40 research outputs found

    Autoaggregation Response of Fusobacterium nucleatum▿ †

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    Fusobacterium nucleatum is a gram-negative oral bacterial species associated with periodontal disease progression. This species is perhaps best known for its ability to adhere to a vast array of other bacteria and eukaryotic cells. Numerous studies of F. nucleatum have examined various coaggregation partners and inhibitors, but it is largely unknown whether these interactions induce a particular genetic response. We tested coaggregation between F. nucleatum ATCC strain 25586 and various species of Streptococcus in the presence of a semidefined growth medium containing saliva. We found that this condition could support efficient coaggregation but, surprisingly, also stimulated a similar degree of autoaggregation. We further characterized the autoaggregation response, since few reports have examined this in F. nucleatum. After screening several common coaggregation inhibitors, we identified l-lysine as a competitive inhibitor of autoaggregation. We performed a microarray analysis of the planktonic versus autoaggregated cells and found nearly 100 genes that were affected after only about 60 min of aggregation. We tested a subset of these genes via real-time reverse transcription-PCR and confirmed the validity of the microarray results. Some of these genes were also found to be inducible in cell pellets created by centrifugation. Based upon these data, it appears that autoaggregation activates a genetic program that may be utilized for growth in a high cell density environment, such as the oral biofilm

    The Streptococcus mutans IrvR Repressor Is a CI-Like Regulator That Functions through Autocleavage and Clp-Dependent Proteolysisâ–ż

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    Previous work has shown that irvR is required for the proper regulation of genetic competence and dextran-dependent aggregation due to its ability to repress the transcription regulator irvA. In this study, we determined the mechanism used to relieve the repression of irvA. We demonstrate that IrvR is a “LexA-like” protein with four conserved amino acid residues likely required for IrvR autocleavage activity. Furthermore, recombinant IrvR protein purified from Escherichia coli was competent to undergo autocleavage in vitro. Using several truncated IrvR constructs, we show that the amino acids adjacent to the autocleavage site are essential for relieving irvA repression and engaging the irvA-dependent regulatory pathway primarily through the ClpXP and ClpCP proteases. By extending the IrvR C terminus with an epitope derived from the autocleavage site, we were also able to create a constitutive Clp-dependent degradation of the full-length IrvR protein. This suggests that the derepression of irvA occurs through a two-step mechanism involving the initial autocleavage of IrvR and exposure of a proteolytic degradation sequence followed by Clp-dependent degradation of the IrvR DNA binding domain. Thus, irvA derepression is highly analogous to the genetic switch mechanism used to regulate lysogeny in bacteriophages

    Single-Molecule/Cell Analyses Reveal Principles of Genome-Folding Mechanisms in the Three Domains of Life

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    Comparative structural/molecular biology by single-molecule analyses combined with single-cell dissection, mass spectroscopy, and biochemical reconstitution have been powerful tools for elucidating the mechanisms underlying genome DNA folding. All genomes in the three domains of life undergo stepwise folding from DNA to 30–40 nm fibers. Major protein players are histone (Eukarya and Archaea), Alba (Archaea), and HU (Bacteria) for fundamental structural units of the genome. In Euryarchaeota, a major archaeal phylum, either histone or HTa (the bacterial HU homolog) were found to wrap DNA. This finding divides archaea into two groups: those that use DNA-wrapping as the fundamental step in genome folding and those that do not. Archaeal transcription factor-like protein TrmBL2 has been suggested to be involved in genome folding and repression of horizontally acquired genes, similar to bacterial H-NS protein. Evolutionarily divergent SMC proteins contribute to the establishment of higher-order structures. Recent results are presented, including the use of Hi-C technology to reveal that archaeal SMC proteins are involved in higher-order genome folding, and the use of single-molecule tracking to reveal the detailed functions of bacterial and eukaryotic SMC proteins. Here, we highlight the similarities and differences in the DNA-folding mechanisms in the three domains of life

    Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans

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    TLR2-dependent and independent pyroptosis in dTHP-1 cells induced by Actinomyces oris MG-1

