35 research outputs found
Comparison between gravitational and inertial mass: Two experiments with Real Time Laboratory
Two simple experiments performed with RTL (Real Time Laboratory) offer an opportunity to make clear for the students the difference between weight and mass, and between inertial and gravitational mass. The role of the hydrodynamic mass is also investigated, and various effects on the motion of different bodies due to the presence of air are discussed
Effects of Pressure On Electronic Bubbles In Liquid Neon
A calculation is performed for the ground state energy of an electronic bubble in liquid neon as a function of temperature and pressure, and using experimentally determined electron-neon scattering cross sections. The density of the compressed liquid is calculated from an equation of corresponding states. It is found that the electronic bubble should collapse at temperatures near Tc with a few atmospheres of overpressur
Playing with a bulb lamp: RTL measurements and modelling
The electric, thermal and optical behaviour of an incandescent lamp was studied by a real time laboratory (RTL) apparatus, using two voltage probes and a light probe. The software STELLA was used to model the phenomena and to analyse the transient behaviour in absence of thermal equilibrium. We show how the Joule-heating effect explains the non-linear current/voltage relation and how the filament thermal capacity affects the phase lag of light peaks with respect to input power peaks
Macchina per la preparazione di bevande
Un sistema basato su celle di peltier per raffreddare immediatamente dopo la produzione caff\ue8 o infusi (t\ue8 camomilla ecc). Il vantaggio \ue8 una produzione di bevande calde di qualit\ue0 pi\uf9 elevata rispetto agli altri sistemi attualmente in uso