153 research outputs found

    Maternal smoking during pregnancy and appetite control in offspring

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    Aims: Intrauterine exposure to tobacco smoke products has been associated with long-term neurobehavioral effects. Modified appetite control might explain the recently observed association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and obesity in offspring. Methods: Some 10,557 British adults aged 42 years born between 3-9 March 1958 were followed up in a birth cohort study (NCDS). The main outcome measure was self-reported poor appetite at age 42 years and main exposure was maternal smoking during pregnancy. Results: The proportion of offspring with poor appetite increased with maternal smoking during pregnancy: nonsmoking 4.5%; (4.0% - 5.0%), medium smoking 5.6%; (4.5 % - 6.8 %), variable smoking 6.8 %; (4.9 % - 9.1 %) and heavy smoking 7.7 %; (6.3 % - 9.4 %). The unadjusted odds ratios for maternal smoking during pregnancy (ever/never) and poor appetite is 1.49 (1.25 - 1.77) and after adjustment for BMI at 42 years and other potential confounding factors it is 1.22 (1.07 - 1.48). Conclusions: Offspring of mothers who smoked during pregnancy were more likely to report a poor appetite independent of a number of potential confounding factors. Although not in the expected direction, the results suggest maternal smoking during pregnancy may influence appetite perception through a developmental influence or through confounding by social factors

    Risk Factors for Obesity: Further Evidence for Stronger Effects on Overweight Children and Adolescents Compared to Normal-Weight Subjects

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    Background: We recently showed that in preschoolers risk factors for overweight show stronger associations with BMI in children with high BMI values. However, it is unclear whether these findings might also pertain to adolescents. Methods: We extracted data on 3–10 year-old (n = 7,237) and 11–17 year-old (n = 5,986) children from a representative cross-sectional German health survey (KiGGS) conducted between 2003 and 2006 and calculated quantile regression models for each age group. We used z-scores of children's body mass index (BMI) as outcome variable and maternal BMI, maternal smoking in pregnancy, low parental socioeconomic status, exclusive formula-feeding and high TV viewing time as explanatory variables. Results: In both age groups, the estimated effects of all risk factors except formula-feeding on BMI z-score were greatest for children with the highest BMI z-score. The median BMI z-score of 11–17 year-old children with high TV viewing time, for example, was 0.11 [95% CI: 0.03, 0.19] units higher than the median BMI z-score of teenage children with low TV viewing time. This risk factor was associated with an average difference of 0.18 [0.06, 0.30] units at the 90th percentile of BMI z-score and of 0.20 [0.07, 0.33] units at the 97th percentile. Conclusions: We confirmed that risk factors for childhood overweight are associated with greater shifts in the upper parts of the children's BMI distribution than in the middle and lower parts. These findings pertain also to teenagers and might possibly help to explain the secular shift in the upper BMI percentiles in children and adolescents

    Invasive Pneumococcal Pneumonia and Respiratory Virus Co-infections

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    Each year, especially in the winter, many get sick and some die of invasive pneumococcal pneumonia. Does this type of pneumonia increase in the winter because people are in closer contact indoors?  Or are people more susceptible to this bacterial disease after having had a seasonal respiratory virus infection?  A season-by-season analysis found an association between pneumococcal pneumonia and two viruses (influenza and respiratory syncytial virus). The association varied by season and was strongest when the predominant influenza virus subtype was H3N2. Vaccination against influenza and RSV should also help protect against pneumococcal pneumonia

    Utility of electronic patient records in primary care for stroke secondary prevention trials

