294 research outputs found

    Disproportionation Phenomena on Free and Strained Sn/Ge(111) and Sn/Si(111) Surfaces

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    Distortions of the 3Ă—3\sqrt3\times\sqrt3 Sn/Ge(111) and Sn/Si(111) surfaces are shown to reflect a disproportionation of an integer pseudocharge, QQ, related to the surface band occupancy. A novel understanding of the (3Ă—3)(3\times3)-1U (``1 up, 2 down'') and 2U (``2 up, 1 down'') distortions of Sn/Ge(111) is obtained by a theoretical study of the phase diagram under strain. Positive strain keeps the unstrained value Q=3 but removes distorsions. Negative strain attracts pseudocharge from the valence band causing first a (3Ă—3)(3\times3)-2U distortion (Q=4) on both Sn/Ge and Sn/Si, and eventually a (3Ă—3)(\sqrt3\times\sqrt3)-3U (``all up'') state with Q=6. The possibility of a fluctuating phase in unstrained Sn/Si(111) is discussed.Comment: Revtex, 5 pages, 3 figure

    Systematic Improvement of Classical Nucleation Theory

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    We reconsider the applicability of classical nucleation theory (CNT) to the calculation of the free energy of solid cluster formation in a liquid and its use to the evaluation of interface free energies from nucleation barriers. Using two different freezing transitions (hard spheres and NaCl) as test cases, we first observe that the interface-free-energy estimates based on CNT are generally in error. As successive refinements of nucleation-barrier theory, we consider corrections due to a non-sharp solid-liquid interface and to a non-spherical cluster shape. Extensive calculations for the Ising model show that corrections due to a non-sharp and thermally fluctuating interface account for the barrier shape with excellent accuracy. The experimental solid nucleation rates that are measured in colloids are better accounted for by these non-CNT terms, whose effect appears to be crucial in the interpretation of data and in the extraction of the interface tension from them.Comment: 20 pages (text + supplementary material

    Charge density waves and surface Mott insulators for adlayer structures on semiconductors: extended Hubbard modeling

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    Motivated by the recent experimental evidence of commensurate surface charge density waves (CDW) in Pb/Ge(111) and Sn/Ge(111) sqrt{3}-adlayer structures, as well as by the insulating states found on K/Si(111):B and SiC(0001), we have investigated the role of electron-electron interactions, and also of electron-phonon coupling, on the narrow surface state band originating from the outer dangling bond orbitals of the surface. We model the sqrt{3} dangling bond lattice by an extended two-dimensional Hubbard model at half-filling on a triangular lattice. We include an on-site Hubbard repulsion U and a nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction V, plus a long-ranged Coulomb tail. The electron-phonon interaction is treated in the deformation potential approximation. We have explored the phase diagram of this model including the possibility of commensurate 3x3 phases, using mainly the Hartree-Fock approximation. For U larger than the bandwidth we find a non-collinear antiferromagnetic SDW insulator, possibly corresponding to the situation on the SiC and K/Si surfaces. For U comparable or smaller, a rich phase diagram arises, with several phases involving combinations of charge and spin-density-waves (SDW), with or without a net magnetization. We find that insulating, or partly metallic 3x3 CDW phases can be stabilized by two different physical mechanisms. One is the inter-site repulsion V, that together with electron-phonon coupling can lower the energy of a charge modulation. The other is a novel magnetically-induced Fermi surface nesting, stabilizing a net cell magnetization of 1/3, plus a collinear SDW, plus an associated weak CDW. Comparison with available experimental evidence, and also with first-principle calculations is made.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Education in mine waste engineering: the experience of "SIGEO" Master's Course

