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    医療系大学生のキャリア継続意識を明らかにするため,県立広島大学保健福祉学部の看護・理学療法・作業療法・コミュニケーション障害・人間福祉学科の1年生を対象に,男女共同参画,ライフスタイルおよび就労継続などに関するアンケート調査を実施した。その結果,学生の多くは「男は仕事,女は家庭」などの伝統的な性別役割的な考えには否定的である一方,理学療法学科以外の4学科の女子学生の6割以上は,子どもがいてもずっと働き続けたいとは希望していなかった。これらの事から,医療系大学生には,専門職教育だけではなく,初年次からの男女共同参画に関する啓発やキャリア教育の必要性が明らかになった。The study surveys first-year students from the departments of nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, communication sciences and disorders, and human welfare, belonging to the Faculty of Health and Welfare, Prefectural University of Hiroshima. Attitudes of these co-medical students toward professional sustainability were examined by means of a questionnaire regarding gender equality, lifestyle, and motivation for continued employment. The study finds that most students have negative feelings toward traditional gender roles, and over 60% of female students, except for those from the department of physical therapy, were not motivated to continue their careers after pregnancy and child-rearing. The study concludes that professional education as well as gender equality and career guidance are essential during the early stages of co-medical education.資