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    In the immune system, the detection of pathogens through various mechanisms triggers immune responses. Several types of specific programmed cell deaths play a role in the inflammatory reaction. This study emphasizes the inflammatory response induced by Actinomycetes. Actinomyces spp. are resident bacteria in human oral plaque and often serve as a bridge for pathogenic bacteria, which lack affinity to the tooth surface, aiding their colonization of the plaque. We aim to investigate the potential role of Actinomyces oris in the early stages of oral diseases from a new perspective. Actinomyces oris MG-1 (A. oris) was chosen for this research. Differentiated THP-1 (dTHP-1) cells were transiently treated with A. oris to model the inflammatory reaction. Cell viability, as well as relative gene and protein expression levels of dTHP-1 cells, were assessed using CCK-8, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and Western blot assay. The treatment decreased cell viability and increased the expression of inflammatory genes such as IL-1R1 and NLRP3. It was also observed to significantly enhance the release of IL-1β/IL-18 into the supernatant. Immunoblot analysis revealed a notable increase in the expression of N-gasdermin D persisting up to 24 h. Conversely, in models pre-treated with TLR2 inhibitors, N-gasdermin D was detectable only 12 h post-treatment and absent at 24 h. These results suggest that Actinomyces oris MG-1 induces pyroptosis in dTHP-1 cells via TLR2, but the process is not solely dependent on TLR2

    Novel biological activity of ameloblastin in enamel matrix derivative

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    Objective Enamel matrix derivative (EMD) is used clinically to promote periodontal tissue regeneration. However, the effects of EMD on gingival epithelial cells during regeneration of periodontal tissues are unclear. In this in vitro study, we purified ameloblastin from EMD and investigated its biological effects on epithelial cells. Material and Methods Bioactive fractions were purified from EMD by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography using hydrophobic support with a C18 column. The mouse gingival epithelial cell line GE-1 and human oral squamous cell carcinoma line SCC-25 were treated with purified EMD fraction, and cell survival was assessed with a WST-1 assay. To identify the proteins in bioactive fractions of EMD, we used proteome analysis with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by identification with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis. Results Purified fractions from EMD suppressed proliferation of GE-1 and SCC-25. LC-MS/MS revealed that ameloblastin in EMD is the component responsible for inhibiting epithelial cell proliferation. The inhibitory effect of ameloblastin on the proliferation of GE-1 and SCC-25 was confirmed using recombinant protein. Conclusion The inhibitory effects of EMD on epithelial cell proliferation are caused by the biological activities of ameloblastin, which suggests that ameloblastin is involved in regulating epithelial downgrowth in periodontal tissues

    Characterization of irvR, a Novel Regulator of the irvA-Dependent Pathway Required for Genetic Competence and Dextran-Dependent Aggregation in Streptococcus mutansâ–ż

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    Previous studies identified irvA as a normally repressed but highly inducible transcription regulator capable of repressing mutacin I gene expression in Streptococcus mutans. In this study, we aimed to identify and characterize the regulator(s) responsible for repressing the expression of irvA. An uncharacterized open reading frame (SMU.1398) located immediately adjacent to irvA and annotated as a putative transcription repressor was identified as a likely candidate. The results of mutation studies confirmed that the expression of irvA was greatly increased in the SMU.1398 background. Mutation of SMU.1398 (“irvR”) abolished genetic competence and reduced the expression of the late competence genes/operons comEA, comY, and dprA without affecting the expression of the known competence regulators comC, comED, or comX. In addition, irvR was found to be a potent negative regulator of dextran-dependent aggregation (DDAG) and gbpC expression. Each of these irvR mutant phenotypes could be rescued with a double mutation of irvA or complemented by introducing a wild-type copy of irvR on a shuttle vector. These data indicate that the repression of irvA is critically dependent upon irvR and that irvA repression is essential for the development of genetic competence and the proper control of DDAG in S. mutans

    Nitric Oxide Donor Modulates a Multispecies Oral Bacterial Community—An In Vitro Study

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    The deterioration of human oral microbiota is known to not only cause oral diseases but also to affect systemic health. Various environmental factors are thought to influence the disruption and restoration of the oral ecosystem. In this study, we focused on the effect of nitric oxide (NO) produced by denitrification and NO synthase enzymes on dental plaque microbiota. Interdental plaques collected from 10 subjects were exposed to NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and then cultured in a specialized growth medium. Depending on the concentration of exposed SNP, a decrease in α-diversity and a continuous change in β-diversity in the dental plaque community were shown by sequencing bacterial 16S rRNA genes. We also identified eight operational taxonomic units that were significantly altered by NO exposure. Among them, the exposure of NO donors to Fusobacterium nucleatum cells showed a decrease in survival rate consistent with the results of microbiota analysis. Meanwhile, in addition to NO tolerance, an increase in the tetrazolium salt-reducing activity of Campylobacter concisus cells was confirmed by exposure to SNP. This study provides an overview of how oral plaque microbiota shifts with exposure to NO and may contribute to the development of a method for adjusting the balance of the oral microbiome