147 research outputs found

    3.OT MRA で観察される外側線条体動脈の分枝形態

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    PURPOSE:We hypothesized that the pattern of branching of the lenticulostriate arteries (LSAs) is involved in the variation of the distribution of the infarction within the LSA region. Our purpose was to evaluate the visibility of LSAs in 3D time-of-flight (TOF) MR angiography (MRA) with a 3.0 T scanner and to investigate the branching patterns of LSAs.MATERIALS AND METHODS:We performed 3D TOF MRA at 3.0 T for 100 healthy subjects. We assessed the number of LSAs and the number of branches arising from each LSA by evaluating MRA source images.RESULTS:In 200 hemispheres, 330 LSAs were visualized (mean = 1.65/hemisphere). In 3.5% of all hemispheres, no LSA was depicted; one LSA was depicted in 39%, two in 46.5%, and three in 11%. The maximum number of depicted LSA branches was five in 2% of all subjects, four in 7%, three in 26%, and two in 49% (mean = 2.3/subject). A large LSA trunk with three or more branches was found in 35% of subjects.CONCLUSION: Visualization of LSAs was possible in 96.5% of subjects by use of 3.0 T MRA. LSA branching patterns were variable, and a large LSA trunk with three or more branches was common.博士(医学)・乙第1305号・平成24年11月27日© Springer International Publishing AG,2012Copyright © 2012 Japan Radiological Societ

    びまん性血管損傷 磁化率強調画像を用いた重症頭部外傷での収束性出血

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    INTRODUCTION:Susceptibility-weighted image (SWI) is one of the most sensitive methods for detect microbleeding and useful for evaluation of traumatic brain damage. The purpose of this study is to delineate the characteristics and importance of supratentorial deep white matter hemorrhages detected by SWI in cases of traumatic brain damage. METHODS:Twenty-one consecutive cases with severe traumatic head injury were included in the current study. MRI examinations were made within 1 month after injury. We evaluated the degree and distribution of the supratentorial hemorrhages on SWI retrospectively. We classified the degree of bleeding into four grades: "small hemorrhage," "single bead-like hemorrhage," "convergent-type hemorrhage," and "massive hemorrhage." We then correlated the degree and distribution of the hemorrhage to clinical outcomes. We also evaluated the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) image of lobes with "convergent-type hemorrhage." RESULTS:Existence of "massive hemorrhage" correlated with a poor outcome, that is, worse than "severely disabled" on the Glasgow Outcome Scale. The number of lobes affected by "convergent-type hemorrhage" also correlated with poor outcome. There were 45 lobes with "convergent-type hemorrhage" and 27 of them showed increased diffusivity on ADC images. CONCLUSION:Supratentorial massive hemorrhages and supratentorial convergent-type multiple hemorrhages were associated with poor prognosis after traumatic brain injury. The increased diffusivity in lobes with convergent-type hemorrhages may indicate that congestion of the proximal medullary vein may play some role for these hemorrhages.博士(医学)・甲第594号・平成25年3月15日© Springer International Publishing AG,201


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    The objective of this study was to determine long-term outcomes after stent placement for subclavian artery (SA) obstructive lesions assisted by intraoperative intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). The study included 25 lesions in 24 patients who underwent stent placement assisted by intraoperative IVUS for subclavian artery stenosis or obstruction at our hospital between January 2003 and August 2010. Outcome was evaluated based on the results within 30 postoperative days (technical success rate, improvement in upper extremity ischemia, steal syndrome, left-right blood pressure difference, and perioperative complications) and the results after 30 postoperative days (incidence of vertebrobasilar artery territory infarction and restenosis). Stent placement and vessel dilatation were successful in all patients, without perioperative complications. Upper extremity ischemia, steal syndrome, and left-right blood pressure difference disappeared in all cases. During follow-up observation (6-96 months; median 51 months), no restenosis occurred at the stent placement site in any patient. In one case, four years after initial treatment, stenosis was noted proximal to the stent placement site. Satisfactory long-term as well as short-term outcomes were achieved after stent placement for SA obstructive lesions assisted by intraoperative IVUS evaluation.博士(医学)・乙第1362号・平成27年5月28日Copyright © 2014 by SAGE Publications. The definitive version is available at " http://dx.doi.org/10.15274/NRJ-2014-10023

    Application of susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) for evaluation of draining veins of arteriovenous malformation: utility of magnitude images.

