11 research outputs found

    Hemoglobin catalyzes CoA degradation and thiol addition to flavonoids

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    In the presence of CoA, cell-free extracts prepared from porcine liver was found to convert 7,8-dihydroxyflavone (DHF) to a pantetheine conjugate, which was a novel flavonoid. We purified a 7,8-DHF-converting enzyme from the extracts, and identified it as hemoglobin (Hb). The purified Hb showed the following two activities: (i) degradation of CoA into pantetheine through hydrolytic cleavage to yield pantetheine and 3′-phospho-adenosine-5′-diphosphate (ADP) independently of heme, and (ii) addition of a thiol (e.g., pantetheine, glutathione and cysteine) to 7,8-DHF through C-S bond formation. Human Hb also exhibited the above flavonoid-converting activity. In addition, heme-containing enzymes such as peroxidase and catalase added each of pantetheine, glutathione and cysteine to the flavonoid, although no pantetheine conjugates were synthesized when CoA was used as a substrate. These findings indicated that the thiol-conjugating activity is widely observed in heme-containing proteins. On the other hand, only Hb catalyzed the hydrolysis of CoA, followed by the thiol conjugation to synthesize the pantetheine conjugate. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report showing that Hb has the catalytic ability to convert naturally occurring bioactive compounds, such as dietary flavonoids, to the corresponding conjugates in the presence of thiol donors or CoA

    Copper amine oxidases catalyze the oxidative deamination and hydrolysis of cyclic imines

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    Although cyclic imines are present in various bioactive secondary metabolites, their degradative metabolism remains unknown. Here, we report that copper amine oxidases, which are important in metabolism of primary amines, catalyze a cyclic imine cleavage reaction. We isolate a microorganism (Arthrobacter sp. C-4A) which metabolizes a beta-carboline alkaloid, harmaline. The harmaline-metabolizing enzyme (HarA) purified from strain C-4A is found to be copper amine oxidase and catalyze a ring-opening reaction of cyclic imine within harmaline, besides oxidative deamination of amines. Growth experiments on strain C-4A and Western blot analysis indicate that the HarA expression is induced by harmaline. We propose a reaction mechanism of the cyclic imine cleavage by HarA containing a post-translationally-synthesized cofactor, topaquinone. Together with the above results, the finding of the same activity of copper amine oxidase from E. coli suggests that, in many living organisms, these enzymes may play crucial roles in metabolism of ubiquitous cyclic imines

    Intracellular Phage Tail-Like Nanostructures Affect Susceptibility of Streptomyces lividans to Osmotic Stress

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    ABSTRACT Contractile injection systems (CISs) are a large group of phage tail-like nanostructures conserved among bacteria. Despite their wide distribution, the biological significance of CISs in bacteria remains largely unclear except for a few unicellular bacteria. Here, we show that Streptomyces lividans—a model organism of filamentous Gram-positive bacteria with highly conserved CIS-related gene clusters—produces intracellular CIS-like nanostructures (Streptomyces phage tail-like particles [SLPs]) that affect phenotypes of this bacterium under hyperosmotic conditions. In contrast to typical CISs released from the cells, SLPs are localized in the cytoplasm of S. lividans. In addition, loss of SLPs leads to (i) delayed erection of aerial mycelia on hyperosmotic solid medium and (ii) decreased growth during the transition from exponential growth phase to stationary phase in hyperosmotic liquid medium. Localization of fluorescent protein-tagged SLPs showed partial correlation with cell wall synthesis-related proteins, including MreB, an actin-like cytoskeleton protein. Our pulldown assay and subsequent quantitative proteome analysis also suggest that 30S ribosomal proteins and cell wall-related proteins, including MreB, are coeluted with SLPs. Furthermore, an interaction assay using the recombinant proteins revealed a direct interaction between a sheath protein of SLP and ribosomal protein S16. Results of cross-linking experiments show indirect interactions between SLPs and translation elongation factors. These findings collectively suggest that SLPs are directly or indirectly associated with a protein interaction network within the cytoplasm of S. lividans and that SLP loss ultimately affects the susceptibility of the bacterium to certain stress conditions. IMPORTANCE Recent bioinformatic analyses have revealed that CIS-related gene clusters are highly conserved in Gram-positive actinomycetes, especially members of the genus Streptomyces known for their ability to produce therapeutic antibiotics. While typical CISs are released from the cells and can act as protein translocation systems that inject effector proteins into the target cells, our results indicate the unique intracellular localization of SLPs, CIS-related nanostructures produced by S. lividans. In addition, the direct and indirect interactions of SLPs with cytoplasmic proteins and SLP localization within specific regions of mycelia suggest that the biological significance of SLPs is related to intracellular processes. Further, SLP loss leads to increased susceptibility of S. lividans to osmotic stress, suggesting that production of these phage tail-like nanostructures ultimately affects the fitness of the bacterium under certain stress conditions. This work will provide new insight into the phage tail-like nanostructures highly conserved in Streptomyces species