641 research outputs found

    The APM Survey for Cool Carbon Stars in the Galactic Halo - II The Search for Dwarf Carbon Stars

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    We present proper motion measurements for carbon stars found during the APM Survey for Cool Carbon Stars in the Galactic Halo (Totten & Irwin, 1998). Measurements are obtained using a combination of POSSI, POSSII and UKST survey plates supplemented where necessary by CCD frames taken at the Isaac Newton Telescope. We find no significant proper motion for any of the new APM colour-selected carbon stars and so conclude that there are no dwarf carbon stars present within this sample. We also present proper motion measurements for three previously known dwarf carbon stars and demonstrate that these measurements agree favourably with those previously quoted in the literature, verifying our method of determining proper motions. Results from a complimentary program of JHK photometry obtained at the South African Astronomical Observatory are also presented. Dwarf carbon stars are believed to have anomalous near-infrared colours, and this feature is used for further investigation of the nature of the APM carbon stars. Our results support the use of JHK photomtery as a dwarf/giant discriminator and also reinforce the conclusion that none of the new APM-selected carbon stars are dwarfs. Finally, proper motion measurements combined with extant JHK photometry are presented for a sample of previously known Halo carbon stars, suggesting that one of these stars, CLS29, is likely to be a previously unrecognised dwarf carbon star.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, Also available at http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/~ejt/publications.htm

    Submillimeter Observations of the Ultraluminous BAL Quasar APM 08279+5255

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    With an inferred bolometric luminosity of 5\times10^{15}{\rm \lsun}, the recently identified z=3.87, broad absorption line quasar APM 08279+5255 is apparently the most luminous object currently known. As half of its prodigious emission occurs in the infrared, APM 08279+5255 also represents the most extreme example of an Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy. Here, we present new submillimeter observations of this phenomenal object; while indicating that a vast quantity of dust is present, these data prove to be incompatible with current models of emission mechanisms and reprocessing in ultraluminous systems. The influence of gravitational lensing upon these models is considered and we find that while the emission from the central continuum emitting region may be significantly enhanced, lensing induced magnification cannot easily reconcile the models with observations. We conclude that further modeling, including the effects of any differential magnification is required to explain the observed emission from APM 08279+5255.Comment: 12 Pages with Two figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    APM 08279+5255: an ultraluminous BAL quasar at a redshift z=3.87

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    We report on the discovery of a highly luminous, broad absorption line quasar at a redshift of z=3.87z=3.87 which is positionally coincident, within one arcsecond, with the IRAS FSC source F08279+5255. A chance alignment of the quasar and the IRAS source is extremely unlikely and we argue that the optical and FIR flux are different manifestations of the same object. With an R-band magnitude of 15.2, and an IRAS 60\mum flux of 0.51\jy, APM 08279+5255 is (apparently) easily the most intrinsically luminous object known, with L_{Bol}\sim5\times10^{15}L_{\odot}}. Imaging suggests that gravitational lensing may play a role in amplifying the intrinsic properties of the system. The optical spectrum of the quasar clearly reveals the presence of three potential lensing galaxies, \mg absorption systems at z=1.18z=1.18 and z=1.81z=1.81, and a \ly absorption system at z=3.07z=3.07. We estimate the total amplification of the optical component to be 40\approx40, but, due to the larger scale of the emitting region, would expect the infrared amplification to be significantly less. Even making the conservative assumption that all wavelengths are amplified by a factor 40, APM 08279+5255 still possesses a phenomenal luminosity of \simgt 10^{14L_{\odot}}, indicating that it belongs to a small, but significant population of high--redshift, hyperluminous objects with copious infrared emission.Comment: 15 Pages with Four figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Adaptive optics imaging and integral field spectroscopy of APM 08279+5255: Evidence for gravitational lensing

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    We report observations of the z = 3.87 broad absorption line quasar APM 08279+5255 (Irwin et al. 1998) with the Adaptive Optics Bonnette (AOB) of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. The object is found to be a double source. The separation of the two images is 0.35" +/- 0.02" and the intensity ratio I_{north}/I_{south} = 1.21 +/- 0.25 in the H-band. No other image is detected down to H(5sigma) = 21.3 within 10" from the double image. Strong support for the lensing hypothesis comes from the uniformity of the quasar spectrum as a function of spatial position in the image obtained with the integral field spectrograph OASIS at CFHT. From the 2D-spectroscopy, narrow-band images are reconstructed over the wavelength range 5600-6200A to search for emission-line objects in a field of 15"x12" around the quasar. We find no such object to a limit of 6x10^{-17} erg cm^{-2} s^{-1}. We use the images centered on the deepest absorption lines of the Ly-alpha forest to dim the quasar and to increase the sensitivity closer to the line of sight. One of the images, centered at 5766.4A, exhibits a 3sigma excess 1.5" from the quasar to the north-east

