285 research outputs found

    Characterization of electrochemiluminescence of tris(2,2′-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) with glyphosate as coreactant in aqueous solution

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    Glyphosate, a phosphorus-containing amino acid type herbicide was used as a coreactant for studying of electrochemiluminescence (ECL) reaction of tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) [Ru(bpy)(3)(2+)] in an aqueous solution. In a phosphate buffer solution of pH 8, glyphosate itself was known to be electrochemically inactive at glassy carbon electrode, however, it participated in a homogeneous chemical reaction with the electrogenerated Ru(bpy)(3)(3+), and resulted in producing Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) species at the electrode surface. Kinetic and mechanistic information for the catalysis of glyphosate oxidation were evaluated by the steady-state voltammetric measurement with an ultramicroelectrode. The simulated cyclic voltammogram based on this mechanism was in good agreement with that obtained experimentally. ECL reaction of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+)/glyphosate system was found to be strongly dependent on the media pH. In a pH region of 5-9, an ECL wave appeared at ca. +1.1 V vs. Ag/AgCl, which was caused by the generation of *Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) via a Ru(bpy)(3)(3+)-mediated oxidation of glyphosate. When pH >10, a second ECL wave was observed at ca. +1.35 V vs. Ag/AgCl, which was believed to be associated with a reaction between Ru(bpy)(3)(3+) and the species from direct oxidation of GLYP at a GC electrode surface.ArticleElectrochimica Acta 55(20):5532-5537 (2010)journal articl

    Noncontact Impedance Control for Redundant Manipulators

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    This paper proposes an impedance control methodthat can regulate a virtual impedance between a robot manipulatorand external objects using visual information. Theconventional impedance control method is not useful in somecases where no interaction force between the arm and its environmentexists, although it is one of the most effective controlmethods for manipulators in contact with the environment. Usingthe proposed method, we can control the manipulator motionbased on the virtual impedance before contact with the objects.The validity of the proposed method is verified through computersimulations and experiments using a direct-drive robot

    A new containerless image furnace with electro-static positioning device

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    A new containerless image furnace with a microwave discharge plasma lamp and electrostatic positioning device was developed for the use of the microgravity experiment on the Japanese experimental module (JEM). The electrostatic positioning system was tested under the reduced gravity environment in the MU-300 aircraft. Solid specimens (maximum weight is 1.3 gr and 10 mm in diameter) and water drops (maximum weight is 0.11 gr and 6 mm in diameter) were successfully controlled under the 0.02G environment. Rotation control of the dielectric specimen was also possible by means of supplying a rotating electric field while the specimen is levitating. The measured rotation speed of the glass shell specimen (0.08 gr, 10 mm) was up to 110 rpm, when the rotating field frequency was 6Hz

    Rolling-based manipulation for multiple objects

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    This paper discusses the manipulation of multiple objects under rolling contacts. For manipulating multiple objects, the following two key issues do not arise in the manipulation of a single object: 1) each object's motion is restricted by the other objects and 2) the contact force among objects is not controlled directly. As for 1), we first formulate the motion constraint for the whole grasp system, and then provide a necessary condition for manipulating multiple objects uniquely. As for 2), we provide a condition for determining the contact forces among objects uniquely. We further show a sufficient condition for manipulating multiple objects within the object motion constraint. Under this sufficient condition, we propose a control scheme for object motion by taking the motion constraint into account. Simulation and experimental results are provided to confirm our idea

    Multi-Point Impedance Control for Redundant Manipulators

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    The present paper proposes an impedance controlmethod called the Multi-Point Impedance Control (MPIC) forredundant manipulators. The method can not only control endeffectorimpedance,but also regulate impedances of several pointson the links of the manipulator, which are called virtual endpointimpedances, utilizing arm redundancy. Two approachesfor realizing the MPIC are presented. In the first approach,controlling the end-effector impedance and the virtual end-pointimpedances are considered as the tasks with the same level, andthe joint control law developed in this approach can realize theclosest impedances of the multiple points, including the endeffectorand the virtual end-points to the desired ones in theleast squared sense. On the other hand, in the second approach,controlling the end-effector impedance is considered the mostimportant task, and regulating the impedances of the virtual endpointsis considered as a sub-task. Under the second approach,the desired end-effector impedance can be always realized sincethe joint control torque for the regulation of the virtual end-pointimpedances is designed in such a way that it has no effect on theend-effector motion of the manipulator. Simulation experimentsare performed to confirm the validity and to show the advantagesof the proposed method

    Bio-Mimetic Trajectory Generation Based on Human Arm Movements With a Nonholonomic Constraint

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    In this paper, a bio-mimetic trajectory of robots for manipulatinga nonholonomic car is generated with a time base generator (TBG).In order to reveal what kind of trajectories the robots should generatefor the given task, experiments with human subjects were performed. Ithas been shown that a human generates the trajectory with a single- ordouble-peaked velocity profile according to the geometrical conditions ofthe car. Then, bio-mimetic trajectories were generated by modeling the observedprimitive profiles with the TBG and also compared with the humantrajectories

    Trajectory generation of moving robots using after deformation of artificial potential fields

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    A trajectory generation method based on an artificial potential field approach may be useful for real-time motion planning of a moving robot, since it is effective and computationally much less expensive than other methods using global information on a task space. In the present paper, we argue that dynamic behavior of a generated trajectory and control of the direction of motion of the moving robot shold be taken into accout within the framework of the artificial potential field approach for practical use, and propose a new method using active deformation of the artificial potential field. The method can regulate movement time from an initial position to a goal, and velocity profile of the trajectory as well as the position and the direction of motion of the robot by changing the orientation and the shape of the artificial potential ellipse

    Distributed Trajectory Generation for Cooperative Multi-Arm Robots via Virtual Force Interactions

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    A trajectory generation method for multi-arm robotsthrough cooperative and competitive interactions among multipleend-effectors is proposed. The method can generate the trajectories ofthe multiple arms in a distributed manner based on a concept of a virtualinteraction force which represents an interaction between an end-effectorand an environment. It is shown that the method is effective not only forsimple cooperative tasks such as positioning a common object, but alsofor more complicated tasks including relative motions among arms
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