248 research outputs found

    Control of Surge in Centrifugal Compressor by Using a Nozzle Injection System: Universality in Optimal Position of Injection Nozzle

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    The passive control method for surge and rotating stall in centrifugal compressors by using a nozzle injection system was proposed to extend the stable operating range to the low flow rate. A part of the flow at the scroll outlet of a compressor was recirculated to an injection nozzle installed on the inner wall of the suction pipe of the compressor through the bypass pipe and injected to the impeller inlet. Two types of compressors were tested at the rotational speeds of 50,000 rpm and 60,000 rpm with the parameter of the circumferential position of the injection nozzle. The present experimental results revealed that the optimum circumferential position, which most effectively reduced the flow rate for the surge inception, existed at the opposite side of the tongue of the scroll against the rotational axis and did not depend on the compressor system and the rotational speeds

    Effects of spatially limited external magnetic fields on short sample tests of large-scale superconductors

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    For short sample tests of large-scale superconductor coil conductors, it is difficult to get sufficient spatial uniformity using external magnetic fields because of the size limitations of test facilities. The effects of spatially limited external magnetic fields on short sample tests are discussed by comparing the test results for narrow and broad external magnetic fields. The authors tested short samples of pool-cooled 10 kA class superconductors using two kinds of split coils which are different in bore size. The measured recovery currents for the narrow external field are more than twice those for the broad field. It shows that the insufficient spatial distribution of the external field biases the stability measurements of superconductor

    Semi-physical nonlinear circuit model with device/physical parameters for HEMTs

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    A nonlinear circuit model (NCM) with physical parameters is proposed for direct simulation of the RF characteristics of GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (GaN HEMTs) on the basis of device structure. The physical equations are used for the construction of the model in order to connect strongly the model parameters with the device/physical parameters. Hyperbolic tangent functions are used as the model equations to ensure good model convergence and rapid simulation (short simulation time). The usefulness of these equations is confirmed by technology computer aided design (TCAD) simulation. The number of model parameters for the nonlinear components (Ids, Cgs, Cgd) is reduced to 17 by using common physical parameters for modeling the drain current and capacitance. The accuracy of this model is verified by applying to GaN HEMTs. The modeled I–V and capacitance characteristics agree well with the measurement data over a wide voltage range. Furthermore, this model can be used for the accurate evaluation of S-parameters and large-signal RF characteristics

    Development of static magnetic refrigeration system using multiple high-temperature superconducting coils

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    It is expected to build a sustainable social system that uses “hydrogen” as a fuel to generate electricity without emitting CO2. To realize this, technology for storing a large amount of hydrogen is indispensable, and storage as liquid hydrogen is ideal. However, the efficiency of the cooling device in the temperature range around 20 K required for long-term storage with liquid hydrogen is low, and the equipment is huge and expensive, so it has not been established as a widely used technology. Magnetic refrigeration is expected to be a highly efficient refrigerator in the temperature range of around 20 K because it can realize an ideal refrigeration cycle. However, in magnetic refrigeration, it is necessary to give a magnetic field change to the magneto caloric material (MCM). Further, in order to perform cooling with a large capacity and extremely low temperature by magnetic refrigeration, the magnetic field strength of a permanent magnet is insufficient, and it is indispensable to use a superconducting coil capable of generating a strong magnetic field with low power consumption. This study aims to develop a static magnetic refrigeration system using multiple high-temperature superconducting coils. By utilizing the energy storage characteristics of the superconducting coil, we are considering a magnetic refrigeration system that can repeatedly generate magnetic field changes to save energy without the need for large amounts of energy to be taken in and out of the outside. We report on the technical feasibility of a static magnetic refrigeration system using HTS coils. The power consumption including the AC loss of two superconducting coils, which is the basic configuration of the static magnetic refrigeration system, is calculated, and the efficiency is estimated as a ratio to the assumed refrigeration capacity of the MCM

    Molecular evolution of gas cavity in [NiFeSe] hydrogenases resurrected in silico

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    Oxygen tolerance of selenium-containing [NiFeSe] hydrogenases (Hases) is attributable to the high reducing power of the selenocysteine residue, which sustains the bimetallic Ni–Fe catalytic center in the large subunit. Genes encoding [NiFeSe] Hases are inherited by few sulphate-reducing δ-proteobacteria globally distributed under various anoxic conditions. Ancestral sequences of [NiFeSe] Hases were elucidated and their three-dimensional structures were recreated in silico using homology modelling and molecular dynamic simulation, which suggested that deep gas channels gradually developed in [NiFeSe] Hases under absolute anaerobic conditions, whereas the enzyme remained as a sealed edifice under environmental conditions of a higher oxygen exposure risk. The development of a gas cavity appears to be driven by non-synonymous mutations, which cause subtle conformational changes locally and distantly, even including highly conserved sequence regions