15 research outputs found

    Some Aspects of Influence that Difference of Language Gives to the Learning of Music

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    我が国では,正式に音楽教育を受けるということは,西洋音楽を学ぶということと等しい。 それは,伝統音楽が一部導入されるようになった現在でも真実である。特に,音楽大学や教員養成大学において,歌の学習といえば,イタリア語やドイツ語,英語等で歌うことが当然のこととなっている。それでは,多くの日本人は,歌われる外国語の意味や歌のイメージを どのように感得しているのだろうか。そこで,本研究では,歌を歌う際の言語の違い -ドイツ語と日本語-が聴取者に与える感得を調査した。その結果,シューベルト作曲「野ばら」をドイツ語で歌った場合には,言語の意味は不明ながら,概ね軽やかでリズミックに,日本語で歌った場合には,言語の意味は漠然としながら,概ね柔らかで流れるように感得された

    Work-related allergy in medical doctors: atopy, exposure to domestic animals, eczema induced by common chemicals and membership of the surgical profession as potential risk factors

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    Purpose To investigate the risk factors associated with work-related allergy-like symptoms in medical doctors. Methods Self-administered questionnaire survey and CAP test were conducted among medical school students in the 4th grade of their 6-year medical course in 1993–1996 and 1999–2001. Follow-up questionnaires were sent in 2004 to the graduates. These questionnaires enquired into personal and family history of allergic diseases, lifestyle, history of allergy-like symptoms including work-relatedness and occupational history as medical doctors. Relationships between allergy-like symptoms and relevant factors were evaluated by multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results Of 261 respondents at the follow-up survey, 139 (53.3%) and 54 (20.7%) had a history of any allergy-like symptoms and any work-related allergy-like symptoms, respectively. Female gender and family history of allergic diseases were signiWcantly associated with any allergy-like symptoms. Personal history of allergic disease, exposure to domestic animals, eczema caused by rubber gloves, metallic accessories, or cosmetics during schooling days, and membership of the surgical profession were signiW- cant risk factors for work-related allergy-like symptoms. On the contrary, to work-related allergy-like symptoms, gender, age, and smoking status were not signiWcantly related, and consumption of prepared foods was inversely related. Conclusions Personal history of atopy and eczema induced by common goods and the history of keeping domestic animals may be predictors of work-related allergy-like symptoms in doctors. After graduation from medical school, physicians start with exposure to various allergens and irritants at work, which relate to work-related allergy-like symptoms, especially for surgeons

    An Interaction Approach for System Engineer\u27s Surrounding

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