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    On 19th July 1985 the failure of two tailings dams at the service of a fluorite mine in the Stava Valley (Italy) caused the death of 268 people and severe environmental and socioeconomic damage. Similar accidents have happened in Sgorigrad (Bulgaria, 1966), Aberfan (U.K., 1966), Buffalo Creek (USA, 1972), Aznalcollar (Spain, 1998), Taoshi (China, 2008) and many other places worldwide. The European Union has recognized the seriousness of the problems concerning the management and disposal of mining waste (over 400 million tonnes per year worldwide). With the 2006/21/CE Directive, the EU has urged all member States to carry out censuses, monitoring and consolidation of existing structures under the supervision of qualified experts. These experts should be provided with interdisciplinary knowledge that is difficult to attain during normal degree courses. For this reason, the Trento and Modena-Reggio Emilia Universities and the Turin Polytechnic have set up a post-graduate Master’s Course in “Analysis and Management of Geotechnical Structures”. The article describes the interdisciplinary approach adopted in the course and aims to stimulate the sharing of this initiative among other European Universities

    Safe obstacle avoidance for industrial robot working without fences

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    Abstract-Until now, the presence of fences is a technological barrier for the adoption of robots in Small Medium Enterprises (SME). The work deals with the definition of an intrinsically safe algorithm to avoid collisions between an industrial manipulator and obstacles in its workspace (Standard ISO 10218-1). The suggested strategy aims to offer an industrial solution to the problem: an off-line analysis of the workspace is performed to have an exhaustive and intrinsically description of the static obstacles and a safe spatial grid of "pass-through points" is calculated; an on-line algorithm, based on an enhanced Artificial Potential Field evaluates the most suitable points to avoid collisions against obstacles and perform a realtime replanning the path of the robot. A Matlab toolbox that elaborates STL CAD files has been developed to obtain a full description of the workcell, and the avoidance algorithm has been designed and implemented in a standard industrial controller. Various experimental results are reported by using a COMAU NS16 arm manipulator

    A fingerprint of surface-tension anisotropy in the free-energy cost of nucleation

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    We focus on the Gibbs free energy \u394G for nucleating a droplet of the stable phase (e.g. solid) inside the metastable parent phase (e.g. liquid), close to the first-order transition temperature. This quantity is central to the theory of homogeneous nucleation, since it superintends the nucleation rate. We recently introduced a field theory describing the dependence of \u394G on the droplet volume V, taking into account besides the microscopic fuzziness of the droplet-parent interface, also small fluctuations around the spherical shape whose effect, assuming isotropy, was found to be a characteristic logarithmic term. Here we extend this theory, introducing the effect of anisotropy in the surface tension, and show that in the limit of strong anisotropy \u394G(V) once more develops a term logarithmic on V, now with a prefactor of opposite sign with respect to the isotropic case. Based on this result, we argue that the geometrical shape that large solid nuclei mostly prefer could be inferred from the prefactor of the logarithmic term in the droplet free energy, as determined from the optimization of its near-coexistence profile

    Theory for transport through a single magnetic molecule: Endohedral N@C60

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    We consider transport through a single N@C60 molecule, weakly coupled to metallic leads. Employing a density-matrix formalism we derive rate equations for the occupation probabilities of many-particle states of the molecule. We calculate the current-voltage characteristics and the differential conductance for N@C60 in a break junction. Our results reveal Coulomb-blockade behavior as well as a fine structure of the Coulomb-blockade peaks due to the exchange coupling of the C60 spin to the spin of the encapsulated nitrogen atom.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, v2: version as publishe

    Reformulating Supersymmetry with a Generalized Dolbeault Operator

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    The conditions for N=1 supersymmetry in type II supergravity have been previously reformulated in terms of generalized complex geometry. We improve that reformulation so as to completely eliminate the remaining explicit dependence on the metric. Doing so involves a natural generalization of the Dolbeault operator. As an application, we present some general arguments about supersymmetric moduli. In particular, a subset of them are then classified by a certain cohomology. We also argue that the Dolbeault reformulation should make it easier to find existence theorems for the N=1 equations.Comment: 30 pages, no figures. v2: minor correction
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