16 research outputs found
Approche intégrée de la gestion environnementale des produits pharmaceutiques dans des rejets de stations d épuration urbaines et leur milieu récepteur (occurrence, impact et traitements tertiaires d'élimination)
Les produits pharmaceutiques (PPs), largement consommĂ©s par la population et continuellement rejetĂ©s dans l'environnement via les stations d'Ă©puration des eaux usĂ©es (STEP) constituent une source de contamination du milieu aquatique. L'Ă©valuation du risque environnemental de ces composĂ©s implique la quantification prĂ©cise de leurs concentrations et l'estimation de leur toxicitĂ© vis-Ă -vis des espĂšces exposĂ©es. Notre Ă©tude portant sur une douzaine de composĂ©s pharmaceutiques reprĂ©sentatifs a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans le Sud Est de la France. AprĂšs la mise au point d'une mĂ©thode de dĂ©tection par LC-MS/MS, une campagne d'Ă©chantillonnage ciblĂ©e sur 7 stations d'Ă©puration urbaines et les eaux naturelles dans lesquelles leurs effluents se dĂ©versent (riviĂšres gardoises et lagune) a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e afin d'Ă©valuer le niveau de contamination par les PPs. La toxicitĂ© des PPs a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e Ă l'aide de tests de bioluminescence et d'inhibition de croissance (Microtox, ToxScreen et Protoxkit). En parallĂšle, des expĂ©riences ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es afin d'Ă©valuer le potentiel de la photolyse UV et de l'adsorption sur charbon actif pour Ă©liminer ces composĂ©s. La campagne de mesure met en Ă©vidence la prĂ©sence de PPs dans les effluents de STEP de la rĂ©gion Sud-Est Ă des concentrations comprises entre 10 et 1000 ng.L-1 et atteignant quelques centaines de ng.L-1 dans le milieu rĂ©cepteur situĂ© en aval. La comparaison des niveaux d'exposition aux valeurs de toxicitĂ© obtenues expĂ©rimentalement et complĂ©tĂ©es des donnĂ©es de la littĂ©rature suggĂšre que seuls 3 composĂ©s pharmaceutiques (propranolol, ibuprofĂšne et diclofĂ©nac) sont susceptibles d'induire un risque faible Ă l'Ă©chelle locale (riviĂšres gardoises). Le traitement complĂ©mentaire des effluents de STEP par photolyse UV et adsorption sur charbon actif s'avĂšre ĂȘtre efficace pour Ă©liminer la majoritĂ© des 12 composĂ©s Ă©tudiĂ©s et peuvent ĂȘtre envisagĂ© pour limiter la prĂ©sence et l'impact des produits pharmaceutiques dans l'environnementPharmaceutical products (PPs), widely consumed by population and discharged in the environment through wastewater treatment process (WTP), are sources of aquatic ecosystems contamination. Environmental risk assessment for these substances involves the accurate quantification of their concentrations and the evaluation of their toxicity for exposed species. Our study dealing with a dozen of representative pharmaceutical compounds was conducted in Southeast France. A LC-MS/MS detection method was developed and a sampling campaign was carried out on 7 urban WTP and the natural waters where they discharge (rivers of the Gard and pond) in order to assess PPs contamination level. Toxicity of PPs was estimated using bioluminescent and growth inhibition tests (Microtox, ToxScreen and Protoxkit). Experiments were conducted to evaluate UV photolysis and activated carbon adsorption capacities for the removal of these compounds. Measurements for samples collected highlight the occurrence of PPs in WTP effluent of Southeast region at concentrations ranging from 10 to 1000 ng.L-1 and reaching hundreds of ng.L-1 in the downstream surface waters. Comparison between the level of exposure and experimental toxicity values completed by literature data suggests that only 3 compounds (propranolol, ibuprofen and diclofĂ©nac) may induce a low risk at a local scale (rivers of Gard). Complementary treatments of the STP effluents by UV photolysis and activated carbon adsorption prove to be efficient to remove most of the 12 studied PPs and should be considered to reduce the presence and the impact of pharmaceutical products in the environmentMONTPELLIER-BU Sciences (341722106) / SudocSudocFranceF
Etude comportementale d'effluents industriels par spectrophotométrie UV-visible
La caractĂ©risation des effluents complexes et variables s avĂšre souvent dĂ©licate. Les mĂ©thodes analytiques classiques sont peu adaptĂ©es et lourdes Ă mettre en Ćuvre. Une approche par dĂ©convolution spectrale avancĂ©e (DSA) permet de surmonter la complexitĂ© de ces milieux en modĂ©lisant leur variabilitĂ©. La technique mise en Ćuvre est la spectrophotomĂ©trie UV. La premiĂšre Ă©tape a Ă©tĂ© de mesurer la charge organique et d estimer la toxicitĂ© par les mĂ©thodes classiques de laboratoire. La seconde Ă©tape a Ă©tĂ© d Ă©tablir une corrĂ©lation entre les paramĂštres Ă©tudiĂ©s (DCO, COT, toxicitĂ©) et les caractĂ©ristiques spectrales des effluents industriels fournis provenant de l industrie chimique et pĂ©trochimique. L approche de dĂ©convolution spectrale avancĂ©e a donnĂ© des rĂ©sultats satisfaisants pour l estimation de la charge organique. La toxicitĂ© varie en fonction des conditions expĂ©rimentales. La modĂ©lisation par DSA de la toxicitĂ© permet de diffĂ©rencier les effluents toxiques de ceux qui ne le sont pasAIX-MARSEILLE1-BU Sci.St Charles (130552104) / SudocSudocFranceF
