11 research outputs found

    Extraktion von Perrhenat mittels 2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazoliumchlorid in Chloroform

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    Komplexní geochemický výzkum interakcí a migrací organických a anorganických látek v horninovém prostředí:Sorpce organických polutantů přírodními sorbenty

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    Zpráva se zabývá problematikou charakterizace organické hmoty hornin, sedimentů a půd jako přírodních sorbentů a interakcemi těchto materiálů s organickými polutanty v modelových systémech hornina - voda. Výsledky analýz byly podrobeny auditu jakosti a spolehlivosti statistickým hodnocením údajů včetně vyšetření korelací mezi definitivně příbuznými analytickými veličinami. Byly validovány metody stanovení triazinových herbicidů ve vodách a zeminách pomocí HPLC. Výsledky jsou uvedeny v přílohách

    Ophthalmology in North America: Early Stories (1491-1801)

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    New World plants, such as tobacco, tomato, and chili, were held to have beneficial effects on the eyes. Indigenous healers rubbed or scraped the eyes or eyelids to treat inflammation, corneal opacities, and even eye irritation from smoke. European settlers used harsh treatments, such as bleeding and blistering, when the eyes were inflamed or had loss of vision with a normal appearance (gutta serena). In New Spain, surgery for corneal opacity was performed in 1601 and cataract couching in 1611. North American physicians knew of contralateral loss of vision after trauma or surgery (sympathetic ophthalmia), which they called “sympathy.” To date, the earliest identified cataract couching by a surgeon trained in the New World was performed in 1769 by John Bartlett of Rhode Island. The American Revolution negatively affected ophthalmology, as loyalist surgeons were expelled and others were consumed with wartime activities. After the war, cataract extraction was imported to America in earnest and academic development resumed. Charles F Bartlett, the son of John, performed cataract extraction but was also a “rapacious privateer.” In 1801, a doctor in the frontier territory of Kentucky observed anticholinergic poisoning by Datura stramonium (Jimsonweed) and suggested that this agent be applied topically to dilate the pupil before cataract extraction. John Warren at Harvard preferred couching in the 1790s, but, after his son returned from European training, recommended treating angle closure glaucoma by lens extraction. Other eye procedures described or advertised in America before the 19th century included enucleation, resection of conjunctival lesions or periocular tumors, treatment of lacrimal fistula, and fitting of prosthetic eyes