21 research outputs found


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    第8回分子科学討論会, 2014年9月21日-24日, 広島大学東広島キャンパス(東広島

    New Insights into Metal Ion-Crown Ether Complexes Revealed by SEIRA Spectroscopy

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    We demonstrate a powerful spectroscopic technique, surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) spectroscopy, not only for detecting host-guest complexes in solution but for examining the relationship between the guest selectivity, complex structure, and solvent effect. We synthesize thiol derivatives of 15-crown-5 and 18-crown-6 [2-(6-mercaptohexyloxy)methyl-15-crown-5 (15C5-C1OC6-SH) and 2-(6-mercaptohexyloxy)methyl-18-crown-6 (18C6-C1OC6-SH)] and adsorb them on gold surfaces through S–Au bonds. The IR difference spectra of the M+•15C5-C1OC6 (M = Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs) complexes on gold are observed using aqueous solutions of MCl by SEIRA spectroscopy. The spectra show noticeable change in the C–O stretching vibration around 1100 cm–1. The spectral patterns of M+•15C5-C1OC6 are similar for Li+ and Na+, and for K+, Rb+, and Cs+; the interaction between the metal ions and 15C5-C1OC6 changes drastically between Na+ and K+ in the series of alkali metal ions. On the other hand, the equilibrium constant of the complex formation determined by the IR intensity shows clear preference for Na+ ion. We also observe the IR difference spectra of M+•18C6-C1OC6 in methanol and compare them with those in water. The spectral patterns in methanol are almost the same as those in water, but the equilibrium constant in methanol does not show preference for any ion, different from the K+ preference in water. From these findings we attribute the origin of the ion selectivity of 15C5 and 18C6 in solution to the interaction between the metal ions and the crown ethers in the complexes or the solvation energy of free ions. In the case of 15C5-C1OC6 in water, the preference of Na+ over K+, Rb+, and Cs+ can be attributed to the strength of the interaction or the size matching between the metal ions and 15C5-C1OC6; the Na+ selectivity over Li+ ion is dominated by the solvation energy of free ions. For 18C6-C1OC6 in methanol, the equilibrium constant for the complex formation becomes much bigger in methanol than that in water and loses the selectivity in methanol, because the solvation energy in methanol is fairly smaller than that in water, predominating the contribution from the strength of the interaction between the metal ions and 18C6-C1OC6. The IR spectra measured by SEIRA spectroscopy are quite sensitive to the property of host-guest complexes such as the intermolecular interaction, the structure, and the orientation against the gold surface. However, the evidence of the guest selectivity emerges primarily in the intensity of the spectra, rather than band positions or spectral patterns in the IR spectra.This work was partly supported by grants from JSPS to YF (22247024 and 24650203)

    Laparoscopy-assisted Distal Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer in Elderly Patients

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    第8回分子科学討論会, 2014年9月21日-24日, 広島大学東広島キャンパス(東広島), 3P02

    Experimental and theoretical study on the excited-state dynamics of ortho-, meta-, and para-methoxy methylcinnamate

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    The S1 state dynamics of methoxy methylcinnamate (MMC) has been investigated under supersonic jet-cooled conditions. The vibrationally resolved S1-S0 absorption spectrum was recorded by laser induced fluorescence and mass-resolved resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy and separated into conformers by UV-UV hole-burning (UV-UV HB) spectroscopy. The S1 lifetime measurements revealed different dynamics of para-methoxy methylcinnamate from ortho-methoxy methylcinnamate and meta-methoxy methylcinnamate (hereafter, abbreviated as p-, o-, and m-MMCs, respectively). The lifetimes of o-MMC and m-MMC are on the nanosecond time scale and exhibit little tendency of excess energy dependence. On the other hand, p-MMC decays much faster and its lifetime is conformer and excess energy dependent. In addition, the p-MMC-H2O complex was studied to explore the effect of hydration on the S1 state dynamics of p-MMC, and it was found that the hydration significantly accelerates the nonradiative decay. Quantum chemical calculation was employed to search the major decay route from S1(ππ*) for three MMCs and p-MMC-H2O in terms of (i) trans → cis isomerization and (ii) internal conversion to the 1nπ* state. In o-MMC and m-MMC, the large energy barrier is created for the nonradiative decay along (i) the double-bond twisting coordinate (~1000 cm-1) in S1 as well as (ii) the linear interpolating internal coordinate (~1000 cm-1) from S1 to 1nπ? states. The calculation on p-MMC decay dynamics suggests that both (i) and (ii) are available due to small energy barrier, i.e., 160 cm-1 by the double-bond twisting and 390 cm-1 by the potential energy crossing. The hydration of p-MMC raises the energy barrier of the IC route to the S1/1nπ* conical intersection, convincing that the direct isomerization is more likely to occur

    Formation of host–guest complexes on gold surface investigated by surface-enhanced IR absorption spectroscopy

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    We apply surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) spectroscopy to host-guest complexes in liquid phase to examine the structural change in the complex formation. Two thiol derivatives of 18-crown-6 (18C6) are chemisorbed on a gold surface, and aqueous solutions of MCl salts (M = Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs) are put to form M+・18C6 complexes. Infrared spectra of these complexes in the 900-2000 cm-1 region are obtained by SEIRA spectroscopy. The observed IR spectra show noticeable peaks due to the complex formation, demonstrating that SEIRA spectroscopy will be a powerful method to investigate the structure of host-guest complexes in supramolecular chemistry