200 research outputs found

    Regional Odontodysplasia with Generalised Enamel Defect

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    Regional odontodysplasia (ROD) is uncommon developmental anomaly, which tends to be localised and involves the ectodermal and mesodermal tooth components. A five-year-old female was referred to Department of Child Dental Health at the Leeds Dental Institute regarding malformed primary teeth. On examination 64, 74, and 72 had localised hypomineralized enamel defect. The crown of 55 was broken down with only the root remaining below the gingival level. 54 has a yellowish brown discolouration with rough irregular surface. The upper anterior teeth show mild enamel opacity. Radiographically, 55 and 54 had thin radioopaque contour, showing poor distinction between the enamel and dentine and the classic feature of a wide pulp chamber. 15, 16, and 17 were developmentally delayed and were displaying the characteristic “ghost appearance.” Comprehensive dental care was done under local anaesthesia and it included extraction of the primary molars affected by ROD, stainless steel crown on 64, and caries prevention program. Fifteen months following the initial assessment the patient’s oral condition remains stable and she is under regular follow-up at the department. Paediatric dentists should be aware of this anomaly as it involves both dentitions and usually requires multidisciplinary care

    Fluoride levels in UK infant milks.

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    Aim To provide a comprehensive report of fluoride concentration in UK infant milks and estimate their contribution to daily fluoride intake. Methods A total of 60 formula milk products available commercially or within a hospital environment were analysed, along with eight pasteurised cow’s milk samples. Formula milk products requiring preparation were reconstituted with fresh Leeds tap water (0.02 ppmF). Fluoride concentration was measured for all products directly using an ion selective electrode after addition of low-level total ionic strength adjustment buffer. Results The overall median fluoride concentration for the 68 infant milks was 0.025 ppmF, with a wide range of 0.002–0.282 ppmF. Analysis revealed variation between composition and manufacturer, in addition to differences between measured and labeled fluoride concentration. Although all products contained low fluoride concentration, the fluoride concentrations for formula milks used within the hospital setting (0.029 ppmF) were statistically higher in comparison to the commercial formula milk (0.016 ppmF) and cow’s milk (0.017 ppmF) products. The daily fluoride contribution from infant milks was low; 0.0034 mgF/kg body weight per day was estimated between birth and 6 months of age, further decreasing as intake of infant milk decreased with age. Conclusions Fluoride concentration of the analysed infant milks is low, providing minimal contribution towards total daily F intake and alone are unlikely to pose a threat for the development of dental fluorosis

    Fluoride levels in UK infant milks

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    El gouma, baile estacional y baile de gemelos de los guidar del norte de Camerún

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    La tradición es la identidad de un pueblo, es decir, las diferentes manifestaciones por las que es reconocible a través del tiempo. El presente artículo describe el gouma en todas sus dimensiones: el número de bailadores, la indumentaria, los instrumentos utilizados y el período en el que está autorizada esta ceremonia. Además de los momentos de celebración lúdica, el gouma es un baile que se ejecuta durante la danza de los gemelos, criaturas con dotes particulares que tienen un significado social particular en África. Este artículo muestra las creencias y costumbres del pueblo guidar; pero, más allá de ello, revela toda una filosofía del pensamiento africanoTradition can be understood as the identity of community or, as the different manifestations that contribute to define it and perpetuate it throughout time. This article presents the gouma in all the aspects that characterise it: the number of dancers, their clothing, the instruments used, and the period in which this ceremony is authorized. Apart from its role of entertainment, the gouma is executed during the dance of the twins, creatures with extraordinary qualities that grants them a particular status in the African continent. This article evidences the beliefs and customs of the guidar people, but beyond it, shows an entire philosophy of the African though

    Comparison of residual salivary fluoride retention using amine fluoride toothpastes in caries-free and caries-prone children.

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    This was to compare the salivary fluoride levels following tooth brushing with amine fluoride toothpastes containing three different concentrations of F (250 ppm F, 500 ppm F and 1250 ppm F) and to evaluate the effect of rinsing with water on the oral fluoride levels up to 90 min.A double blind randomised six-arm crossover study was conducted with 32 child participants. Patients were divided into two groups depending on their caries experience with caries-free group (n = 17, mean age = 72.9 months) and caries-prone group (n = 15, mean age = 69.6 months, mean dmfs = 12.3). Each participant brushed their teeth with a smear of dentifrice containing (250 ppm, 500 ppm and 1250 ppm F toothpastes) for 60 s. After spitting out the dentifrice/saliva slurry, participants either rinsed with water or did not rinse at all. Samples of whole mixed unstimulated saliva were collected at 0 (baseline), 1, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 mins post-brushing/rinsing.After completing the study on residual fluoride concentration it was found that caries was not a significant variable (p = 0.567) while every other variable was (all p values 1000 ppm F concentration in children with an increased caries risk in addition to spitting excess toothpaste with no rinsing following brushing

