior to the experiments, we measured water quality (temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration (DO)) to assess the hydrographic condition in this mooring place. Hydrographic parameters or recorded temperature and salinity in the area were higher and lower respectively, than those measured in Tokyo Bay (Stn. F3). These data indicate intrusion of effluent water from Wastewater Treatment Plant and Shinagawa and Oi Thermal Power Plant near the mooring place. Water column was stratified all year round and was hypoxic at the bottom during May-November 2006 and June-November 2007. In SSO experiments, the difference of DO between the inner and outer side of SSO apparatus was 0.91 mg L-1 in average. The trend of DO record traced at the SSO intake or the sea surface corresponded with that difference. When air flow rate was 1.0 L min-1 in MB experiments, DO near the sea bottom did not increase, due to large size bubbles rising from the bottom up to the upper layer. Conversely, the rising of bubbles was not observed, and DO modestly increased along same density layer when air flow rate was 0.2 L min-1. However it was not enough to improve hypoxia and further improvement is thus required.東京海洋大学大学院海洋科学技術研究科東京海洋大学大学院海洋科学技術研究科東京海洋大学海洋科学部海洋環境学科東京海洋大学海洋工学部海洋電子機械工学科東京海洋大学大学院海洋科学技術研究科東京水産大学水産学部海洋環境学