102 research outputs found

    Instantons in Lifshitz Field Theories

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    BPS instantons are discussed in Lifshitz-type anisotropic field theories. We consider generalizations of the sigma model/Yang-Mills instantons in renormalizable higher dimensional models with the classical Lifshitz scaling invariance. In each model, BPS instanton equation takes the form of the gradient flow equations for "the superpotential" defining "the detailed balance condition". The anisotropic Weyl rescaling and the coset space dimensional reduction are used to map rotationally symmetric instantons to vortices in two-dimensional anisotropic systems on the hyperbolic plane. As examples, we study anisotropic BPS baby Skyrmion 1+1 dimensions and BPS Skyrmion in 2+1 dimensions, for which we take Kahler 1-form and the Wess-Zumiono-Witten term as the superpotentials, respectively, and an anisotropic generalized Yang-Mills instanton in 4+1 dimensions, for which we take the Chern-Simons term as the superpotential.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figure

    Time-dependent and Non-BPS Solutions in N=6 Superconformal Chern-Simons Theory

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    We study a class of classical solutions of three-dimensional N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory coupled with U(N) \times U(N) bi-fundamental matter fields. Especially, time evolutions of fuzzy spheres are discussed for both massless and massive cases. For the massive case, there are a variety of solutions having different behaviors according to the value of the mass. In addition to the time-dependent solutions, we analyze non-BPS static solutions which represent parallel M5/M5 or M5/anti-M5-branes suspended by multiple M2-branes. These solutions are similar to the fundamental strings connecting two parallel (anti) Dp-branes in perturbative string theory. A moving M5-brane and domain wall solutions with constant velocity that are obtained by the Lorentz boost of the known BPS solutions are briefly addressed.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, published version in JHE

    Ghostbusters in f(R)f(R) supergravity

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    f(R)f(R) supergravity is known to contain a ghost mode associated with higher-derivative terms if it contains RnR^n with nn greater than two.We remove the ghost in f(R)f(R) supergravity by introducing auxiliary gauge field to absorb the ghost. We dub this method as the ghostbuster mechanism~\cite{Fujimori:2016udq}. We show that the mechanism removes the ghost supermultiplet but also terms including RnR^n with n≥3n\geq3, after integrating out auxiliary degrees of freedom. For pure supergravity case, there appears an instability in the resultant scalar potential. We then show that the instability of the scalar potential can be cured by introducing matter couplings in such a way that the system has a stable potential.Comment: 24 pages, v2: comments, references, new section added, version published in JHE

    Resurgence in 2-dimensional Yang–Mills and a genus-altering deformation

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    We study resurgence in the context of the partition function of 2-dimensional SU(N) and U(N) Yang–Mills theory on a surface of genus h. After discussing the properties of the transseries in the undeformed theory, we add a term to the action to deform the theory. The partition function can still be calculated exactly, and the deformation has the effect of analytically continuing the effective genus parameter in the exact answer so that it is noninteger. In the deformed theory we find new saddle solutions and study their properties. In this context each saddle contributes an asymptotic series to the transseries which can be analyzed using Borel-Écalle resummation. For specific values of the deformation parameter we find Cheshire cat points where the asymptotic series in the transseries truncate to a few terms. We also find new partial differential equations satisfied by the partition function, and a number of applications of these are explained, including low-order/low-order resurgence
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