    A Process and Outcome Evaluation of a Shelter for Homeless Young Women

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    To evaluate the processes and outcomes of a short-term shelter, both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered via participant observation, focus group interviews with shelter staff and residents, and individual interviews with a sample of 40 young women who had been homeless prior to using the shelter. The process evaluation showed that the shelter staff strived to utilize an empowerment philosophy in their relationships with residents, but that there were many challenges to implementing this philosophy. The outcome evaluation showed that, at a 3-month follow-up, the participants reported significant improvements in housing, income, independence, and life satisfaction, but most continued to experience poverty and a number of other difficulties. The results were discussed in terms of the implications for future research and the value and limitations of shelters for dealing with homeless youth. The need for more sustained and comprehensive program interventions and supportive social policies was underscored

    Maternal fucosyltransferase 2 status affects the gut bifidobacterial communities of breastfed infants.

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    BackgroundIndividuals with inactive alleles of the fucosyltransferase 2 gene (FUT2; termed the 'secretor' gene) are common in many populations. Some members of the genus Bifidobacterium, common infant gut commensals, are known to consume 2'-fucosylated glycans found in the breast milk of secretor mothers. We investigated the effects of maternal secretor status on the developing infant microbiota with a special emphasis on bifidobacterial species abundance.ResultsOn average, bifidobacteria were established earlier and more often in infants fed by secretor mothers than in infants fed by non-secretor mothers. In secretor-fed infants, the relative abundance of the Bifidobacterium longum group was most strongly correlated with high percentages of the order Bifidobacteriales. Conversely, in non-secretor-fed infants, Bifidobacterium breve was positively correlated with Bifidobacteriales, while the B. longum group was negatively correlated. A higher percentage of bifidobacteria isolated from secretor-fed infants consumed 2'-fucosyllactose. Infant feces with high levels of bifidobacteria had lower milk oligosaccharide levels in the feces and higher amounts of lactate. Furthermore, feces containing different bifidobacterial species possessed differing amounts of oligosaccharides, suggesting differential consumption in situ.ConclusionsInfants fed by non-secretor mothers are delayed in the establishment of a bifidobacteria-laden microbiota. This delay may be due to difficulties in the infant acquiring a species of bifidobacteria able to consume the specific milk oligosaccharides delivered by the mother. This work provides mechanistic insight into how milk glycans enrich specific beneficial bacterial populations in infants and reveals clues for enhancing enrichment of bifidobacterial populations in at risk populations - such as premature infants

    Investigating the Andromeda Stream: II. Orbital Fits and Properties of the Progenitor

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    We construct test-particle orbits and simple N-body models that match the properties of the giant stellar stream observed to the south of M31, using the model of M31's potential derived in the companion paper by Geehan et al. (2006). We introduce a simple approximation to account for the difference in position between the stream and the orbit of the progenitor; this significantly affects the best-fitting orbits. The progenitor orbits we derive have orbital apocenter \sim 60 \kpc and pericenter \sim 3 \kpc, though these quantities vary somewhat with the current orbital phase of the progenitor which is as yet unknown. Our best combined fit to the stream and galaxy properties implies a mass within 125 kpc of M31 of (7.4 \pm 1.2) \times 10^{11} \Msun. Based on its length, width, luminosity, and velocity dispersion, we conclude that the stream originates from a progenitor satellite with mass M_s \sim 10^9 \Msun, and at most modest amounts of dark matter; the estimate of MsM_s is again correlated with the phase of the progenitor. M31 displays a large number of faint features in its inner halo which may be progenitors or continuations of the stream. While the orbital fits are not constrained enough for us to conclusively identify the progenitor, we can identify several plausible candidates, of which a feature in the planetary nebula distribution found by Merrett et al. is the most plausible, and rule out several others. We make predictions for the kinematic properties of the successful candidates. These may aid in observational identification of the progenitor object, which would greatly constrain the allowed models of the stream.Comment: 17 pages, 10 color figures, 4 tables. Accepted by Monthly Notices; some minor revisions and corrected typo