7 research outputs found


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    This work aimed at understanding the essence of the North Atlantic alliance-NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), which since the Second World War, or rather from its inception, making tremendous efforts to Europe and other countries in ensuring lasting peace, political stability, collective defense and protection, a high degree of democracy, and national security. NATO, with its external influences and the power of emergency, dramatically changed the European political landscape and the idea of national security that has long been the traditional mainstay of international relations. It from day to day proves to be developed in the “armed OEBS”,that is able to carry out defined arrangements known as the Petersberg tasks, and is ready to share its military resources at the disposal of operations, headed by the United States and European Union. When the foundation nobody thought, that its strategic dimension (especially extension), to a large extent dictate events in the Balkans, which, unfortunately, it happened. NATO enlargement means the fulfillment of relevant conditions, especially existence of a stable economy and political situation, including the famous "Peery" criteria for the introduction of democratic control of armed forces. It is certain that NATO will one day stop expanding, and those countries wishing to join must know that the enlargement process was not linear, it is complex or time-consuming and does not take place automatically. The said conditions are simultaneously complex strategic objectives can be fulfilled by themselves, so each member country must focus all their power (financial, personnel, technical and technological) and find a way to ensure their implementation. As for the budgetary appropriations for the common funding for NATO activities, the conclusion is that they are, particularly during the Cold War reached a maximum, to the late twentieth and early twenty century followed their precipitous decline. Financing activities is not an absolute protection from political instability, on the contrary, it provided the reforms were a condition of membership in NATO and the value system that membership brings. NATO's greatest value is to build a system of democracy, which are reliable support to international peace and stability, which was once was a signal the U.S. Congress to begin to believe in Europe as the reliable military ally and a strong trade partner and to accelerate the evolution of whole-hearted support of NATO, which culminated in the fall the Berlin Wall and the disintegration of the latent danger, called the Soviet Union.Pred vama je rad čiji je cilj sagledavanje suštine Severnoatlantske alijanse-NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), koja od završetka Drugog svetskog rata ili tačnije od svog osnivanja, ulaže ogromne napore, da Evropi i drugim zemljama sveta obezbedi dugotrajan mir, političku stabilnost, kolektivnu odbranu i zaštitu, visok stepen demokratije i nacionalnu bezbednost. NATO je svojim spoljašnjim uticajem i interventnom snagom, dramatično izmenila evropski politički pejsaž i ideju nacionalne bezbednosti koja je dugo bila tradicionalni oslonac medjunarodnih odnosa. Ona iz dana u dan potvrdjuje, da se razvija u “oružani OEBS”, da je sposobna da izvršava definisane aranžmane poznate kao Petersberg zadaci (“Petersberg tasks”), i da je spremna da svoja vojna sredstva stavi na raspolaganje operacijama koje predvode SAD i Evropska unija. Kada je osnivana niko nije pomišljao, da će njene strateške dimenzije (naročito proširenje), u velikoj meri diktirati dogadjaji na Balkanu, što se nažalost, ipak dogodilo. NATO proširenje podrazumeva ispunjavanje odgovarajućih uslova, pre svega postojanje stabilne ekonomije i političke situacije, uključujući i poznate “Peery” kriterijume, za uvodjenje demokratske kontrole oružanih snaga. Izvesno je da će NATO jednog dana prestati da se širi, a one zemlje koje žele da joj se priključe, moraju znati da proces proširenja nije linearan, da je složen ni dugotrajan i ne odvija se po automatizmu. Pomenuti uslovi koji su istovremeno složeni strateški ciljevi, ne mogu se ispuniti sami od sebe i zato svaka zemlja-članica mora usmeriti sve svoje snage (finansijske, personalne, tehničkotehnološke) i pronaći način da se obezbedi njihova realizacija. Što se budžetskih izdvajanja za potrebe zajedničkog finansiranja NATO aktivnosti tiče, zaključak je da su ona, naročito u periodu Hladnog rata dostigla maksimum, da bi krajem XX i početkom XXI veka usledio njihov strmoglavi pad. Finansiranje aktivnosti ne predstavlja apsolutnu zaštitu od političke nestabilnosti, naprotiv, nju obezbedjuju reforme koje su uslov članstva u NATO i vrednosni sistem koji to učlanjenje donosi. Najveći vrednosni sistem NATO je izgradnja demokratije, čija su najpouzdanija podrška medjunarodni mir i stabilnost, što je svojevremeno bio signal američkom Kongresu da počne da veruje u Evropu kao u pouzdanog vojnog saveznika i jakog trgovinskog partnera i da svesrdnom podrškom ubrza evoluciju NATO koja je kulminirala padom Berlinskog zida i raspadom latentne opasnosti, zvane SSSR

