31 research outputs found

    Simulated climate change impacts on striped bass, blue crab and Eastern oyster in oyster sanctuary habitats of Chesapeake Bay

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    Oyster reefs and the species that inhabit them will likely be impacted by shifts in environmental conditions due to climate change. This study examined the potential impact of long-term shifts in water temperature and salinity as a result of climate change on the biomasses of important fisheries species within oyster sanctuary sites in the Choptank and Little Choptank river complex (CLC) in Chesapeake Bay using an Ecopath with Ecosim food web model. The model was used to evaluate changes in the oyster reef food web, with particular emphasis on impacts to striped bass (Morone saxatilis), blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), and Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica). Eight different climate change scenarios were used to vary water temperature and salinity within Chesapeake Bay up to the year 2100 based on projections given by previous studies. Simulations used a 4 °C increase in temperature along with an increase (+12 or +10) or decrease (−2) in salinity at annual time steps. The rate of change in species biomasses across scenarios ranged from −0.0052 to 0.0008 t/km2/month for striped bass, −0.0021 to 0.0026 t/km2/month for blue crab and −0.0018 to 0.0026 t/km2/month for oysters. Across the majority of scenarios, the biomasses of striped bass and blue crab decreased, while oyster biomass increased. These results begin to offer insight on the interaction between oyster reef restoration benefits and climate change. The modeling framework utilized by this study may be adapted to other systems to assess the effects of climate change on other coastal restoration habitats

    The involvement of neuroimmune cells in adipose innervation.

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    BACKGROUND: Innervation of adipose tissue is essential for the proper function of this critical metabolic organ. Numerous surgical and chemical denervation studies have demonstrated how maintenance of brain-adipose communication through both sympathetic efferent and sensory afferent nerves helps regulate adipocyte size, cell number, lipolysis, and \u27browning\u27 of white adipose tissue. Neurotrophic factors are growth factors that promote neuron survival, regeneration, and plasticity, including neurite outgrowth and synapse formation. Peripheral immune cells have been shown to be a source of neurotrophic factors in humans and mice. Although a number of immune cells reside in the adipose stromal vascular fraction (SVF), it has remained unclear what roles they play in adipose innervation. We previously demonstrated that adipose SVF secretes brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). METHODS: We now show that deletion of this neurotrophic factor from the myeloid lineage of immune cells led to a \u27genetic denervation\u27 of inguinal subcutaneous white adipose tissue (scWAT), thereby causing decreased energy expenditure, increased adipose mass, and a blunted UCP1 response to cold stimulation. RESULTS: We and others have previously shown that noradrenergic stimulation via cold exposure increases adipose innervation in the inguinal depot. Here we have identified a subset of myeloid cells that home to scWAT upon cold exposure and are Ly6C CONCLUSIONS: We propose that these myeloid lineage, cold induced neuroimmune cells (CINCs) are key players in maintaining adipose innervation as well as promoting adipose nerve remodeling under noradrenergic stimulation, such as cold exposure

    Renal nerves contribute to hypertension in Schlager BPH/2J mice

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    Schlager mice (BPH/2J) are hypertensive due to a greater contribution of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and renin-angiotensin system (RAS). The kidneys of BPH/2J are hyper-innervated suggesting renal nerves may contribute to the hypertension. We therefore determined the effect of bilateral renal denervation (RD) on hypertension in BPH/2J. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was measured by radiotelemetry before and for 3 weeks after RD in BPH/2J and BPN/3J. The effects of pentolinium and enalaprilat were examined to determine the contribution of the SNS and RAS, respectively. After 3 weeks, MAP was −10.9 ± 2.1 mmHg lower in RD BPH/2J compared to baseline and −2.1 ± 2.2 mmHg in sham BPH/2J (P < 0.001, n = 8–10). RD had no effect in BPN/3J (P > 0.1). The depressor response to pentolinium was greater in BPH/2J than BPN/3J, but in both cases the response in RD mice was similar to sham. Enalaprilat decreased MAP more in RD BPH/2J compared to sham (−12 vs −3 mmHg, P < 0.001) but had no effect in BPN/3J. RD reduced renal noradrenaline in both strains but more so in BPH/2J. RD reduced renin mRNA and protein, but not plasma renin in BPH/2J to levels comparable with BPN/3J mice. We conclude that renal nerves contribute to hypertension in BPH mice as RD induced a sustained fall in MAP, which was associated with a reduction of intrarenal renin expression. The lack of inhibition of the depressor effects of pentolinium and enalaprilat by RD suggests that vasoconstrictor effects of the SNS or RAS are not involved

    The Importance of Peripheral Nerves in Adipose Tissue for the Regulation of Energy Balance

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    Brown and white adipose tissues are essential for maintenance of proper energy balance and metabolic health. In order to function efficiently, these tissues require both endocrine and neural communication with the brain. Brown adipose tissue (BAT), as well as the inducible brown adipocytes that appear in white adipose tissue (WAT) after simulation, are thermogenic and energy expending. This uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1)-mediated process requires input from sympathetic nerves releasing norepinephrine. In addition to sympathetic noradrenergic signaling, adipose tissue contains sensory nerves that may be important for relaying fuel status to the brain. Chemical and surgical denervation studies of both WAT and BAT have clearly demonstrated the role of peripheral nerves in browning, thermogenesis, lipolysis, and adipogenesis. However, much is still unknown about which subtypes of nerves are present in BAT versus WAT, what nerve products are released from adipose nerves and how they act to mediate metabolic homeostasis, as well as which cell types in adipose are receiving synaptic input. Recent advances in whole-depot imaging and quantification of adipose nerve fibers, as well as other new research findings, have reinvigorated this field of research. This review summarizes the history of research into adipose innervation and brain&#8315;adipose communication, and also covers landmark and recent research on this topic to outline what we currently know and do not know about adipose tissue nerve supply and communication with the brain

    Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Expression Marks a Population of Rare Adipose Tissue Stem Cells.

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    In adult tissues such as adipose tissue, post-mitotic cells like adipocytes can be replaced by differentiation of a population of tissue-resident stem cells. Expression of mouse telomerase reverse transcriptase (mTert) is a hallmark of stem cell populations, and previous efforts to identify tissue-resident adult stem cells by measuring mTert expression have increased our understanding of stem cell biology significantly. Here, we used a doxycycline-inducible mouse model to perform longitudinal, live-animal lineage-tracing of mTert-expressing cells for more than 1 year. We identified a rare