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    INTRODUCTION: The current study evaluated the signal characteristics of susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) of arteriovenous malformation (AVM), especially for draining veins. For this purpose, we identified the draining veins of the AVM on angiography and evaluated the signal on magnitude image for SWI (SWI-mag) and minimum intensity projection image (SWI-minIP). METHODS: Subjects were 14 cases with angiographically proven AVM. SWI-mag, SWI-minIP, and time-of-flight (TOF) magnetic resonance angiography were acquired. For the draining veins of the AVM identified on angiography, we analyzed signal intensity on the images listed above, and classified it into hyperintensity (hyper), mixed intensity (mixed), hypointensity (hypo), and no visualization. RESULTS: On the analysis of 27 angiographically proven draining veins, 19 draining veins were classified as hyper, 3 as mixed, 0 as hypo, and 6 as no visualization on SWI-mag. On TOF images, 21 draining veins were classified as hyper, 2 as mixed, 0 as hypo, and 4 as no visualization, while 6 draining veins did not show hyperintensity on TOF, and SWI-mag visualized 3 of these 6 veins as hyper. CONCLUSION: SWI-mag depicted most draining veins of AVM as hyperintensity. We speculate that this is mainly due to the higher concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) and inflow effect of the draining vein. SWI-mag seems to be useful in the analysis and follow-up for AVM as the signal on the image may reflect physiological status.博士(医学)・乙第1316号・平成25年7月22


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    PURPOSE: As stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) becomes widespread, precise information including number, location, and margin of lesions is required when magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of brain metastasis is performed. We compare methods using 2 separate injections and a single injection for the administration of a double dose of contrast medium for contrastenhanced MR imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We divided 40 patients with brain metastasis into 2 groups of 20 patients. Group A received 2 separate injections (0.2 + 0.2 mL/kg) of contrast medium (gadoteridol); Group B received a single injection of the same total dose (0.4 mL/kg). Group A underwent spin echo (SE) T1-weighted imaging (T1WI) and magnetization prepared rapid acquisition with gradient echo sequence (MPRAGE) after each injection, and Group B underwent the same MR studies at the same timing as Group A. We evaluated the number, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), diameter, margin delineation, and volume of lesions and compared them between early and delayed studies by the 2 methods. RESULTS: The number of detected lesions was largest in delayed studies of MPRAGE in both groups. The SNR of the lesions was statistically lower in early studies of Group A than other studies. Delayed studies of Group B showed statistically better margin delineation than other studies on both SE-T1WI and MPRAGE studies. Diameter and enhanced volume were statistically significantly larger on delayed phase than early phase in both groups. CONCLUSION: Use of a single injection of double-dose contrast medium and longer delay time may improve margin delineation of lesions for the study of brain metastasis. Enhanced volume was larger on delayed phase, and it may influence selection of therapeutic strategy.博士(医学)・乙第1356号・平成27年3月16日Copyright © 2014 by Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine著作権は日本磁気共鳴医学会に帰属日本磁気共鳴医学会及び著者(共著者も含む)の許諾を得て登

    Juvenile Bow Hunter’s Stroke without Hemodynamic Changes

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    Bow hunter’s stroke (BHS) is a cerebrovascular disease caused by occlusion of the vertebral artery (VA) on head rotation. BHS is generally associated with hemodynamic changes, often leading to vertebrobasilar insufficiency symptoms, such as vertigo and faintness. Although artery-to-artery embolism has also been proposed as an underlying mechanism, it remains controversial. This report documents a case of BHS without hemodynamic changes. We describe a 26-year-old male patient who had VA occlusion on head rotation and repetitive infarction of thalami. He had an anomalous bypass of the VA and therefore no symptomatic hemodynamic changes. Thus, non-hemodynamic BHS should be considered in juvenile patients with vertebrobasilar stroke


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    Purpose: Although the neonatal and infantile brain typically shows sequential T1 shortening according to gestational age as a result of myelination, several structures do not follow this rule. We evaluated the relationship between the signal intensity of various structures in the neonatal and infantile brain on T1-weighted imaging (T1WI) and either postnatal or gestational age. Materials and Methods: We examined magnetic resonance images from 120 newborns and infants without any abnormalities in the central nervous system. Written informed consent was obtained from all parents and the institutional review board approved the study. Gestational age at examination ranged from 35 weeks, 3 days to 46 weeks, 6 days, and postnatal age ranged from 7 days to 127 days. Signal intensity on T1WI was evaluated on a scale from Grade 1 (indistinguishable from surrounding structures) to Grade 4 (higher than cortex and close to fat). We evaluated relationships between the T1 signal grades of various structures in the neonatal brain and postnatal or gestational age using Spearman’s correlation analysis. Results: Significant positive correlations were identified between T1 signal grade and gestational age in the pyramidal tract (P < 0.001). Conversely, significant negative correlations were evident between T1 signal grade and postnatal age (P < 0.001), in structures including the stria medullaris thalami, fornix cerebellar vermis, dentate nucleus and anterior pituitary gland. Conclusion: Significant negative correlations exist between signal intensity on T1WI and postnatal age in some structures of the neonatal and infantile brain. Some mechanisms other than myelination might play roles in the course of signal appearance.博士(医学)・乙第1405号・平成29年6月28日Copyright © 2017 by Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine : This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives International License(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.ja)