    Economic and legal review on marital community ad family

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    The aim of this paper is to look at the basic characteristics of the marital community and family and to formulate differences that exist among them. Legal science considers that marriage is a community regulated by law in which enter, under the same conditions, male and female persons after consciously giving the statements of consent in front of the authorized person, or before the priest of any confession. From once usual manifestation it evolved into a form of life in which the specific relationships (common life, education of the offspring, expansion of family) are regulated by the law. Due to the complexity of legal and social content and moral values in many societies, it is perceived as a monogamous social institution or as a special form of contract of civil law concluded by spouses, otherwise the molecules for the future emergence of extended family. According to all scientific theories, family is a universal human community composed of adult reproductive partners and their offspring. These are usually parents and their children, although they can be supplemented with persons who can be, but not necessarily, blood related with spouses (adoptees, grandfathers, grandmothers, grandchildren). The highest quality of marital community and family are reproductive, social-educational and psychological role

    The review of health system of the Kingdom of Denmark and United Kingdom

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    The paper deals with the functioning and development of national health systems in the Kingdom of Denmark, which is a very stable member of the European Union (EU) and United Kingdom, regardless of its recent outbreak (Brexit) from a large European family. The main goal is to make a review of the necessity of creation of professional health personnel, their mobility, financing of business processes and medical procedures, and also on general problems that the health systems are facing every day. As these are highly developed European economies, it is known that the creators of their health policies are continuously working on the improvement of health systems, ensuring adequate health care and raising and maintaining a high level of collective health for the population. Lately, in these kingdoms, many people believe that for the proper functioning of health sector in general, the way of obtaining of necessary financial resources, their amounts and sustainability of the sources have no big importance, while as far more significant emerge the influences of globalization processes which like hurricane destroy systems (insufficient professional staff) without legal and economic-medical arrangements. Given that the authors are not fully in agreement with this statement, they pledge to the invited authorities to pay more attention on the policy of financing, human capital, its improvement and elimination of health inequality, especially in the field of primary health care

    Financial management in food enterprises and globalization of electronic business in Serbia

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    Use of finance in a certain form has been present and operational since the emergence of the world's first civilizations such as: Egypt, Greece, Babylon, Rome and others. At that time, however, the financial system was primarily based on archaic stores of value - gold or silver money. In its basic definition, finances were created with the concept of money and the development of its functions as a payment and transactional mechanisms. Where there is no money, there is no value. Money is the determinant, but also the function of finance. The development of finance as a science and its function relates to the emergence of the state, since it is the primary creater and backer of money. In this regard, public-state finances first began to be studied, followed by other financial disciplines. Whereby the equilibrium arises from the payment of debt, collection of claims between states, enterprises and individuals

    Some questions regarding the financing of health care in member states of the European Union

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    Before you deal with the primary aim to show that regulated health care systems have contributed and still contribute to the health of citizens of member states of the European Union significantly improved. That is why the older member states of the European Union (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands), prepared to spend most of their gross domestic product (GDP) on health care for its citizens. At the other member countries on the periphery of the European Union (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain), better known as a group (PIIGS-svinje), due to falling into a debt crisis is not ready for such a step because of which their citizens are faced with big problems when using health care. The paper deals with problems of unequal access to health services and lack of health coverage that exist among individuals as well as in some social groups in many member countries of the European Union. Analysis of unequal access to health services was carried out based on the estimated level depending on its socio-economic status of user-nonusers of health care, are not bypassed with the right of the insured and their acquisition. The rights of the insured whose roots are in agidumu Hippocratic Oath: 'primum non nocere' - 'first do no harm to' vary from very narrow to very broad and diverse framework. The paper konstatovano to the conduct of public finances in the Member States of the European Union is not without problems, especially where contributions for health insurance funding mechanisms dominate. Health care financing in member countries of the European Union, more important than other functions affecting the quality of health of citizens, the mood to invest in access to health services and universal health insurance coverage. Financing of health care policy is not the only link of many of them in a long chain of global politics. However, it is indispensable to measure the effects of decisions made, the application of specific measures aimed at systematic and analytical review of available health resources and in consideration of political factors, economic, social and technical character at all levels. Special attention is given to raise funds to cover expenses resulting from universal health insurance coverage


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    Importance of garlic is enormous for both human health and cookery. Garlic is a crop whose production does not endanger the agro-system and the eco-system, which is of special significance for organic food production. Considering that growing garlic is based on the application of agro-ecological and agro-economic principles, this paper describes the soil preparation process for planting, planting technology, application of agro-technological measures. It also gives an account of the basic characteristics of the planting material, its extraction and storage. The subject of research of this paper is to determine yield of different garlic types on two different locations in Serbia. It also aims to determine costs and calculations based on variable costs, as well as to compare economic results of production of different garlic types on family-own small-scale farms


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    Use of finance in a certain form has been present and operational since the emergence of the worlds first civilizations such as: Egypt, Greece, Babylon, Rome and others. At that time, however, the financial system was primarily based on archaic stores of value - gold or silver money. In its basic definition, finances were created with the concept of money and the development of its functions as a payment and transactional mechanisms. Where there is no money, there is no value. Money is the determinant, but also the function of finance. The development of finance as a science and its function relates to the emergence of the state, since it is the primary creator and backer of money. In this regard, public-state finances first began to be studied, followed by other financial disciplines. Whereby the equilibrium arises from the payment of debt, collection of claims between states, enterprises and individuals