75 research outputs found

    Dynamo driven accretion discs and dwarf nova eruptions

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    We explore the consequences of a magnetic dynamo origin for the viscosity in accretion discs, for the structure and evolution of discs in dwarf nova systems. We propose that the rapid cooling that sets in at the end of a dwarf nova eruption acts to inhibit the Balbus-Hawley instability, and thereby to quench dynamo action and so reduce disc viscosity. We demonstrate that a modified disc instability model can reproduce the basic properties of dwarf nova eruptions, as well as some properties of quiescent discs. We also discuss some observational consequences of our model.Comment: uu-encoded gz-compressed Postscript file, 18 pages including 6 figures. ApJ in pres

    Enhanced rotational mixing in the radiative zones of massive stars

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    Convection in the cores of massive stars becomes anisotropic when they rotate. This anisotropy leads to a misalignment of the thermal gradient and the thermal flux, which in turn results in baroclinicity and circulation currents in the upper radiative zone. We show that this induces a much stronger meridional flow in the radiative zone than previously thought. This drives significantly enhanced mixing, though this mixing does not necessarily reach the surface. The extra mixing takes on a similar form to convective overshooting, and is relatively insensitive to the rotation rate above a threshold, and may help explain the large overshoot distances inferred from observations. This has significant consequences for the evolution of these stars by enhancing core-envelope mixing

    Post-common envelope binary systems experiencing helium-shell-driven stable mass transfer

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    We evolve stellar models to study the common envelope (CE) interaction of an early asymptotic giant branch star of initial mass 5M5\,\rm M_{\odot} with a companion star of mass ranging from 0.10.1 to 2M2\,\rm M_{\odot}. We model the CE as a fast stripping phase in which the primary experiences rapid mass loss and loses about 80 per cent of its mass. The post-CE remnant is then allowed to thermally readjust during a Roche-lobe overflow (RLOF) phase and the final binary system and its orbital period are investigated. We find that the post-CE RLOF phase is long enough to allow nuclear burning to proceed in the helium shell. By the end of this phase, the donor is stripped of both its hydrogen and helium and ends up as carbon-oxygen white dwarf of mass about 0.8M0.8\,\rm M_{\odot}. We study the sensitivity of our results to initial conditions of different companion masses and orbital separations at which the stripping phase begins. We find that the companion mass affects the final binary separation and that helium-shell burning causes the star to refill its Roche lobe leading to post-CE RLOF. Our results show that double mass transfer in such a binary interaction is able to strip the helium and hydrogen layers from the donor star without the need for any special conditions or fine tuning of the binary parameters

    Origin of magnetic fields in cataclysmic variables

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    In a series of recent papers, it has been proposed that high field magnetic white dwarfs are the result of close binary interaction and merging. Population synthesis calculations have shown that the origin of isolated highly magnetic white dwarfs is consistent with the stellar merging hypothesis. In this picture, the observed fields are caused by an alpha-Omega dynamo driven by differential rotation. The strongest fields arise when the differential rotation equals the critical break-up velocity and result from the merging of two stars (one of which has a degenerate core) during common envelope evolution or from the merging of two white dwarfs. We now synthesise a population of binary systems to investigate the hypothesis that the magnetic fields in the magnetic cataclysmic variables also originate during stellar interaction in the common envelope phase. Those systems that emerge from common envelope more tightly bound form the cataclysmic variables with the strongest magnetic fields. We vary the common envelope efficiency parameter and compare the results of our population syntheses with observations of magnetic cataclysmic variables. We find that common envelope interaction can explain the observed characteristics of these magnetic systems if the envelope ejection efficiency is low

    Genesis of magnetic fields in isolated white dwarfs

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    A dynamo mechanism driven by differential rotation when stars merge has been proposed to explain the presence of strong fields in certain classes of magnetic stars. In the case of the high field magnetic white dwarfs (HFMWDs), the site of the differential rotation has been variously thought to be the common envelope, the hot outer regions of a merged degenerate core or an accretion disc formed by a tidally disrupted companion that is subsequently accreted by a degenerate core. We have shown previously that the observed incidence of magnetism and the mass distribution in HFMWDs are consistent with the hypothesis that they are the result of merging binaries during common envelope evolution. Here we calculate the magnetic field strengths generated by common envelope interactions for synthetic populations using a simple prescription for the generation of fields and find that the observed magnetic field distribution is also consistent with the stellar merging hypothesis. We use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to study the correlation between the calculated and the observed field strengths and find that it is consistent for low envelope ejection efficiency. We also suggest that field generation by the plunging of a giant gaseous planet on to a white dwarf may explain why magnetism among cool white dwarfs (including DZ white dwarfs) is higher than among hot white dwarfs. In this picture a super Jupiter residing in the outer regions of the planetary system of the white dwarf is perturbed into a highly eccentric orbit by a close stellar encounter and is later accreted by the white dwarf

    Overshoot inwards from the bottom of the intershell convective zone in (S)AGB stars

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    We estimate the extent of overshooting inwards from the bottom of the intershell convective zone in thermal pulses in (S)AGB stars. We find that the buoyancy is so strong that any overshooting should be negligible. The temperature inversion at the bottom of the convective zone adds to the stability of the region. Any mixing that occurs in this region is highly unlikely to be due to convective overshooting, and so must be due to another process