14 research outputs found

    Virtual Reality to Improve Remote Control in Presence of Delays

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    International audienceThis paper presents the use of virtual reality in the context of remote control. Virtual reality may be used in a classical manner in order to simulate the behavior of a system, but also in parallel with the real system in order to improve the quality of the control, making it possible to deal with time delays induced by the network. Our proposal may be applied to various fields such as robotics, measurements systems, industrial applications or domotics

    Toward a Generic Framework for Ubiquitous System

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    International audienceIn this paper we present a beginning work about industrial applications using WEB technologies. Systems to study are, for example, robot arms in factories, Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems for commercial center or buildings, water distribution networks or power management consumption systems of corporate. WEB technologies give us new opportunities to collect the data, to analyze correlations of signals and external events, and finally to change in "soft real-time" the parameters of the managed system. But these applications can be strongly influenced by the behaviour of the communication network and its reliability. We describe the key points that we will explore in our further work

    Modeling and Analysing Ubiquitous Systems Using MDE Approach

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    International audienceThe growth of industrial activities during the last decades and the diversity of industrial products require standards and common methodologies for building and integrating different parts. It is also required that working groups use the same terminologies and concepts needed for each domain. The Model Driven Engineering approach aims to give an answer while using a high level method based on models and transformations. In this paper, we use this approach to model ubiquitous systems. Those systems are composed of devices interconnected through various kinds of network and offer to get and send information. We present a model for this class of system and its use in the field of energy while studying real cases from our industrial partner Terra Nova Energy. This company aims to give solutions to monitor energy use and to reduce consumption. First results, where the use of a Model Driven Engineering approach makes it possible for our partner to improve and to get other points of view of his systems, are presented

    Modeling and analysing ubiquitous systems

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    International audienceThe growth of industrial activities during the last decades and the diversity of industrial products require standards and common methodologies for building and integrating different parts. It is also required that working groups use the same terminologies and concepts needed for each domain. The Model Driven Engineering (MDE) approach aims to give an answer while using a high level method based on models and transformations. In this paper, we use the MDE approach to model ubiquitous systems. Those systems are composed of devices interconnected through various kinds of network and offer to get and send information. We present a model for this class of system and its use in the field of energy while studying real cases from our industrial partner Terra Nova Energy (TNE)

    Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Ubiquitous Systems Using a MDE Approach

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    International audienceThe growth of industrial activities during the last decades and the diversity of industrial products require standards and common methodologies for building and integrating systems. It is also required that working groups use the same terminologies and concepts needed for each domain. The Model Driven Engineering approach aims to give an answer, while using a high level method based on models and transformations. In this paper, we use this approach to model ubiquitous systems. Those systems are composed of devices interconnected through various kinds of network, in order to get and provide information. We present a model for this class of systems and, its use, in terms of analysis and simulation, in the field of energy while studying real cases from our industrial partner, Terra Nova Energy

    La méthode de développement en X, un autre point de vue sur le cycle de vie

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    Le développement en X est une méthodologie de conception récente qui jette un regard différent sur l'élaboration des systèmes techniques, tout en intégrant des méthodes éprouvées. Elle s'appuie sur deux idées fondamentales : l'omniprésence de l'environnement et le fait que le comportement du système résulte de sa définition. Elle vise à diminuer le temps de développement, à prendre en compte l'environnement dès le début de la conception jusqu'après la valorisation en fin de vie, à réduire l'impact environnemental, et à détecter les problèmes de conception plus tôt dans le cycle..

    Vers un langage de modélisation spécifique au domaine des systèmes de télécontrôle ubiquitaire

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    Les Sciences et Technologies de l Information et de Communication (STIC) nous permettent aujourd hui une large utilisation d ordinateurs, de systèmes intelligents, de réseaux de communication, etc. Nous sommes potentiellement capables d accéder à n importe quel objet communicant et d échanger des informations. Dans ce contexte que l on peut qualifier d ubiquitaire, nous souhaitons pouvoir agir à distance (télécontrôle) sur des objets communicants. Dans ce travail nous associons télécontrôle et ubiquité afin de fournir un cadre de définition des systèmes de télécontrôle ubiquitaire, et pour dégager quelques préoccupations en termes de modélisation et d analyse. Dans cette perspective nous proposons un langage spécifique au domaine (DSML) pour leur modélisation et une démarche outillée pour l analyse de leur structure et leur fonctionnement. La construction de ce DSML est effectuée dans un contexte d ingénierie système en adoptant le paradigme de l Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles. Cette méthode nous a permis en premier lieu de capitaliser les connaissances et les terminologies du domaine de télécontrôle ubiquitaire. En second lieu, elle nous a permis d élaborer une démarche pour effectuer des analyses structurelles et comportementales et de tester quelques exemples de systèmes. La sûreté de fonctionnement (SdF) pour les systèmes de télécontrôle ubiquitaire constitue une partie intégrante de leur modélisation et de leur analyse. Dans le DSML proposé, les propriétés de SdF sont intégrées à l aide du Guide des Modes de Marche et d Arrêt et de Qualité de service (GEMMA-Q) en vue d une implémentation qui tient compte de la dynamicité du système et de son comportement. Cette thèse comporte également une méthodologie de construction d une bibliothèque de composants réutilisables suivant les concepts définis pour le langage du domaine du télécontrôle ubiquitaire.Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) allow a widespread use of computers, intelligent systems, communication networks, etc. Potentially we are able to access any communicating object and exchanging information with it. In this context, that can be described as ubiquitous, we would be able to act remotely (telecontrol) on communicating objects. In this work we combine telecontrol and ubiquity to provide a framework for defining ubiquitous telecontrol systems and identifying some concerns in terms of modelling and analysis. We propose in this prospect a Domain Specific Modelling Language (DSML) for these systems and an analysing approach for their structure and their behaviour. The DSML is built within the context of Systems Engineering by adopting the Model Driven Engineering (MDE) paradigm. This method has allowed us first to capitalize on knowledge and terminology in the field of ubiquitous telecontrol. Second, the alternative to develop an approach for structural and behavioural analysis and to test some examples of systems. Ubiquitous telecontrol systems dependability is a part of their modelling and analysis. In the proposed DSML, dependability properties are integrated with the guide for start and stop modes and QoS (GEMMA-Q) in order to take into account the system dynamicity and behaviour. This thesis includes also a methodology for building a library of reusable components according to the concepts defined by the ubiquitous telecontrol.BREST-BU Droit-Sciences-Sports (290192103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A Model-Driven Approach for Building Ubiquitous Applications

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    International audienceThis paper presents an on-going work, which aims to build a generic framework for the conception and the development of ubiquitous applications. This work is based on a Model Driven Engineering approach and pays attention to possible failures and to the use of Virtual Reality to improve the Quality of the Experience for the user