585 research outputs found

    Macroeconomic Outlook for the Western Balkans in the Context of the Global Economic Crisis With a Focus on the Republic of Macedonia

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    The global economic crisis in the past five years has underlined the need for all countries to fundamentally review and strengthen their economic governance. Perhaps no other region in Europe is experiencing greater economic shocks than the Western Balkans, which continues to battle a decline in economic output and an increase in unemployment. In this article, we assess the macroeconomic outlook for the Western Balkan region, including Croatia, Serbia, Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Montenegro in the years 2012-2013. We use macroeconomic variables that compose economic macro-stabilization hexagon – the real growth rate of gross domestic product, the rate of inflation, the rate of unemployment, the public conventional deficit over GDP, the public debt over GDP, the current account deficit over GDP. Secondary analysis of previous quantitative data and published studies, combined with our own qualitative study in the field, has provided a reliable and convincing basis for analysis. Reducing the negative influence of the crisis on the economies and improving the economic situation of the populations in the respective countries is vital to popular support for, and the advance of, their European perspective. At the same time, despite the severe economic impact of the crisis on these countries, on their economies and the living standards of their populations, this study clearly shows and confirms the pro-European orientation of the Western Balkan countries.The paper considers different studies in view of economic development of the Western Balkan countries during the global economic crisis using statistical macroeconomic analysis. It is also based on the data for economic development of these countries provided by statistics from the IMF’s World Economic Outlook in April 2013 and in particular on recent reports of the European Commission for EU Candidate and Pre-Accession Countries presented in October 2012 and April 2013

    The effects of the global economic crisis on Macedonian economy: Some macroeconomic indicators and future policy recommendations

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    The recent economic and financial crisis caused a severe blow to the fragile Macedonian economy, halting the positive development trends in the last decade. This, has in turn, intensified the future challenges. The paper intends to analyze the impact of global economic crisis on the Macedonian economy focuses mainly on the macroeconomic level, identifying and analyzing fluctuations of major macroeconomic indicators that reflect the development and macroeconomic balances of the economy, such as GDP, the level of employment, inflation, budget deficit, public debt, etc. Secondary analysis of previous quantitative data and published studies, combined with an own qualitative study in the field, has provided a reliable and convincing basis for analysis. The experiences and lessons taken from the global economic crisis should serve as a basis for changing the current economic model with a new one in order the economy of the country to catch a connection with the intense changes that are expected to occur in the coming period. It is expected that creating new economic model in Republic of Macedonia will result in multiple positive effects that primarily manifested in the increasing number of newly small and medium enterprises, domestic investments, industrial production, GDP, number of new employees and total exports as well as in reduction of the trade deficit in maintaining macroeconomic stability of the country

    Asboblarning o’lchash sharoitlarida noaniqligini aniqlashdagi tahlillar

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    Ushbu maqolada hozirgi kunda har bir mutaxassis o‘z faoliyat sohasidagi parametrlarni va ularni o‘lchash usullarini, o‘lchash vositalarini, ularning texnikaviy tavsiflarini bilishlari zarur bo’lgan noaniqlik ta’riflari va ayrim yechimlari keltirilgan. Bundan tashqari texnika yo‘nalishidagi mutaxassislar o‘lchanadigan va baholanadigan kattaliklarni nazorat qilish vositalari hamda ularni ishlatish bilan bog‘liq bo‘lgan masalalar haqidagi noaniqliklar haqida ma’lumotlar tahlil qilingan

    Ta’limda innovatsion metodlarning sifatli ta’limdagi tutgan o’rni

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    Ushbu maqolada asosan bugungi zamonning mehnat bozori va malaka talablarining muhandis kadrlarga qo’ygan talabini bajarishda innovatsion metodlarning o’rni juda yuqori sanaladi. O’qitishning zamonaviy metodlarini qo’llash o’qitish jarayonida yuqori samaradorlikka erishishga olib keladi. Bu metodlarni har bir darsning didaktik vazifasidan kelib chiqib tanlash maqsadga muvofiq. An’anaviy dars shaklini saqlab qolgan holda uni ta’lim oluvchilar faoliyatini faollashtiradigan turli-tuman metodlar bilan boyitish ta’lim oluvchilarning o’zlashtirish darajasi o’sishiga olib keluvchi metodlar haqida tahlil va tadqiqotlar yoritilgan

    Maktab matematikasini o’qitishda Ibn Sino ijodidan foydalanish

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    Maqolada 7-sinf “Algebra” darsida ibn Sino ijodidan foydalanib, “Ayirmaning kvadrati” va “Yig`indining kvadrati” mavzularini o‘tish bo‘yicha ayrim uslubiy tavsiyalar berilgan. Buyuk tarixiy olimlarning mavzuga doir ilmiy izlanishlari yoritilgan

    Pollen morphology of Bulgarian species from the section Orobus (L.) Gren. et Godr. (genus Lathyrus, Fabaceae)

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    The pollen morphology of eight species from the section Orobus (L.) Gren. et Godr. (Lathyrus, Fabaceae) distributed in Bulgaria (Lathyrus alpestris, L. aureus, L. linifolius, L. niger, L. palustris, L. transsilvanicus, L. venetus and L. vernus.) was studied with light and scanning electrone microscope. The pollen grains are 3-zonocolporate of subprolate (semi-erectus) type (P/E=1.20–1.31), medium to large in size, elliptical or rectangular-obtuse- convex (equatorial view) and circular to slightly triangular-obtuse-convex (polar view). The ornamentation is predominantly perforate-foveolate but there are pollen grains with perforate-reticulate sculpture (L. alpestris, L. palustris) or almost reticulate (L. aureus)


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    In line with the increase of retirement age and challenges toward longer and healthier working lives in Europe, this evidence-based research aims to enlighten determinants of early retirement in Bulgaria, which is the most rapidly ageing and economically deprived country in European Union. This cross-sectional analysis is based on Survey of Health Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE: release 7.0). The early retirement plans for late career Bulgarians are significantly shaped by gender. Early retirement could be perceived as a source of guaranteed income and solution in case of unsecured employment, especially to those with bad health and low education

    Trust of population in public control

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    Public health inspectors are civil servants, whose activity is related to the implementation of the established by a statutory instrument health requirements for control of sites of public importance. That is why the confidence of the population in the proper performance of their functions is essential.The aim of the study, on the one hand, is to examine the population's assessment of the activities of public health inspectors, and on the other hand, to establish the confidence of the public in the exercise of their control functions.There were 123 respondents, randomly selected individuals, divided by age and education. Over 2/3 of the respondents were inspected by inspectors from the Regional Health Inspection and Regional Directorate of Food Safety, and a significant proportion of them were present at such inspections (87.8% of respondents). In the majority of cases (83.3%), inspectors had an adequate attitude to the inspected and correctly explained the procedure. Nearly 2/3 of the respondents (65%) had confidence in the control exercised by health inspectors. However, respondents shared suggestions for improving the effectiveness of health control: increasing the remuneration of inspectors, optimizing the regulatory framework, strictly monitored health control, better qualification of the personnel. This will increase confidence and restore respect and deference to the institution that public health inspectors represent

    Post-Brexit plans of Bulgarian citizens in the UK

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