146 research outputs found

    Polarimetric signatures of sea ice in the Greenland Sea

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    Remote Sensing Of The Greenland Sea

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    A Data Integration And Analysis System For Sea Ice Remote Sensing

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    Spiritually and Religiously Integrated Group Psychotherapy: A Systematic Literature Review

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    We systematically reviewed the research literature on spiritually and religiously integrated group psychotherapy to answer the following three questions: first, how are spirituality and religiosity defined; second, how are spiritual and religious factors characterized and integrated into group psychotherapy; and, third, what is the outcome of the group psychotherapies? We searched in two databases: PsycINFO and PubMed. Inclusion and exclusion criteria and checklists from standardized assessment tools were applied to the research literature. Qualitative and quantitative papers were included. In total, 8 articles were considered eligible for the review. Findings from the evaluation suggested that the concepts of spirituality and religiosity were poorly conceptualized and the way in which spiritual and religious factors were integrated into such group psychotherapies, which distinguished it from other types of group psychotherapies, was not fully conceptualized or understood either. However, clear and delimited conceptualization of spiritual and religious factors is crucial in order to be able to conclude the direct influences of spiritual or religious factors on outcomes. Implications for spiritually or religiously integrated group psychotherapy and conducting research in this field are propounded

    „LOSSEPLADSEN FORMODES AT VÆRE UNDER AFVIKLING.“: Om affaldshåndtering og vidensindsamling i 1970’erne.

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    Lossepladser var engang ganske almindelige og lå spredt ud over landet. I dag er det de færreste, der ved, hvor affaldet ender. Samtidig rapporterer vandværker om forurenet grundvand, mens såkaldte generationsforureninger som Cheminova ved Harboøre Tange eller Grindstedværket kalder på politisk handling mod gammel forurening. Mens der i dag er en forventning om, at affald behandles miljømæssigt forsvarligt, var der frem til 1974 meget få regler, der skulle beskytte miljø og grundvand. De store forureningssager påkalder sig ofte spørgsmålet „Vidste man virkelig ikke bedre?“. Denne ide om fortidens uvidenhed eller ignorance er udgangspunkt for artiklens undersøgelse af en lokal losseplads i Tømmerup på Vestsjælland mellem 1961 og 1980. Med fokus på en lille losseplads undersøger artiklen, hvordan uvidenhed og belejlighed spillede ind i den tidlige fase af affaldshåndtering i Danmark

    Spiritually and religiously integrated group psychotherapy:a systematic literature review

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    We systematically reviewed the research literature on spiritually and religiously integrated group psychotherapy to answer the following three questions: first, how are spirituality and religiosity defined; second, how are spiritual and religious factors characterized and integrated into group psychotherapy; and, third, what is the outcome of the group psychotherapies? We searched in two databases: PsycINFO and PubMed. Inclusion and exclusion criteria and checklists from standardized assessment tools were applied to the research literature. Qualitative and quantitative papers were included. In total, 8 articles were considered eligible for the review. Findings from the evaluation suggested that the concepts of spirituality and religiosity were poorly conceptualized and the way in which spiritual and religious factors were integrated into such group psychotherapies, which distinguished it from other types of group psychotherapies, was not fully conceptualized or understood either. However, clear and delimited conceptualization of spiritual and religious factors is crucial in order to be able to conclude the direct influences of spiritual or religious factors on outcomes. Implications for spiritually or religiously integrated group psychotherapy and conducting research in this field are propounded

    Mening og relationer i flipped learning: En undersøgelse af de studerendes oplevelse af et flipped learning undervisningsforløb i videnskabsteori”.

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    Artiklen præsenterer en undersøgelse af. hvorvidt og hvordan de studerende oplevede et flipped learning undervisningsforløb i videnskabsteori som relevant, samt hvilke dele af undervisningen, de oplevede, understøttede deres læring. Et mindre mixed methods design blev benyttet. 36 studerende besvarede et spørgeskema med både kvalitative og kvantitative items, og vi udførte fokusgruppeinterview med 4 studerende. En fortolkende fænomenologisk metode- og analysedesign blev benyttet. Fire temaer blev fremanalyseret på baggrund af det kvalitative data: 1. Mening, 2. Forberedelse og deltagelse, 3. Forventninger og 4. Relationer. Undersøgelsen viste, at de studerende i høj grad oplevede flipped learning undervisningsmetoden som relevant og understøttende for deres læring, men at dette hang sammen med, at undervisningen blev gjort meningsfuldt for dem af underviser, og at de oplevede tryghed i relation til underviser, medstuderende og i læringskonteksten. Mening og relationer i læringssituationer var centralt for at de studerende blev aktive medskabere af egen læring og indgik i de relationelle læringsprocesser.The article presents a study on whether and how the students perceive a flipped learning course in history of science as relevant, and which parts of the teaching they experienced supported their learning. A smaller mixed methods design was applied. 36 students answered a questionnaire with both qualitative and quantitative items, and we conducted focus group interview with 4 students. An interpretative phenomenological method and analysis design was used. Four themes were identified based on the qualitative data: 1. Meaning, 2. Preparation and participation, 3. Expectations and 4. Relationships. The study found that the students greatly experienced the flipped learning teaching method as relevant and supportive of their learning, but this was due to the fact that the teaching was made meaningful to them by the teacher, and they felt secure in relation to the teacher, fellow students. and in the learning context. Meaning and relationships in learning situations were central to the students becoming active co-creators of their own learning and were included in the relational learning processes between students and the learning context

    Simulated Ka-and Ku-band radar altimeter height and freeboard estimation on snow-covered Arctic sea ice

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    Owing to differing and complex snow geophysical properties, radar waves of different wavelengths undergo variable penetration through snow-covered sea ice. However, the mechanisms influencing radar altimeter backscatter from snow-covered sea ice, especially at Ka-and Ku-band frequencies, and the impact on the Ka-and Ku-band radar scattering horizon or the "track point"(i.e. the scattering layer depth detected by the radar re-tracker) are not well understood. In this study, we evaluate the Ka-and Ku-band radar scattering horizon with respect to radar penetration and ice floe buoyancy using a first-order scattering model and the Archimedes principle. The scattering model is forced with snow depth data from the European Space Agency (ESA) climate change initiative (CCI) round-robin data package, in which NASA's Operation IceBridge (OIB) data and climatology are included, and detailed snow geophysical property profiles from the Canadian Arctic. Our simulations demonstrate that the Ka-and Ku-band track point difference is a function of snow depth; however, the simulated track point difference is much smaller than what is reported in the literature from the Ku-band CryoSat-2 and Ka-band SARAL/AltiKa satellite radar altimeter observations. We argue that this discrepancy in the Ka-and Ku-band track point differences is sensitive to ice type and snow depth and its associated geophysical properties. Snow salinity is first increasing the Ka-and Ku-band track point difference when the snow is thin and then decreasing the difference when the snow is thick (> 0:1 m). A relationship between the Ku-band radar scattering horizon and snow depth is found. This relationship has implications for (1) the use of snow climatology in the conversion of radar freeboard into sea ice thickness and (2) the impact of variability in measured snow depth on the derived ice thickness. For both (1) and (2), the impact of using a snow climatology versus the actual snow depth is relatively small on the radar freeboard, only raising the radar freeboard by 0.03 times the climatological snow depth plus 0.03 times the real snow depth. The radar freeboard is a function of both radar scattering and floe buoyancy. This study serves to enhance our understanding of microwave interactions towards improved accuracy of snow depth and sea ice thickness retrievals via the combination of the currently operational and ESA's forthcoming Ka-and Ku-band dualfrequency CRISTAL radar altimeter missions