    Poly(A)-specific ribonuclease regulates the processing of small-subunit rRNAs in human cells

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    Ribosome biogenesis occurs successively in the nucleolus, nucleoplasm, and cytoplasm. Maturation of the ribosomal small subunit is completed in the cytoplasm by incorporation of a particular class of ribosomal proteins and final cleavage of 18S-E pre-rRNA (18S-E). Here, we show that poly(A)-specific ribonuclease (PARN) participates in steps leading to 18S-E maturation in human cells. We found PARN as a novel component of the pre-40S particle pulled down with the pre-ribosome factor LTV1 or Bystin. Reverse pull-down analysis revealed that PARN is a constitutive component of the Bystin-associated pre-40S particle. Knockdown of PARN or exogenous expression of an enzyme-dead PARN mutant (D28A) accumulated 18S-E in both the cytoplasm and nucleus. Moreover, expression of D28A accumulated 18S-E in Bystin-associated pre-40S particles, suggesting that the enzymatic activity of PARN is necessary for the release of 18S-E from Bystin-associated pre-40S particles. Finally, RNase H–based fragmentation analysis and 3΄-sequence analysis of 18S-E species present in cells expressing wild-type PARN or D28A suggested that PARN degrades the extended regions encompassing nucleotides 5–44 at the 3΄ end of mature 18S rRNA. Our results reveal a novel role for PARN in ribosome biogenesis in human cells

    Adenovirus E4orf6 targets pp32/LANP to control the fate of ARE-containing mRNAs by perturbing the CRM1-dependent mechanism

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    E4orf6 plays an important role in the transportation of cellular and viral mRNAs and is known as an oncogene product of adenovirus. Here, we show that E4orf6 interacts with pp32/leucine-rich acidic nuclear protein (LANP). E4orf6 exports pp32/LANP from the nucleus to the cytoplasm with its binding partner, HuR, which binds to an AU-rich element (ARE) present within many protooncogene and cytokine mRNAs. We found that ARE-mRNAs, such as c-fos, c-myc, and cyclooxygenase-2, were also exported to and stabilized in the cytoplasm of E4orf6-expressing cells. The oncodomain of E4orf6 was necessary for both binding to pp32/LANP and effect for ARE-mRNA. C-fos mRNA was exported together with E4orf6, E1B-55kD, pp32/LANP, and HuR proteins. Moreover, inhibition of the CRM1-dependent export pathway failed to block the export of ARE-mRNAs mediated by E4orf6. Thus, E4orf6 interacts with pp32/LANP to modulate the fate of ARE-mRNAs by altering the CRM1-dependent export pathway

    Friend of Prmt1, FOP is a novel component of the nuclear SMN complex isolated using biotin affinity purification

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    SMN (survival motor neuron protein) complexes are essential for the biogenesis of uridine-rich small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (UsnRNPs). During the biogenesis, the SMN complexes bound to UsnRNPs are transported from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, and moved to Cajal body (bodies)/Gems (Cajal/Gems) where the SMN complexes- UsnRNPs are subjected to additional chemical modifications and dissociated to the SMN complexes and the mature UsnRNPs. Although the mature UsnRNPs are assembled into spliceosome with newly transcribed pre-mRNA in the perichromatin fibrils at the chromatin, the role of the dissociated nuclear SMN complexes remains undetermined. In this study, we identified Friend of Prmt1 (FOP; chromatin target of Prmt1, CHTOP; C1orf77) as a novel component of the nuclear SMN complexes by the biotin affinity purification, coupled with the mass spectrometry-based protein identification. FOP was associated with SMN, Gemines 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8, unrip, and fragile X mental retardation 1 protein (FMR1), as well as with U5and U6 snRNAs in the nucleus, but not with Sm proteins, Gemin5, coilin, and U1 and U2snRNAs. Using the quantitative proteomic method with SILAC coupled with RNA interference, we also showed that FOP is required for the association of the SMN complexes with hnRNPs, histone proteins, and various RNA-binding proteins. It is reported that FOP localizes mainly in the nuclear speckles, binds chromatin, and plays a role in mRNA transcriptional regulation. Our present data suggest that the nuclear SMN complex containing FOP participates in the process of mRNA post-transcriptional regulation