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    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to inform the design of a pragmatic trial of stroke prevention in primary care by evaluating data recorded in electronic patient records (EPRs) as potential outcome measures. The study also evaluated achievement of recommended standards of care; variation between family practices; and changes in risk factor values from before to after stroke.METHODS: Data from the UK General Practice Research Database (GPRD) were analysed for 22,730 participants with an index first stroke between 2003 and 2006 from 414 family practices. For each subject, the EPR was evaluated for the 12 months before and after stroke. Measures relevant to stroke secondary prevention were analysed including blood pressure (BP), cholesterol, smoking, alcohol use, body mass index (BMI), atrial fibrillation, utilisation of antihypertensive, antiplatelet and cholesterol lowering drugs. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were estimated by family practice. Random effects models were fitted to evaluate changes in risk factor values over time.RESULTS: In the 12 months following stroke, BP was recorded for 90%, cholesterol for 70% and body mass index (BMI) for 47%. ICCs by family practice ranged from 0.02 for BP and BMI to 0.05 for LDL and HDL cholesterol. For subjects with records available both before and after stroke, the mean reductions from before to after stroke were: mean systolic BP, 6.02 mm Hg; diastolic BP, 2.78 mm Hg; total cholesterol, 0.60 mmol/l; BMI, 0.34 Kg/m2. There was an absolute reduction in smokers of 5% and heavy drinkers of 4%. The proportion of stroke patients within the recommended guidelines varied from less than a third (29%) for systolic BP, just over half for BMI (54%), and over 90% (92%) on alcohol consumption.CONCLUSIONS: Electronic patient records have potential for evaluation of outcomes in pragmatic trials of stroke secondary prevention. Stroke prevention interventions in primary care remain suboptimal but important reductions in vascular risk factor values were observed following stroke. Better recording of lifestyle factors in the GPRD has the potential to expand the scope of the GPRD for health care research and practice

    Predictors of overweight and obesity in five to seven-year-old children in Germany: Results from cross-sectional studies

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    BACKGROUND: Childhood obesity is a serious public health problem and epidemiological studies are important to identify predictive factors. It is the aim of this study to analyse factors associated with overweight/obesity in samples of German children. METHODS: 35,434 five to seven year-old children (50.9% boys) participated in cross-sectional studies between 1991 and 2000 in several rural and urban areas in East and West Germany. Weight and height were measured and body mass index was calculated. International cut-off points, recommended by the International Obesity Task Force, were used to classify childhood overweight and obesity. Predictive modelling was employed to analyse independently associated factors, using logistic regression to adjust for confounding. RESULTS: 15.5% were overweight, and 4.3% were obese. Female sex, other than German nationality, smoking in the living place and increasing birth weight were found to increase the odds of overweight and obesity, while increasing educational level, living space > 75 m2 and breastfeeding for more than three months were inversely associated. CONCLUSION: The findings add to the evidence informing public health action, both through health promotion strategies (promoting breastfeeding, tackling smoking) and wider societal change management (addressing children from migrant families and families with low educational level)

    Five meal patterns are differently associated with nutrient intakes, lifestyle factors and energy misreporting in a sub-sample of the Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort

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    OBJECTIVE: Examine how meal patterns are associated with nutrient intakes, lifestyle and socioeconomic factors, and energy misreporting. DESIGN: A cross-sectional study within the Malmö Diet and Cancer (MDC) cohort. Participants reported on the overall types and frequency of meals consumed, and completed a modified dietary history, a lifestyle and socioeconomic questionnaire, and anthropometric measurements. Based on the reported intake of six different meal types, meal pattern groups were distinguished using Ward's cluster analysis. Associations between meal patterns and nutrient intakes, anthropometric, lifestyle and socioeconomic variables were examined using the chi(2)-method and analysis of variance. SUBJECTS: A sub-sample of the MDC study cohort (n=28,098), consisting of 1,355 men and 1,654 women. RESULTS: Cluster analysis identified five groups of subjects with different meal patterns in both men and women. These meal pattern groups differed regarding nutrient intakes, lifestyle and socioeconomic factors. Subjects reporting frequent coffee meals were more likely to report an 'unhealthy' lifestyle, e.g. smoking, high alcohol consumption and low physical activity, while those with a fruit pattern reported a more 'healthy' lifestyle. Women were more likely to underreport their energy intake than men, and the degree of underreporting varied between the meal pattern groups. CONCLUSIONS: The meal pattern groups showed significant differences in dietary quality and socioeconomic and lifestyle variables. This supports previous research suggesting that diet is part of a multifaceted phenomenon. Incorporation of aspects on how foods are combined and eaten into public health advices might improve their efficiency