    Osteoporosis Syndrome in Thalassaemia Major: An Overview

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    Osteoporosis in thalassaemia major (TM) represents a prominent cause of morbidity. The mechanism of pathogenesis of bone disease (BD) in TM is multifactorial and complicated. Peak bone mass is achieved shortly after completion of puberty and normally remains stable until the third decade of life when age-related bone mass begins. Growth hormone (GH) and sex steroids play a crucial role in bone remodeling and in the maintenance of skeletal architecture during adult life. GH and insulin growth factors (IGFs) have anabolic effect in bone formation. Sex steroids act probably by increasing the expression of RANKL by osteoblastic cells and alterations in the RANK/RANKL/OPG system in favor of osteoclasts. Impaired GH secretion and lack of sex steroids in thalassemic patients due to pituitary damage, contribute to failure of achieving optimal peak bone mass. Other endocrine complications such as hypoparathyroidism and vitamin D deficiency have also a detrimental role on bones in TM. It is still questionable whether the international criteria for defining osteopenia and osteoporosis are relevant to patients with TM; also a question arises for the diagnostic methods such as DEXA scan and management of osteoporosis with known treatment protocols, in the thalassaemic patient

    Effects of Household Waste Disposal on Surface and Ground Waters in the Rapidly Urbanising Mamfe Town (South-West Region, Cameroon)

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    Huge waste generation by the rapidly growing Mamfe town is posing enormous environmental challenges. This work that aimed at examining the implications of household waste on potable water sources, used the mixed research design, combining descriptive and experimental approaches. Ground (Two wells, one borehole) and surface (two streams) sources were sampled and empirical data for physicochemical parameters (PH, EC, water temperature, TDS, and salinity) of the five water samples were measured in-situ using a multi-meter and complemented by questionnaires and interviews information. Data obtained were analysed using the One-way ANOVA and chi-square tests. Except for the pH, values of 11 of the 12 physical and chemical elements (Temperature, EC, TDS, pH, Ca32+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, HCO3-, Cl-, NO3 -) were within permissible limits of WHO drinking water standard. Hierarchical cluster analysis revealed two clusters: EC and TDS; and temperature  (?), pH, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, HCO3-, Cl-, NO3-, and salinity. Spearman correlation analysis for minor parameters as Temperature, EC, TDS and Cl- and major parameters of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+ and HCO3,reveals a strong positive correlation between HCO3- and Ca2+, temperature and NO3-. Therefore, municipal authorities are entreated to implement sustainable waste and water management strategies

    An unusual presentation of erythema multiforme in a paediatric patient

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    Background: Erythema multiforme (EM) is an acute, vesiculobullous disease of skin and mucous membranes with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. A complex interaction of different factors has been implicated the condition; the majority with a preceding herpes simplex infection. This report describes an unusual presentation of erythema multiforme affecting the lips and oral mucosa of a healthy 7-year-old boy in the form of lip adherence. Case report: Two weeks following eruption of oral ulcerations, a 7-year-old healthy boy developed severe erosive ulceration of both lips, causing complete lip adherence. This was accompanied by marked bilateral submandibular and cervical lymphadenopathy, tremor and sweating. Clinical and laboratory investigations led to a diagnosis of erythema multiforme. The patient was treated initially with gentle application of Vaseline between the lips using cotton buds in an attempt to release lip adhesion, followed by surgical release of the lips under general anaesthesia. Analgesics and topical steroid mouthwash were provided. Follow-up: Seven months later, the patient presented with a recurrence of his EM which included lesions on the skin. The patient was treated with antivirals, topical and systematic steroids to suppress the recurrent attacks of EM. Eighteen months following the initial presentation the patient and parent reported considerable decrease in the frequency, severity and duration of the occurrence of intra-oral ulcers, with no major episode of target lesions on the skin. Conclusion: Erythema multiforme is rare in children, however it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of recurrent erosive oral ulcerative lesions especially when the oral lesions resemble those of primary herpetic gingivostomatitis

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    Osteoporosis in thalassaemia major (TM) represents a prominent cause of morbidity. The mechanism of pathogenesis of bone disease (BD) in TM is multifactorial and complicated. Peak bone mass is achieved shortly after completion of puberty and normally remains stable until the third decade of life when age-related bone mass begins. Growth hormone (GH) and sex steroids play a crucial role in bone remodeling and in the maintenance of skeletal architecture during adult life. GH and insulin growth factors (IGFs) have anabolic effect in bone formation. Sex steroids act probably by increasing the expression of RANKL by osteoblastic cells and alterations in the RANK/RANKL/OPG system in favor of osteoclasts. Impaired GH secretion and lack of sex steroids in thalassemic patients due to pituitary damage, contribute to failure of achieving optimal peak bone mass. Other endocrine complications such as hypoparathyroidism and vitamin D deficiency have also a detrimental role on bones in TM. It is still questionable whether the international criteria for defining osteopenia and osteoporosis are relevant to patients with TM; also a question arises for the diagnostic methods such as DEXA scan and management of osteoporosis with known treatment protocols, in the thalassaemic patient