222 research outputs found

    A Clinical Study Evaluating an Aspiration-type Semi-Automatic Cutting Biopsy Needle (SCIRO-1702)

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    An aspiration-type semi-automatic cutting biopsy needle enables tissue cutting during application of negative pressure, which is expected to contribute to a larger amount of specimen. The aim of the present study was to evaluate this novel needle in a clinical setting. Patients who underwent image-guided percutaneous biopsy for lung or renal masses were enrolled. Cutting biopsy was performed with and without aspiration during each procedure. The specimens were weighed using an electronic scale. The weights were compared between specimens obtained with and without aspiration using a paired t-test. The data from 45 lung and 30 renal biopsy procedures were analyzed. In lung biopsy, the mean±standard deviation weights of specimens obtained with and without aspiration were 2.20±1.05 mg and 2.24±1.08 mg, respectively. In renal biopsy, the mean weights were 6.52±2.18 mg and 6.42±1.62 mg, respectively. The weights were not significantly different between specimens obtained with and without aspiration either in lung (p=0.799) or renal (p=0.789) biopsies. The application of negative pressure with the aspiration-type semi-automatic cutting biopsy needle did not contribute to an increase in the amount of the specimen obtained in lung and renal biopsies

    Omental Abscess after Laparoscopic Proximal Gastrectomy Successfully Treated with Percutaneous Drainage

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    We report the case details of a 65-year-old Japanese man with an omental abscess that was discovered 43 days after he underwent a laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy for gastric cancer. His chief complaint was mild abdominal pain that had persisted for several days. The abscess was diagnosed as a rare postoperative complication. We hesitated to perform a reoperation given the invasiveness of general anesthesia and surgery, plus the possibility of postoperative adhesions and because the patient’s general condition was stable and he had only mild abdominal pain. Percutaneous drainage using a 10.2-F catheter was performed with the patient under conscious sedation and computed tomography–fluoroscopy guidance, with no complications. After the procedure, the size of the abscess cavity was remarkably reduced, and 23 days later the catheter was withdrawn

    Long-Term Outcome of Endoscopic Balloon Dilation in Obstructive Gastrointestinal Crohn's Disease: A Prospective Long-Term Study

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    Background The short- and long-term results of balloon dilation therapy in Crohn's patients with non-anastomotic obstructive gastrointestinal lesions are investigated

    Prospective evaluation of core number of biopsy for renal tumor: are multiple cores preferable?

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    Purpose This single-center, single-arm, prospective, open-label study was conducted to evaluate the optimal number of cores (single or multiple) in renal tumor biopsy. Materials and methods Forty-four biopsies of 44 tumors (mean diameter, 2.7 ± 1.0 cm; range, 1.6–5.0 cm) were included. Biopsy was performed under ultrasound or computed tomography fluoroscopy guidance using an 18-gauge cutting needle and the co-axial method. Two or more specimens were obtained, which were divided into first and subsequent specimens. “First specimen” and “all specimens” were histologically evaluated (i.e., appropriateness of specimen, histological diagnosis, subtype, and Fuhrman grade of renal cell carcinoma [RCC]) blindly and independently by two board-certified pathologists. Results Multiple specimens were successfully and safely obtained in all the biopsies. All tumors were histologically diagnosed; 40 malignancies included 39 RCCs and 1 solitary fibrous tumor, and 4 benign lesions included 2 angiomyolipomas, 1 oncocytoma, and 1 capillary hemangioma. In all RCCs, the subtype could be determined (32 clear cell RCCs, 4 chromophobe RCCs, and 3 papillary RCCs), and the Furman grade was determined in 38 RCCs. When only the first specimen was evaluated, 22.7% of the specimens were inappropriate for diagnosis, and 34 (77.3%) were histologically diagnosed. The diagnostic yield was significantly lower than that of all specimens (P = 0.0044). Univariate analysis revealed that smaller lesions were a significant predictor of diagnostic failure (P = 0.020). Conclusion Biopsy with multiple cores significantly improved diagnostic yield. Thus, operators should obtain multiple cores during renal tumor biopsy

    Needle Tract Ablation in Liver Tissue Using a Cryoprobe Combined with an Electrosurgical Device: Influence of ex vivo and in vivo Animal Models

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    To assess the feasibility of needle tract ablation in liver tissue in ex vivo and in vivo animal models using a cryo-probe and electrosurgical device. The experimental device is made by inserting a cryoprobe through an intro-ducer sheath for insulation, with 2-cm of probe tip projecting out. A beagle liver was punctured by the device, and electric current was applied at 30-W with the electrosurgical knife touching the non-insulated device base. The discolored area of cut surface along the device was evaluated in 5 application-time groups (5 , 10 , 15 , 20, or 25 seconds). An ex vivo experiment was performed to determine an ablation algorithm with an appropriate application time by comparison with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) results. Thereafter, an in vivo experiment was performed to verify the algorithm’s feasibility. In the ex vivo model, the cut surface demonstrated different amounts of discolored area according to the application time. The total discolored area in the 20-seconds group was similar to that by RFA. In the in vivo model, the liver did not bleed, the total discolored area was similar to that ex vivo, and coagulation necrosis was confirmed by photomicrograph. Needle tract ablation can be per-formed using the experimental device and electrosurgical device

    Radiofrequency Ablation of Lung Cancer at Okayama University Hospital: A Review of 10 Years of Experience

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    The application of radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of lung cancer by our group at Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences began in June 2001, and in the present report, we review our 10-year experience with this treatment modality at Okayama University Hospital. The local efficacy of radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of lung cancer depends on tumor size and the type of electrode used, but not on tumor type. An important factor for the prevention of local failure may be the acquisition of an adequate ablative margin. The combination of embolization and radiation therapy enhances the local efficacy. Local failure may be salvaged by repeating the radiofrequency ablation, particularly in small tumors. Survival rates after radiofrequency ablation are quite promising for patients with clinical stage I non-small cell lung cancer and pulmonary metastasis from colorectal cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, and renal cell carcinoma. The complications caused by radiofrequency ablation can be treated conservatively in the majority of cases. However, attention should be paid to rare but serious complications. This review shows that radiofrequency ablation is a promising treatment for patients with lung cancer

    Safety of Percutaneous Cryoablation in Patients with Painful Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors: A Single Center Prospective Study (SCIRO-1502)

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    This single center prospective study is being conducted to evaluate the safety of the cryoablation for patients with pathologically diagnosed painful bone and soft tissue tumors. Enrollment of 10 patients is planned over the 3-year recruitment period. Patients have related local pain after receiving medications or external radiation therapies will be included in this study. Cryoablation will be percutaneously performed under imaging guidance, and a temperature sensor will be used during treatment as necessary. The primary endpoint is prevalence of severe adverse events within 4 weeks after therapy. The secondary endpoint is effectiveness 4 weeks after the procedure