Spectroscopic study of dissolved organic sulfur (DOS): a case study of mercaptans
International audienceSulfur compounds are often present in petrochemical wastewater and can be detected by UV spectrophotometry. This technique allows to point out specific absorptions of mineral sulfide and mercaptans and can be used for the determination of acidity constants. From a quantitative point of view, using a spectral deconvolution method, a specific determination of some mercaptans is obtained. Detection limits for ethanethiol and thiophenol are 0.7 and 2.5 mg lâ1, respectively
Kit de diagnostic rapide de la contamination des sols par les HAP: Principe, mise en Ćuvre et Ă©valuation
Investigation of contaminated soils, assessment of treatment processes and environmental monitoring of remediated soils require screening many samples. Laboratory analyses (gaz or liquid chromatography) are expensive and time consuming. Moreover, the procedures are not suited to field conditions. In this context, a new field kit for PAH diagnosis has been developed. Based on the UV spectrophotometric analysis of a soil organic extract, the total PAH estimation, in reference to the 16 PAHs included in the US Environmental Protection Agency Priority Pollutants List, can be obtained on site within 20 minutes. Moreover, a âtreatability indexâ, informing on the potential degradation of pollutants which may occur into the soil, is given. This last is connected with the proportion of PAH including two or three cycles in their structure (âlight PAHsâ) which are known to be more readily biodegradable. A validation on several contaminated soil samples, from different origins, has been carried out.This tool allows to give a rapid diagnosis of total PAHs concentration in a contaminated soil and to point out the most polluted areas on an industrial site. The proposed kit is well fitted for the monitoring of a treatment process and the survey of natural attenuation into a PAH contaminated soil.Le diagnostic des sols contaminĂ©s, le contrĂŽle des procĂ©dĂ©s de traitement et le suivi environnemental des sols contaminĂ©s traitĂ©s nĂ©cessitent le screening dâun grand nombre dâĂ©chantillons. Dans ce contexte, un kit de diagnostic rapide des HAP a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©. La procĂ©dure inclut un prĂ©-traitement de lâĂ©chantillon de sol suivi dâune extraction Ă lâacĂ©tonitrile. Lâextrait organique est alors analysĂ© par spectrophotomĂ©trie UV (analyseur portable). Ainsi, sur site et en une vingtaine de minutes, une estimation globale de la concentration en HAP, en rĂ©fĂ©rence aux 16 HAP de la liste EPA, est fournie. La limite de dĂ©tection de la mĂ©thode est de 20 mg.kg-1. De plus, un indice de traitabilitĂ© biologique du sol est Ă©galement donnĂ©. Il renseigne sur lâaptitude du sol contaminĂ© Ă Ă©voluer dans des conditions environnementales naturelles
Chapter 9: Recommendations on Education and communication measures
International audienc
Drug residues and endocrine disruptors in drinking water: risk for humans?: review
International audienceThe presence of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors in the environment raises many questions about risk to the environment and human health. Environmental exposure has been largely studied, providing to date a realistic picture of the degree of contamination of the environment by pharmaceuticals and hormones. Conversely, little information is available regarding human exposure. NSAIDS, carbamazepine, iodinated contrast media, ÎČ-blockers, antibiotics have been detected in drinking water, mostly in the range of ng/L. it is questioned if such concentrations may affect human health. Currently, no consensus among the scientific community exists on what risk, if any, pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors pose to human health. Future European research will focus, on one hand, on genotoxic and cytotoxic anti-cancer drugs and, on the other hand, on the induction of genetic resistance by antibiotics. This review does not aim to give a comprehensive overview of human health risk of drug residues and endocrine disruptors in drinking water but rather highlight important topics of discussion